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Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!?

Are we ready for this? Will you support the Bangladesh people for this CHANGE?

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:) oh so you Indians voted again lolzzzzzz it was supposed to be done by Bangladeshis not bharatis

Then ask the mods to ban all the 'Indians' it was for all the forum members. But being democratically dysfunctional as a Pakistani you may find it hard to understand.
Then ask the mods to ban all the 'Indians' it was for all the forum members. But being democratically dysfunctional as a Pakistani you may find it hard to understand.

I think you are new. such polls which are related to an internal matters of country are supposed to be taken by citizens of that country NOT by s
1) Muslims are not but you are the true ones my dear gems..!!
2) So yet it is not 'allowed' but even if its the reality, It is not the reality, allmost all muslims (barring KSA and Brunei (last week onwards)) were traitors to the cause of Islam. then that majority 1.5 billion people are not true Muslims. but are only pawns to the hands of the powerful clerics and true Muslims,

and I thought the Roman Catholics were the only ones crazy.

Well i guess u only had intention to troll as your post simply doesn't make much sense and is hilariously irrelevant to my post u quoted.
i need to know what is devanagari? Never heard of that. Whats the difference between Devanagari and Brahmi script ?

no i dont support changing current state of Bengali Language. Arabic needs to be added as a compulsory subject beside Bangla and English.
i need to know what is devanagari? Never heard of that. Whats the difference between Devanagari and Brahmi script ?
no i dont support changing current state of Bengali Language. Arabic needs to be added as a compulsory subject beside Bangla and English.

I know, Devanagari is the Hindi script and I made a mistake. But I can't change the title anymore...
I know, Devanagari is the Hindi script and I made a mistake. But I can't change the title anymore...

okay.. But This thread is a complete waste of time. Its not possible to touch Bengali script ... Bangladeshis are indoctrinated to resist such attempt.. It is true that Bengali Medium students hate to write bengali for 3 hours ... But they love the language ... If you really want to switch from Brahmi Script - You will have to undo the indoctrination by years of Propaganda backed by research to convince people -- It will only become possible if a revolutionary party seize power.....
Still better than major fish and bhaat eating West Bengalis!

Will you stop labelling everyone as extremists! Do you really know what extremist really mean!?

Well, I have two Indian friends on facebook, one is a Hindu and another one is a Sheik. And they are very good friends actually; and we admin a Ricardo Kaka fan group and it is a huge group! So I talked with my Hindu friend and I said where he thinks I am from? And he said I am from Afghanistan or Bangladesh. And I said "Why so!?" And he said because I act like a typical Muslim, I don't know what he meant by that... I asked him, "Why not Pakistan or India?" He says because I am different from Pakistani or an India Muslim girl. I asked "How?" He replied that Pakistani girls are different, and Indian Muslims are proud and think highly of themselves. And then he said I am a unique person and that I am really sweet! :rolleyes1:

Listen I am not racist or prejudiced. I don't mind any people regardless of religion or colour. But now, I just wanted an opinion of you all about the Bengali script concerning Bangladesh.

Do not get me wrapped up with your misogynistic sexist views. Don't talk with me.
Where did I say anything remotely misogynistic or sexist in my statements??Man(pseudo-lady) your reasoning skills are as horrible as your comprehension skills.....at least you learnt two new words today.....you can thank me later!

Now you are being harsh on a sweet 17 year old girl, young people like her are the future of the great country presently known as Bangladesh, and she has a very legitimate point here. You are too old and too few to resist the popular demand of the young citizens of BD, and if you still want to stick to that pagan Bengali language, literature, and cultural thingy, then go and mingle with those murtard West Bengalis.
Its a freakin DUDE....btw could you tell him(her..or...it) that he is an EXTREMIST because he holds EXTREMELY stupid views??
okay.. But This thread is a complete waste of time. Its not possible to touch Bengali script ... Bangladeshis are indoctrinated to resist such attempt.. It is true that Bengali Medium students hate to write bengali for 3 hours ... But they love the language ... If you really want to switch from Brahmi Script - You will have to undo the indoctrination by years of Propaganda backed by research to convince people -- It will only become possible if a revolutionary party seize power.....

