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Sikhs are not Hindus - White House petition calls Obama to seek explanation from Modi.

Muslims were still the majority in Lahore and demographic have nothing to do with my statement you retard. Not to mention Muslims had a majority in Amritsar as well so if anything that city should have gone to Pakistan as well, nonetheless all of this is irrelevant because it had nothing to do with my original point.

Punjabi Muslims have 65+ years of ruling Lahore and counting. :cheers:
You retard convert, yes muslims were in majority in Punjab yes but they used to live in villages mostly. And it was a 60-40 mjority. In Lahore Hindus and Sikhs were in majority.
You retard convert, yes muslims were in majority in Punjab yes but they used to live in villages mostly. And it was a 60-40 mjority. In Lahore Hindus and Sikhs were in majority.

Listen Hindu. Punjab was always majority Muslim. Muslims were in Punjab even before Sikh religion was founded.
Not necessarily. The petition would need 100,000 signatures for the White House to even consider it. This one only has 4000+ signatures so far. It needs another 95000+ signatures before the whitehouse looks at it which I doubt it will get.

I think he was being sarcastic.
Sikhs are decent people but the whole history behind their situation just irks me off. They turned their backs on Muslims and allowed the partitioning of Punjab for their Hindu brothers who then stabbed them in their backs, partitioned their land further, and finished things off by attacking their holiest place. On top of that they got lazy and now Biharis have overrun what little of Punjab they had left lol. Much of their plight is bad decisions coming home to roost.

You don't know basic history.

The history of Sikhism is all about resisting the barbaric fil.thy uncivilized invaders and not surrendering to them. Two of the Sikh gurus and countless innocent Sikhs were murdered by this barbaric uncivilized fil.th.

The fil.thy barbarian Abdali killed cows in the golden temple to desecrate it and he is your hero because he also killed and raped and looted Pakistani cities!

Sikhs are the part of the Dharma who took weapons against the barbaric invaders. They are Dharmic people, not Ajlaf musallahs. They share nothing with them.
Not necessarily. The petition would need 100,000 signatures for the White House to even consider it. This one only has 4000+ signatures so far. It needs another 95000+ signatures before the whitehouse looks at it which I doubt it will get.

Question Modi "WHY Indian constitution labels "Sikhs" as Hindus?" while attending Constitution Day events on January 26. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

I would love to promote it. However, I am against last option. :(
You don't know basic history.

The history of Sikhism is all about resisting the barbaric fil.thy uncivilized invaders and not surrendering to them. Two of the Sikh gurus and countless innocent Sikhs were murdered by this barbaric uncivilized fil.th.

The fil.thy barbarian Abdali killed cows in the golden temple to desecrate it and he is your hero because he also killed and raped and looted Pakistani cities!

Sikhs are the part of the Dharma who took weapons against the barbaric invaders. They are Dharmic people, not Ajlaf musallahs. They share nothing with them.

Saffron coated history, do not forget Nanak and his dervish tendencies. No point of quoting me we rehash the same shit, it is getting repetitive and old.
You retard convert, yes muslims were in majority in Punjab yes but they used to live in villages mostly. And it was a 60-40 mjority. In Lahore Hindus and Sikhs were in majority.

Lahore had a Muslim majority you dumb dothead. The last census was done in 1941 and that established a Muslim majority.
Yeah it is funny he goes bloody invaders but the story of Mirza Sahiban involved only Muslims. :lol:

Its not anyones fault if you convert or what you think sikhs were fighting for?

Listen Hindu. Punjab was always majority Muslim. Muslims were in Punjab even before Sikh religion was founded.

And before that it was all Hindus ;-)
You pinhead why would they lie in documentry

You imbecile just because it is a documentary doesn't mean they had all the facts. If they said Lahore had a majority of non Muslims they are wrong. The last census was done in 1941 that is what Radcliffe looked at when he was drawing up the border and allocating cities, if they are getting their numbers from elsewhere they are just fooling themselves.
True Muslims should have offered full autonomy or something in eastern part of Punjab.

You do not make sense.

You quote the guy saying it was muslims story. Who were muslims fighting with sikh invaders? Ofcourse it was the fight for all who were born in that land against muslim invaders. But that video does not depect any war just little skirmishes. Some have converted , some not.
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