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Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!?

Are we ready for this? Will you support the Bangladesh people for this CHANGE?

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No offence to anyone Bengali or Bangladeshi, esp. if they're HIndu; but the Padma river is a tributary to the dirtiest river on earth, the Ganga :undecided:

Padma is the "distributary" of the Ganga:tsk:. So the education system is so weak in Pakistan that you don't know shit about secondary school geography.

The dirtiest river on the planet its not that dirty.

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Padma is the "distributary" of the Ganga:tsk:. So the education system is so week (weak?) in Pakistan that you don't know shit about secondary school geography.

Fail attempt at trying to score a brownie point. I don't live in Pakistan *points to flags*
Secondly, I stopped learning geography after year 9 when I took up history instead.
Thirdly, I'm sure you got the point though :lol:
Bhul bhal boke jao.. muslim is muslim.. so apprently you are trying there is no difference between Gunwielding nut jobs like tha talibs and People like Nazrul Islam are the same:o:... and we have screwed up brains. good luck with that... :enjoy:

What islamophobic bigots/westerners etc mean by the terms such as extremist/moderate/liberal is pretty apparent. A muslim abiding by his/her religion is extremist/terrorist while those who are not religious even anti-islam are some how good "muslims" labelled liberal/moderate etc. Like it or not 150 mn "extremist" exist on both sides of India with another 1.5 Bn around the globe and the no. is only growing. Learn to live with that reality in mind. Not to mention another 120mn + "extremist" in India itself. :enjoy:
Bhul bhal boke jao.. muslim is muslim.. so apprently you are trying there is no difference between Gunwielding nut jobs like tha talibs and People like Nazrul Islam are the same:o:... and we have screwed up brains. good luck with that... :enjoy:

Talibans are students of Islam, they are the true followers of orthodox Islam, and Kazi Nazrul Islam is a murtard who even composed and sang Shyama-Sangeet to worship a pagan Hindu god!!!!!

I think BD should also get rid of their national poet Nazrul along with Tagore, in fact poetry itself is an un-Islamic thingy as far as I know. This Bengali culture is simply polluting the pious environment of BD.
Fail attempt at trying to score a brownie point. I don't live in Pakistan *points to flags*
Secondly, I stopped learning geography after year 9 when I took up history instead;
Thirdly, I'm sure you got the point though :lol:

Yup got your point. Pakistanis end screwed up even in the British education system, perhaps its something endemic. Its not about learning, per se, its about knowing what you are talking about.

P.S. Stopped studying Geography 13 years ago took up Energy engineering. And you are very enthusiastic about typos.
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We ain't fish bhaat eating people. That's why we want to change the script and our way of culture so people can distinguish us between West Bengalis vegetarian fish-bhaat eating people with their ganga panga pooja. We are omnivorous people who eat Chicken, goat etc. And cow which you people call it "Maa" LMAO
You should come to Bangladesh some day during Eid al Azha and see how we slaughter your cows and it's literally on the streets! And we call it Qurbaani Eid!! The poor and the Fakirs looooove Qurbaani Eid, because they get free meat!

That provoking is useless you can even eat pizza-pasta, you guys are what you are fish bhaat eating east Bengalis who were not the rulers of anyone until you got your country called Bangladesh.
What islamophobic bigots/westerners etc mean by the terms such as extremist/moderate/liberal is pretty apparent. A muslim abiding by his/her religion is extremist/terrorist while those who are not religious even anti-islam are some how good "muslims" labelled liberal/moderate etc. Like it or not 150 mn "extremist" exist on both sides of India with another 1.5 Bn around the globe and the no. is only growing. Learn to live with that reality in mind. Not to mention another 120mn + "extremist" in India itself. :enjoy:

So you suggest that the entire global Islamic population is huge monolithic structure with no factions and all are the same in their thought process exactly identical. What you state is skewed representation and an attempt to obfuscate one self from the reality. Even if say I take up you reason that the world looks all devouts are 'extremists' and all "anti-Islam" as moderates. This is going no where.

