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Sikhs are not Hindus - White House petition calls Obama to seek explanation from Modi.

Ah! By non-issue I meant it is not serious enough to cause a riot. I want the whole distinction by religion removed, if you take my opinion. :cheers:


I want same set of rules for everyone and no special perks/laws for special community. Further, read about Sikh History and start from 1940's. We always asked for our rights through Democratic Process and sacrificed ourself for Mother India, but in result we've got Discrimination. The Congress Sarkar - Labelled Sikhs as Terrorist. The Terrorism and demand for separate country in Punjab was only because of Kuitya Indira Gandhi and her policies, Rajiv Gandhi and Congress are responsible for what happened in 84. Blame them for Ill's not....
I want same set of rules for everyone and no special perks/laws for special community. Further, read about Sikh History and start from 1940's. We always asked for our rights through Democratic Process and sacrificed ourself for Mother India, but in result we've got Discrimination. The Congress Sarkar - Labelled Sikhs as Terrorist. The Terrorism and demand for separate country in Punjab was only because of Kuitya Indira Gandhi and her policies, Rajiv Gandhi and Congress are responsible for what happened in 84. Blame them for Ill's not....

I agree with you. The Indian machinery actually did a stellar job of hiding those dark times from school curricula, and I was baffled to read about what had happened especially in the 80s. The monstrosity of Indira and her thugs, Congress's behavior to date and denial of justice would appall any human. Being besties with innumerable sikhs makes it worse. The question for separation is thankfully now past.

I'm atheist, there is no non-religious or secular humanist category in the legal sense in India. Even though I want that new category or a total abolition of this division, I'm not going to lose my sleep over it. Which is why I don't understand the reason why this article of any practical seriousness, of how exactly Article 25 affects Sikhs in day to day affairs, or is it only symbolic?
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I agree with you. The Indian machinery actually did a stellar job of hiding those dark times from school curricula, and I was baffled to read about what had happened especially in the 80s. The monstrosity of Indira and her thugs, Congress's behavior to date and denial of justice would appall any human. Being besties with innumerable sikhs makes it worse. The question for separation is thankfully now past.

I'm atheist, there is no non-religious or secular humanist category in the legal sense in India. Even though I want that new category or a total abolition of this division, I'm not going to lose my sleep over it. Which is why I don't understand the reason why this article of any practical seriousness, of how exactly Article 25 affects Sikhs in day to day affairs, or is it only symbolic?

Read it carefully, you'll understand.I'll give you an Ex: Being a Hindu, if your Constitution Defines you as a Christan. Is it going to effect you? Or Being a Hindu, your mother and sister gets Muslim Marriage Certificate and when you have to provide that certificate to your employer - as per it you are a Muslim. Is it going to effect you or not?
Ex: Being a Hindu, if your Constitution Defines you has a Christan. Is it going to effect you? Or Being a Hindu, your mother and sister gets Muslim Marriage Certificate and when you have to provide that certificate to your employer - as per it you are a Muslim. Is it going to effect you or not?

It's all clear now. I am ex-hindu, perhaps it doesn't affect me the same way it does to you. I see buddhists and jains too fall under this category. The best way obviously is to remove the hindu or christian certificates, as is followed by most liberal democracies.
It's all clear now. I am ex-hindu, perhaps it doesn't affect me the same way it does to you. I see buddhists and jains too fall under this category. The best way obviously is to remove the hindu or christian certificates, as is followed by most liberal democracies.

Everyone in India was/is ex-hindu. That is the way forward and we've been asking for it for 60 + years now. :lol:
Everyone in India was/is ex-hindu. That is the way forward and we've been asking for it for 67 years. :lol:

Cheers. :enjoy:

Though the muslim right here is the real problem. I don't see them agreeing with the UCC any time soon.
Cheers. :enjoy:

Though the muslim right here is the real problem. I don't see them agreeing with the UCC any time soon.

It would be next to impossible to implement UCC as it's going to hurt Pseudo Social Fabric & Secularism. If Government wants to provide freebie etc to particular community do it, we don't want it, we are amongst the wealthiest communities. However, we want our HAQ. Sada haq ethe rakh. :enjoy:
Sikhs are our brothers and we hold them close to our heart.Sikhs in India go to hindu temples,celebrate Hindu festivals ,revere cow and cremate their bodies just like us Hindus.Sikhs never in history felt that they were different from Hindus.In fact they laid their lives for us to protect us from barbaric Muslim rulers.Even today the percentage of Sikhs in Indian army is very high.They are true sons of bharat mata.While we are at it,I request all the PDF Indians to condemn sardar ji jokes whenever they come across them.Create awareness among people(the small number of people who are still there)it is a very bad thing to make jokes on a community that has been serving this country for hundreds of years.
It would be next to impossible to implement UCC as it's going to hurt Pseudo Social Fabric & Secularism. If Government wants to provide freebie etc to particular community do it, we don't want it, we are amongst the wealthiest communities. However, we want our HAQ. Sada haq ethe rakh. :enjoy:

Agreed. I'd actually be interested in parliamentary debates to what led to 25B in the first place. Surely, you guys and buddhists and jains would have disagreed back then.
Another bunch of frustrated khalistanis in the US.

Are they seriously thinking that they can change anything with that ? :lol:
LOL!! Saffron Chaddis are bashing Pakistan while petition is made by Sikhs. It's also amusing when Hindus & Sikhs alike says that Sikhism was created to fight Muslims in other words Hindus were cowards to fight, so they have to give up their religion and adopt new to have courage to fight? If this is the case than purpose of Sikhism is finished as Mughals are long gone, so all Sikhs should revert back to Hinduism.

The petition has been made by a confused American Shikh....and Pakis get jubilant about it. Hindus were not coward...but the religion didn't support bloodbath...like barbaric muzzies forefathers taught them to be. So a special sect with freedom from the Hindu laws were created who replied in the muzzie language. All Hindu families converted their elder son to a Shikh....the Mughals are gone....but their illegitimate kids are still in the Indian neighbourhood which needs to be checked. Reverting back to Hinduism is up to the Shikhs...unlike Islam.....Hinduism is not forced upon...Shikhs worship Hindu Gods and most Hindus in Punjab goes to Gurudwara and worships the 10 gurus as saints.
The Indian Punjab is basically Bihar 2.0... They barely even speak Punjabi anymore

And this come from a country where follower of Sikhism is narrowing by every passing day.

Only Indian sikh are true sikh all other converted to other religion.
Another bunch of frustrated khalistanis in the US.

Are they seriously thinking that they can change anything with that ? :lol:

It was Congress who created Frustrated Khaistani's by depriving rights to them + Killing their families and what not? What they are asking is being asked by Majority of Sikhs in India. :coffee:
I support Sikhs support for Khalistan. They have suffered much and have no country for themselves. They are divided and weak. My support for Khalistan mostly emanates from the fact that Sikhs want Khalistan for very similar reasons for which we wanted Pakistan.

They want a Khalistan because they have been oppressed and their right to follow their separate religion culled. They also want only the right to follow their own religion freely which India does not allow. We must support the Khalistan movement regardless of religion of those who want it. We raise Kashmir but we fail to raise Khalistan issue. That has to do with our own biases against Sikhs. I hope Khalistani sikhs join the forum and we have an independent Khalistan and Kashmir.
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