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Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!?

Are we ready for this? Will you support the Bangladesh people for this CHANGE?

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Well, I have two Indian friends on facebook, one is a Hindu and another one is a Sheik. And they are very good friends actually; and we admin a Ricardo Kaka fan group and it is a huge group! So I talked with my Hindu friend and I said where he thinks I am from? And he said I am from Afghanistan or Bangladesh. And I said "Why so!?" And he said because I act like a typical Muslim, I don't know what he meant by that... I asked him, "Why not Pakistan or India?" He says because I am different from Pakistani or an India Muslim girl. I asked "How?" He replied that Pakistani girls are different, and Indian Muslims are proud and think highly of themselves. And then he said I am a unique person and that I am really sweet! :)

Listen I am not racist or prejudiced. I don't mind any people regardless of religion or colour. But now, I just wanted an opinion of you all about the Bengali script concerning Bangladesh.

REad : this post : Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!? | Page 9

Also, I am from West Begal, but not a begnali. BUt i love the language it is very sweet tongue. and owing to my SAARC camps when I was a kid, I have had a few of friends from Bangladesh, 4-5 from Dhaka and 2 from Sylhet. They are amazing people, extremely nice and I am sure you are a nice person too.
So you suggest that the entire global Islamic population is huge monolithic structure with no factions and all are the same in their thought process exactly identical. What you state is skewed representation and an attempt to obfuscate one self from the reality. Even if say I take up you reason that the world looks all devouts are 'extremists' and all "anti-Islam" as moderates. This is going no where.

There is abso lately no difference between the Saudis, the Iranians and the Afghan rag tag talibs. Awesome.

The biggest detriment to the cause of Islam have been the "extremists", but in your view they are not anti-Islam and its teachings. The ones who recognize the other religions rights to coexist freely, aka 'liberals' are the anti-Islam people, even though they may follow Islam in practice ?

We are happy with the Muslims in India, they are as much an Indian as I am, and they are not Extremists. The seer lack of reason and incoherent logic in your statements is appalling.

Zaid Hamid would be proud of you.

:blah::blah::blah:What your fellow countrymen @DRAY was referring to by the term soromponti was pretty obvious. He was referring to pro-islamic political parties and factions in BD. Its a no brainer what u intend to mean by the term extremist when referring to muslims.

Well read again, I didn't brand you as an extremist. The point that I am trying to make all people are not the same, are Indonesians not Muslims ?? but i cannot buy the argument that Islam has a threat from a script ??

A language is a mere tool to communicate to talk, your beliefs and practice make you what ever you are. If using English as medium to communicate and talk. Has it affected your beliefs as a Muslim. Bengali like English, a language with a script and different areas have identities. What are you trying to achieve by changing the script it self.

Quran has been translated into innumerable languages but has it changes the beliefs the practices and the teachings of Islam ? it has not. Only those people who use the Arabic script are Muslims ?

Its just your agenda of being portrayed as "NOT-WestBenagli" at work here. This has nothing to do with Islam.

If this post is intended for me u should look at my post # 10 in page 1. I m not in favour of changing the script and yeah Islam doesn't put bar or have any problem with any language. Btw there is no place for ethnic or lingual nationalism in Islam. But i do appreciate the intention of the likes of OP in opening such a thread.
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Btw there is no place for ethnic or lingual nationalism in Islam.

Then why do so many nationalities/countries exist, on such nationalism, where Islam is the sate religion or the Country and society is Islamic? Asking just out of curiosity.
If this post is intended for me u should look at my post # 10 in page 1. I m not in favour of changing the script and yeah Islam doesn't put bar or have any problem with any language. Btw there is no place for ethnic or lingual nationalism in Islam. But i do appreciate the intention of the likes of OP in opening such a thread.

Do you recognize that Prophet (PBUH) penned down Allah's message in Arabic? Do you recognize that the land of Mecca & Medina speaks Arabic? Do you even recognize that Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Islam and the holiest land for all Musalmaan? What is your problem with not adopting Arabic, the true language of Islam, instead of pagan Bangla? I am not in favour of changing the script though, it will be a half-baked step, I suggest completely replacing Bangla with Arabic, get rid of Bangla, or Hindu Brahminical Islamophobe malaun characters like Tagore will always haunt you people, just burn those bloody Bangla books.
Now you are being harsh on a sweet 17 year old girl, young people like her are the future of the great country presently known as Bangladesh, and she has a very legitimate point here. You are too old and too few to resist the popular demand of the young citizens of BD, and if you still want to stick to that pagan Bengali language, literature, and cultural thingy, then go and mingle with those murtard West Bengalis.

Funny! LOL :laughcry:
I might be tomboyish and sometimes a bit too much, but not a guy and I think Anubis is an idiot! lolzz
Then why do so many nationalities/countries exist, on such nationalism, where Islam is the sate religion or the Country and society is Islamic? Asking just out of curiosity.

