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Sikhs are not Hindus - White House petition calls Obama to seek explanation from Modi.

My cousin is half Ukranian and half Pakistani Punjabi. He speaks Punjabi like a pathan.
Arre haan bhai you guys are real Jats, Muslims, Pakistanis
Saada ki aa aasi ta din kati jaane aa :lol:

You guys have let too many bhaiyas in your lands and your blood has been diluted. You can still stop the process.
Err - Bhaiya Bhana taa, vadha Babu Man banhan chalya see. :lol:
Bas yahi dekhna baki reh gaya tha ek Indian, Pakistani ki bakwas par Indian ka mazak udhyega :cray:
Kya karu saare dost Babbu Maan ke fan hai naa chahte hue bhi songs sunne padte hai :hitwall:
In regards to the issue, I hope that the Indian Government under Modi can clarify this as it grossly misrepresents an entire religious group that are supposed to be afforded participatory representation.

Don't be carried away by nonsense being spouted by some here. Nowhere does the constitution say that Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains are Hindus, only a clarification to whom the "Hindu civil laws" applies. The term Hindu is largely irrelevant here because the law is not based on Hindu teachings, more a secular law that applies to these four religions. The reason Hindu was used to describe the law was because of alternate religion based laws for Christians & Muslims. The term can be removed if thought inappropriate - can be called a common civil law etc....

This essentially means that unless the constitution is changed the Sikhs can't legally claim their right to self determination and the constitution can NEVER be changed because the Hindus dominate the parliament and electoral vote bank.

This is essentially gibberish being used as an argument. There is no right of self determination for any religion and the law can be changed if the courts held it as being wrong.
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There is problem with this clause. Matter is already with Supreme Court India and A bill has already been presented in Parliament of India asking to amend the clause 25B of the Constitution of India. The problem in India is that it takes long year's to pass the bill, but eventually it's going to be passed.

Further, not only Sikh's, but all the religions in India are allowed to practice their Religion without any issues.

In regards to the issue, I hope that the Indian Government under Modi can clarify this as it grossly misrepresents an entire religious group that are supposed to be afforded participatory representation.

Lot of Injustice has happened with Sikhs, it's only Courtesy of Congress Party. Our Guru's gave their life for the Motherland, so would we follow our Guru's Path. Those who think that Sikh's are going to Part away from India and establish a separate country are living in Lala Land and are far away from reality. They should once in their life visit Indian Punjab. People find it cumbersome to earn two times meal, no one has time to create a Separate Country. o_O
Sikhs are decent people but the whole history behind their situation just irks me off. They turned their backs on Muslims and allowed the partitioning of Punjab for their Hindu brothers who then stabbed them in their backs, partitioned their land further, and finished things off by attacking their holiest place. On top of that they got lazy and now Biharis have overrun what little of Punjab they had left lol. Much of their plight is bad decisions coming home to roost.
Forget Partition for a moment,what about the recent attacks on Sikhs in NWFP now KP.Why r Hindus from Sindh migrating to India,can u explain
I debated on this subject with two known Hindutva Nutjobs of PDF. I surprised they ain't posting in thread. They can try and convince people Sikhs are Hindus. :lol:
What is it with certain Pakistanis on this forum and their dream of a divided India ? Kashmir, Sikhs, Naxals, Tamils etc the list is endless. These issues seem to weigh more heavily on the minds of certain Pakistani members here than they do on the minds of the entire of India. Take a chill pill guys. India is remaining one big entity with all of its socio problems for years to come. The internal political problems which it faces are miniscule compared to many other developing nations who are a fragment of India's size. Fortunately for Pakistan, India will remain stable even whilst Pakistan faces its more challenging years after its formation. I say fortunately for Pakistan since many of the wealthier Pakistanis and the Muhajirs will at least have a place to seek refuge in if Pakistan eventually disintegrates into a nation of madness where people are killed purely for not being born into a certain acceptable religion or sect.
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