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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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No, Pakistan shouldn't. Not now, nor ever. Unless she is keen on legitimizing an entity whose international ramifications (international zionism, globalist oligarchy, bankster mafia) are hell bent on destroying Pakistani nationhood and identity, just as they are doing to every other nation on God's green earth, in pursuit of their twisted messianist world domination agenda.

Zionist stooges like the neocon US general Ralph Peters are on the record for advocating Pakistan's dismantling into a "Free Baluchistan", a Pashtun region annexed by Afghanistan, as well as a reduced, rump Pakistani state.

This is in addition to zionist and masonic plans to level Masjid al-Aqsa in order to make room for the establishment of the so-called third temple, not to mention the systematic apartheid-type racist oppression of Palestinian Muslims (and Christians too, by the way) for over seven decades, following the Nakba episode of ethnic "cleansing" in 1948.

And that's without mentioning the warnings contained in the Holy Qur'an about the hostility displayed against Muslims by coalitions of Jews and Christians. The current zio-American alliance perfectly falls under this category. So for a Muslim country, recognizing Isra"el" would be akin to going against the precept of the Holy Qur'an.
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No, Pakistan shouldn't. Not now, nor ever. Unless she is keen on legitimizing an entity whose international ramifications (international zionism, globalism, bankster mafia) are hell bent on destroying Pakistani nationhood and identity, just as they are doing to every other nation on God's green earth, in pursuit of their twisted messianist world domination agenda.
The Palestinian Authority does not represent the people of Palestine. They are a corrupt and weak regime and the reason Israel was able to occupy the West Bank so easily.
You have given reference of Quran and said that Quran says to stand against the occupier. What do you say about the Tibetians and Uygur muslims ? A honest question needs a honest answer.
Uygur, what my opinion on them ?

They r and they were part of china since the very begining. No one occupy them by force.

Furthermore there was no news or issue regarding uygur untill USA started policy of china containment.

So idont know muc about them except that they were part of china since centuries and were happy with rest of china even before concept of nation states with fixed boundries emerged
You have given reference of Quran and said that Quran says to stand against the occupier. What do you say about the Tibetians and Uygur muslims ? A honest question needs a honest answer.

I would recommend that you study about the origins and roots of the Uyghurs. As the Uyghur issue is one of Turkic Nationalism, and not Islam. Among the Turkic nations are some very shrewd, conniving and politically expedient people. Like others, they have exploited Islam, to further their own gains as a Turkic nationalistic agenda.

The Uyghur problem dates back to the 1930s & 1940s, where they sought an East Turkistan State. However with the Jewish-Bolshevik Communist State of USSR and the Pro-Western Chinese Group slaughtered most these Uyghurs as the West sought to exploit China's civil war, by having a Pro-Western Chinese Govt installed as a hedge against the Jewish-Bolshevik Communist USSR.

Calling it an "Muslim Issue" is somewhat rather disingenuous to the plight of the Palestinians and Kashmiris.

Whether it be Uyghurs or the Tibetans, both have had Western support which both have wholeheartedly accepted.

It's funny how people tend to conveniently forget to study history. As it has the tendency to turn any argument of so-called liberal democrats, upside down.

So for the last time, Uyghurs' movement is identified by Uyghurs themselves as a Turkic nationalist movement, not one based on their being Muslim. It is the West, that seeks to proliferate their narrative of China vs Islam.
For those Muslims advocating normalised relations with the fascist state of Israel just go to tictok and see what they did to worshippers last night. You cannot negotiate with the devil.
ppl are saying recognize israel in return for tech transfer but take alook at india sucking upto israel wat did they get in return even now under corona crisis. end of the day know who you are:GOYUM.
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