Just because so many nationalities /countries exist doesn't mean Islam allows that. All of this was foretold by our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the punishment for those who transgress and disobey Allah(swt) commandments has also been made very clear in the Quran and sunnah. Let just say Islam is perfect but muslims are not and we all will have to answer to Allah(swt) on the day of judgement. And yeah a muslim must strive for an fully islamic society within his/her limited capacity as Allah(swt) sees the intention and yeah there are still many islamic societies albeit not perfect. KSA and now brunei are good eg.

Btw most muslim states in its current form didn't exist before european colonization and weakening of the last islamic Caliphate the ottomans. SO muslims were indeed united for a large part of the last 1400 years. Its hasn't been 100s years yet since the ottoman empire got dissolved. As for a model islamic caliphate after prophet Muhammad (pbuh) death ...... that would be the Rashidun caliphate governed by the 4 rightly guided companions of Prophet Muhamman (pbuh). @Vyom
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Are you aware of the name of our country?
It is Bharatiya Ganarajya.
Like yours is Islami Jamhurriyet e Pakistan.

The English names are standardized. France still calls us Indie for example.

bwahahahahaha but you bharatis are not French why would you call yourself indies :P
bwahahahahaha but you bharatis are not French why would you call yourself indies :P

That's to make it easier for others to identify us. You see, a Frenchman or an American would be lost if we called ourselves Bharateeya on introduction. Besides, we're comfortable with multiple identities. A majority of us even have multiple Gods. So yeah, we're Indians and Bharateeyas at the same time. You can continue calling us Bharotis as well.:enjoy:
Just because so many nationalities /countries exist doesn't mean Islam allows that. All of this was foretold by our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the punishment for those who transgress and disobey Allah(swt) commandments has also been made very clear in the Quran and sunnah. Let just say Islam is perfect but muslims are not and we all will have to answer to Allah(swt) on the day of judgement. And yeah a muslim must strive for an fully islamic society within his/her limited capacity as Allah(swt) sees the intention and yeah there are still many islamic societies albeit not perfect. KSA and now brunei are good eg.

If KSA and Brunei can, then why can't Bangladesh also become an example to rest of the Islamic world? Work harder towards that goal, bring Arabic language, bring Sharia, bring some Salafi/Wahabi thought leaders from KSA to show your people the right path, remember, no Islamic country is truly Islamic without Sharia.
That's to make it easier for others to identify us. You see, a Frenchman or an American would be lost if we called ourselves Bharateeya on introduction. Besides, we're comfortable with multiple identities. A majority of us even have multiple Gods. So yeah, we're Indians and Bharateeyas at the same time. You can continue calling us Bharotis as well.:enjoy:
lolzzzz then why your members are asking BDeshies to change everything to desi just because one Bangladeshi talked about changing the script.

You bharatis are funny people everything is ok for yourself but you get worked up on internal matters of others
Apar-opar bangla, bonhomie. What does these terms mean? And is the current Bangla written in Siddham script? Because that's what I saw in Wikipedia.
where are u from??? ur question makes it clear that either u stay in some otehr country or u r not connected very well.
epaar opaar bangla bonhomie is somewhat similar to the "aman ki asha" (indo pak mushy mushy).
lolzzzz then why your members are asking BDeshies to change everything to desi just because one Bangladeshi talked about changing the script.

You bharatis are funny people everything is ok for yourself but you get worked up on internal matters of others

Generalize much? Please have a look at the poll. I myself have voted for Bangladesh to introduce Nastaliq instead of these mushriki scripts. I've even suggested that Bangladesh rename itself as Al Bangistan if they like the name.

You Pakistanis are funny people everything is ok for yourself but you get worked up on internal matters of others. Makes sense?:D
Just because so many nationalities /countries exist doesn't mean Islam allows that. All of this was foretold by our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the punishment for those who transgress and disobey Allah(swt) commandments has also been made very clear in the Quran and sunnah. Let just say Islam is perfect but muslims are not and we all will have to answer to Allah(swt) on the day of judgement. And yeah a muslim must strive for an fully islamic society within his/her limited capacity as Allah(swt) sees the intention and yeah there are still many islamic societies albeit not perfect. KSA and now brunei are good eg.

1) Muslims are not but you are the true ones my dear gems..!!
2) So yet it is not 'allowed' but even if its the reality, It is not the reality, allmost all muslims (barring KSA and Brunei (last week onwards)) were traitors to the cause of Islam. then that majority 1.5 billion people are not true Muslims. but are only pawns to the hands of the powerful clerics and true Muslims,

and I thought the Roman Catholics were the only ones crazy.
Generalize much? Please have a look at the poll. I myself have voted for Bangladesh to introduce Nastaliq instead of these mushriki scripts. I've even suggested that Bangladesh rename itself as Al Bangistan if they like the name.

You Pakistanis are funny people everything is ok for yourself but you get worked up on internal matters of others. Makes sense?:D

:) oh so you Indians voted again lolzzzzzz it was supposed to be done by Bangladeshis not bharatis

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