There is abso lately no difference between the Saudis, the Iranians and the Afghan rag tag talibs. Awesome.

The biggest detriment to the cause of Islam have been the "extremists", but in your view they are not anti-Islam and its teachings. The ones who recognize the other religions rights to coexist freely, aka 'liberals' are the anti-Islam people, even though they may follow Islam in practice ?

We are happy with the Muslims in India, they are as much an Indian as I am, and they are not Extremists. The seer lack of reason and incoherent logic in your statements is appalling.

Zaid Hamid would be proud of you.

Do you think all the Bangladeshis are idiots? Most of us are Muslims first and foremost and for us Muslims, religion comes first and then Nationality because we believe in Almighty Allah! Christian or a Hindu will never understand it! NEVER! Most of us would love to bring the Nastaliq script back because seriously it's going to help us with our religion and our identity as Muslims because that is our first priority! Like I said, it's true most Bangladeshis don't really give a damn about Bangla script. Infact everyone hates studying it and you can see the proof in schools.

We ain't fish bhaat eating people. That's why we want to change the script and our way of culture so people can distinguish us between West Bengalis vegetarian fish-bhaat eating people with their ganga panga pooja. We are omnivorous people who eat Chicken, goat etc. And cow which you people call it "Maa" LMAO
You should come to Bangladesh some day during Eid al Azha and see how we slaughter your cows and it's literally on the streets! And we call it Qurbaani Eid!! The poor and the Fakirs looooove Qurbaani Eid, because they get free meat!

What's the deal with labelling Muslim Bangladeshis as Jamaati!? You think we are Hindus like West Bengalis so if I say anything Islamic you get to automatically call us Jamaatis? We are Muslims but not Jamaatis! That's why we want a separate script so people don't associate us and think we and Hindu West Bengalis are the same because we are not.

All this effort to prove that you are not West Bengali... Just like Pakistan is trying hard to prove it is not India. You feel insecure of your identity in country of 99% Muslims. The Mullah are doing a great Job one failed state on the west and now one treading in the same path on the east. all the best wipe out your Bengali identity. Speak Arabi.... Go though mass genetic engineering and make yourself white and tall as the Arabs... don't stop at the script itself, go the full distance.
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You are so right, dear. I completely agree with every single thing that you just said! By the way, I plan on learning Farsi this summer! (★^O^★)

Why is it for hippies? What's the point if we can't take any action but only talk about it in forums... What's going on..? :O

Why are you calling me HIM you! You, cretin and moron!

First you call me a Jamaati and now you think I am a guy! You halfwit imbecile!

@kalu_miah You are right all these freaks are simpletons with their own views of the World and their own assumptions about everyone. But I guess that's what the internet is like... Everything becomes a big joke... Anyway I am not too hang up on this change but just wanted opinions of others, and instead they all acting like it's the end of the World. And calling me names and making me seem like I am an extremist, evil and being rude and mean with me. But I don't really care, because I don't give importance to fools.

I have decided to learn Persian. But I am going to start learning it, after my A Levels this May. I can read Arabic and last year I also started learning Italian! Heeheeheee!!

We are not Jamaatis and not Jamaati supporters (at least true in my case)d there is nothing hilarious here! Okay, I don't even care or know about politics because it is a huge a time waste and boring! I mean in our country it's always BNP or Awami League fighting because of what happened in 1971. Oh my goodness! It is so booooring!!! I don't like our politicians and want to get rid of them not just only me, I think everyone feels the same way. You have chance now so better choose your upcoming Prime Minister wisely in this election, I am advising you. And quit calling everyone Jamaatis it's not nice!

Well your history says you liked a comment from azidane where he says "Bengali nationalism is feminine and sissy"(paraphrased)......when someone uses the word feminine in such a negative context and another person supports it either the second person is actually a misogynist man or a woman(highly unlikely in your case) without an iota of self respect....Either way you are not a very respectable person!

Well read again, I didn't brand you as an extremist. The point that I am trying to make all people are not the same, are Indonesians not Muslims ?? but i cannot buy the argument that Islam has a threat from a script ??

