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Smoking erases Y chromosomes

They are talking about white blood cells, which do contain nucleus……..one of the source of karyotyping is white blood cells……..others are bone marrow and amniotic fluid.
yeah , i figured that out .

i am asking : what is the condition called ? in what situations does that happen and what are the consequences ?

Chromo what??/

I aint quitting anytime sooner.
good for you , big boy !!! :mad:

you think doctors are liars and they lie to you about the consequences of smoking ? :mad:

quite it brother , for your own sake
Save the Males!: The "Degenerating" Y Chromosome
By Sarah S. Richardson | January 9, 2014

Human genomes are 99.9 percent identical—with one prominent exception. Instead of a matching pair of X chromosomes, men carry a single X, coupled with a tiny chromosome called the Y. Tracking the emergence of a new and distinctive way of thinking about sex represented by the unalterable, simple, and visually compelling binary of the X and Y chromosomes, my book,
Sex Itself: The Search for Male and Female in the Human Genome, examines the interaction between cultural gender norms and genetic theories of sex from the beginning of the 20th century to the present, postgenomic age. Here, we've excerpted from the chapter "Save the Males!"

The prospect that the human Y chromosome might be “degenerating” erupted into public debate in the first years of the 21st century. In a 2002 Nature concept paper, Australian sex chromosome geneticist Jenny Graves and a colleague, Ross Aitken, predicted the extinction of the human Y chromosome in 10 million years:

The original Y chromosome contained around 1,500 genes, but during the ensuing 300 million years all but about 50 were inactivated or lost. Overall, this gives an inactivation rate of five genes per million years. The presence of many genes that have lost their function (pseudogenes) on the Y chromosome indicates that this process of attrition is continuing, so that even these key genes will be lost. At the present rate of decay, the Y chromosome will self-destruct in around 10 million years. This has already occurred in the mole vole, in which the Y chromosome (together with all of its genes) has been completely lost from the genome.
This was a back-of-the-envelope calculation, yet Graves’s Y-extinction prediction raised several testable questions in genomics and evolutionary theory. If the Y chromosome disappears, what genes, if any, might replace the male sex-determining pathway in the mammalian genome? What role might a radical change in the sex-determining system play in speciation? What population-genetic dynamics might speed up or slow down degeneration on the Y?

Notably, Graves did not predict the disappearance of males: “A maleless world is not a necessary consequence of losing the Y chromosome,” Graves has insisted. Male-specific processes may also be performed by genes on the X or the autosomes. After all, XX/XO species that lack a Y, such as mole voles, still have males. Loss of the Y, if it did not lead to the extinction of the human species (both males and females), would more likely cause a new sex-determining system to evolve. Graves predicted that a new sex-determining pathway would probably begin to assert itself well before the disappearance of the Y, in response to increasingly low male fertility.
more here:
Save the Males!: The "Degenerating" Y Chromosome | The Hairpin

The last para read weird. so, X will perform the job of Y chromosome? :o:
I have never smoked. The reason is I hate the smell of smoldering tobacco. And honestly blowing out grey smoke out of the mouth looks quite stupid.
Stay away from smoking and smokers.

Hate the sin, not the sinner ;)

Started smoking 3~4 years ago. Went from one cig a day to a packet a day in about one year. Been trying to quit for past few months, unsuccessfully so far.

The thing about these medical warnings is like "Yea I know its bad and I should stop". But then the time comes for your next smoke after that good nice meal you're like "one more isn't gonna kill me, will reduce/stop tomorrow/next week/after this big project etc".

Aaand I need one right now :(
i am asking : what is the condition called ? in what situations does that happen and what are the consequences

Deep down inside, its all chemistry……..human body is made up of chemicals that are involved in different chemical reactions and the source of these chemicals is our food…….and not only this, this whole chemical process is so precise that even a single base pair change can cause an altered body function and hence disability or ability…….pesticides, insecticides, smoking, chewing tobacco, pan etc. etc. are all chemicals that, when consumed by body, CAN alter our chemical composition and the consequences will depend upon the damage they do………
Smoking ERASES Y chromosome is a bit exaggerated statement in my view……..because as an adult, our body cells are at unipotency state (mostly), means they have differentiated into performing a specific function of the body………for example, heart cells have all the 46 chromosomes and there respective genes present in it, but only those are functional that have something to do with heart and the rest of the genes are in inactive form……so, smoke of cigarette only interacts with our mouth, lung and indirectly to blood……how can it effects a specific chromosome present in other parts of the body and how can it target a specific chromosome when all the chromosomes and there respective genes are exactly same in composition???????…….(they only differ in there arrangement of base pairs, not in composition)………Y chromosome is only active in germ cells that are present in testes……….so, I think the word “erase” needs a lot more explanation from the scientists who performed this study.
Hate the sin, not the sinner ;)

Started smoking 3~4 years ago. Went from one cig a day to a packet a day in about one year. Been trying to quit for past few months, unsuccessfully so far.

The thing about these medical warnings is like "Yea I know its bad and I should stop". But then the time comes for your next smoke after that good nice meal you're like "one more isn't gonna kill me, will reduce/stop tomorrow/next week/after this big project etc".

Aaand I need one right now :(
Most of the time sinners will lead you to sin, so, hating sinners is must :lol:.

There is nothing impossible if you put your best into it!! :yes4:
I have done a lot of thing which people use to say impossible for me. (one of them is to avoid smoking and smokers)
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