Well, it doesn't really matter anymore. And there are some Islamic schools out there but they are not Madrasa. I think, they might teach Arabic and all those stuff.

Where did I say anything remotely misogynistic or sexist in my statements??Man(pseudo-lady) your reasoning skills are as horrible as your comprehension skills.....at least you learnt two new words today.....you can thank me later!

Because you are misogynistic and don't appreciate anyone who has different views than yours. Are you a Scorpio? I think it's Scropio/Sagitarius Cusp in your case, and I bet your Mars, Moon or Rising sign is also Scorpio or a Taurus? And so that's why you are so persistent, stubborn and misogynistic, yeah Scorpios are known for being secretive, unyielding, very revengeful, suspicious, intense, manipulative, observant. Sagittarius is great because they are a Mutable Fire sign and they are adventurous, optimistic, philosophical, generous, careless, superficial, straightforward. But you are more like a Scorpio as you appear to be. And Scorpio is a Fixed Water sign and icy cold and different from other Water signs like Cancer and Pisces who are emotional and intuitive, Scorpios too are like that because they are Water signs and shares similarities but sometimes in Scorpios case, it gets extreme but they can keep things in secret. Scorpios along with Capricorn are one of the most negative signs in the Zodiac. Even in Tarot Scorpio and Capricorn are represented by Death and The Devil, respectively. Many people don't like Scorpios including me because they are too serious and always has this gloomy aura while Capricorn are quite depressing and you're very depressing too. Perhaps you have Capricorn in your chart? I think your Birth Chart is Water or Earth signs dominated and so that means it's all Yin, introverted, taking things personally etc. All these are based on stereotypes but somewhat true... And I don't know you so don't have to take it seriously. But you are really dreary, depressing and obsessive, I must say.

And who gave you the permission to check my newsfeed before!? Stalker and a creep!
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i need to know what is devanagari? Never heard of that. Whats the difference between Devanagari and Brahmi script ?

no i dont support changing current state of Bengali Language. Arabic needs to be added as a compulsory subject beside Bangla and English.

One sensible BDian on PDF.... :enjoy:
still basically Benglis; since British ruled you, does that makes you all English? you are generally Hindu converts with Bengali/Indic culture. even if Muslims, your culture surely seems Bengali. seeking Arab/Persian/Afghan heritage both in culture and blood shows inferiority complex. Accept your culture, that's anytime better than foreign cultures that you want to believe yours.
we are culturally and ethnically Muslims of East Bengal. and when you are addressing me as "you" it means you are addressing a Bangladeshi. that does not make me a Bengali Muslim. it could be i am a non-Bengali Muslim or even a Chakma. the Muslim culture (including an indo-aryan language written in nastaliq script) is till partly indic.

telling subcontinental Muslims to leave any Arabic-Persian cultural influences they have is like telling Anglo-Indians to leave all the English influences in them. this is what Hindu or Dharmic extremism is all about - a strange intolerance of Muslims and other people who happen to have non-Indic or non-Dharmic roots

One sensible BDian on PDF.... :enjoy:
he still supports greater role of Arabic language. so he is essentially taking an indirect route to what OP suggested. a greater role of the Arabic language in Bangladesh - is that fine with you, Mr. overtly-concerned-with-Muslims?
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i need to know what is devanagari?
I know, Devanagari is the Hindi script and I made a mistake. But I can't change the title anymore...

devanagari is the script that Hindi and almost all other Indo-Aryan languages (like Bengali, Punjabi, Gujarati, etc.) are written in by non-Muslims. it has been the most widely used script for writing Sanskrit-derived languages. devanagari is in a different group from the Dravidiyan languages like Telugu and Tamil
Bad idea, changing Bangla script is impossible, majority of Bangladeshi Bangalis will reject it. There is no political support for it anyway. Bangla script is fine the way it is.
Bangali Muslims already learn Arabic separately to read the Holy Quran, so who needs perso-arabic alphabet khichdi? Completely unnecessary :tdown:
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