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I am with you on this. Android is the way to go.

To Add more Samsung is coming out soon Next Year with Smartphones for Windows MO OS, it would be so pathetic to see iPhone trashed with multiple Samsung highly advanced smartphones for multiple advanced OS.

Better luck next time, iSHEEPS.:D
Oh yeah my gorilla glass broke down and had to pay 5k more. Thank you Samsung.
One should only buy an android phone if it's the flagship model like google Nexus models where updates will be rolled out properly.
Why IOS apps are better than Android
Why iOS Apps Look Better Than Android Apps | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

So far Android lovers haven't been able to put across any thing substantial, that would prove that Android is better than IOS, all they have to share are their conjectures and that too without ever using IOS. I am using both Android and IOS and for obvious reasons i have to say that Android is choking on dust trail, which IOS has left behind. Android lovers are like die hard Toyotta Corolla fans, who out of their ignorance, always say ''Guddi tay XLI aye'' without realizing that it's a 1300 cc engine in a huge body, same goes for Android phones, Apples processors are way more powerful than anything that Android fones can offer on a fone that is as heavy and has the size of a ''ITT''
For those who donot know what an ITT is :rofl:

BTW Galaxy note is even bigger than an ITT :P

The article comparing the iOS & Android apps was good. Android users weren't really able to do much besides throwing in a couple of insults.

By the way, what is an "ITT"? Does it mean "in this thread"?

I will never buy a Samsung phone(and possibly android phone) again, since they refuse to roll out ICS update for Galaxy S and made it a big bloatware.

What's the point of spending 20+k INR on a phone that becomes obsolete in a year. F**king Aholes.

Updates are a massive problem on the Android platform. Once again Android's horrible fragmentation is at fault here.

To Add more Samsung is coming out soon Next Year with Smartphones for Windows MO OS, it would be so pathetic to see iPhone trashed with multiple Samsung highly advanced smartphones for multiple advanced OS.

Better luck next time, iSHEEPS.:D

No one has been able to prove Android is superior to iOS so far.

Here is another interesting article for everyone to read.

I'm sick to death of Android | ZDNet
Says You? typical iSHEEP.
Name Calling is a sign of exasperation, which is totally expected from Android people.
The article comparing the iOS & Android apps was good. Android users weren't really able to do much besides throwing in a couple of insults.

By the way, what is an "ITT"? Does it mean "in this thread"?
No dear, ITT is punjabi for a brick :lol:

This is not a common issue with the iPhone 4 or 4S. Yeah sure the screen can break depending upon the height from which it fell, the angle of the fall, or the surface it fell on to. That does not mean any slight drop will shatter the screen, I dropped my iPhone a couple of times & nothing happened to it thank God.

If the customer is still under the warranty Apple will replace the hand set immediately. Keep in mind that this does not make Android superior to iOS.

No dear, ITT is punjabi for a brick :lol:

Lol, I didn't know that.

I lost interest in this article when this person stated he never owned an iPhone. In fact the entire article just seems like a pointless rant. It seems this person isn't fond of Apple's ecosystem or the way Apple does things.

I can post lots of article about people ranting about their hatred for Android as well, but I won't because Android users have been embarrassed enough already. ;)
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