A language is a mere tool to communicate to talk, your beliefs and practice make you what ever you are. If using English as medium to communicate and talk. Has it affected your beliefs as a Muslim. Bengali like English, a language with a script and different areas have identities. What are you trying to achieve by changing the script it self.

Quran has been translated into innumerable languages but has it changes the beliefs the practices and the teachings of Islam ? it has not. Only those people who use the Arabic script are Muslims ?

Its just your agenda of being portrayed as "NOT-WestBenagli" at work here. This has nothing to do with Islam.
but we are supposed to be the culturally conquerING people right. by the way some of the coolest people i met in the States are from the "deserts". i traveled through the the Arab world as well.

Nah, you are the conquered ones. Look how Arabs think about Iranians today, the same applies to you people Saudi Arabia largest military exercise ''Sword of Abdullah'' | Page 19 Everyone knows how you Bangladeshis are treated by Arabs. They even selectively ban visa for you people No new UAE visas for Bangladeshis | GulfNews.com If some Western countries did that you would have cried racism. When your masters from desert do it, then it's ok. That is the textbook definition of slavery.

PS.- I don't have any problem with people who don't act like wannabe Arabs.
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Well your history says you liked a comment from azidane where he says "Bengali nationalism is feminine and sissy"(paraphrased)......when someone uses the word feminine in such a negative context and another person supports it either the second person is actually a misogynist man or a woman(highly unlikely in your case) without an iota of self respect....Either way you are not a very respectable person!

Now you are being harsh on a sweet 17 year old girl, young people like her are the future of the great country presently known as Bangladesh, and she has a very legitimate point here. You are too old and too few to resist the popular demand of the young citizens of BD, and if you still want to stick to that pagan Bengali language, literature, and cultural thingy, then go and mingle with those murtard West Bengalis.
Nah, you are the conquered ones. Look how Arabs think about Iranians today, the same applies to you people Saudi Arabia largest military exercise ''Sword of Abdullah'' | Page 19 Everyone knows how you Bangladeshis are treated by Arabs. They even selectively ban visa for you people No new UAE visas for Bangladeshis | GulfNews.com If some Western countries did that you would have cried racism. When your masters from desert do it, then it's ok. That is the textbook meaning of slavery.

They all know this reality but they all are wannabe arab as its seems by their views. So even slavery is accepted.
That provoking is useless you can even eat pizza-pasta, you guys are what you are fish bhaat eating east Bengalis who were not the rulers of anyone until you got your country called Bangladesh.

Still better than major fish and bhaat eating West Bengalis!

We are happy with the Muslims in India, they are as much an Indian as I am, and they are not Extremists. The seer lack of reason and incoherent logic in your statements is appalling.

Will you stop labelling everyone as extremists! Do you really know what extremist really mean!?

Well, I have two Indian friends on facebook, one is a Hindu and another one is a Sheik. And they are very good friends actually; and we admin a Ricardo Kaka fan group and it is a huge group! So I talked with my Hindu friend and I said where he thinks I am from? And he said I am from Afghanistan or Bangladesh. And I said "Why so!?" And he said because I act like a typical Muslim, I don't know what he meant by that... I asked him, "Why not Pakistan or India?" He says because I am different from Pakistani or an India Muslim girl. I asked "How?" He replied that Pakistani girls are different, and Indian Muslims are proud and think highly of themselves. And then he said I am a unique person and that I am really sweet! :rolleyes1:

Listen I am not racist or prejudiced. I don't mind any people regardless of religion or colour. But now, I just wanted an opinion of you all about the Bengali script concerning Bangladesh.

Well your history says you liked a comment from azidane where he says "Bengali nationalism is feminine and sissy"(paraphrased)......when someone uses the word feminine in such a negative context and another person supports it either the second person is actually a misogynist man or a woman(highly unlikely in your case) without an iota of self respect....Either way you are not a very respectable person!

Do not get me wrapped up with your misogynistic sexist views. Don't talk with me.
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