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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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Of course
Islam doesn't force anyone to be muslim,
Sura Kahf, if they want to believe let them, and if they don't want to believe let them.
But if you claim you are Muslim then there are certain criteria.
Cowardice, worldly greed, lack of moral fibre, these are our issues.
And Sahi hadiths are also saying that Israelites will come their real home (Israel) near to the judgement day, our Prophet saying that mean Allah SWT said that would you deny that???, what's is wrong if we recognize Israel???
In the wake of the recent normalization of ties between varying Muslim states and Israel, Pakistan was rumored to be following suit. This stirred a debate within Pakistan – with people questioning the pro-Palestinian stance, and the rejection of Israel.

The author discusses how Pakistan should continue to maintain the traditional policy towards Israel, and how it would be inadvisable to pursue normalization for limited gains.

Read the complete paper: https://www.paradigmshift.com.pk/should-pakistan-recognize-israel/

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is planet earth flat?
Pakistan's stance is already neutral as far as I can tell and accepts Israel as an already existing entity all it asks to the Israelis is to allow them [Palestinians] the same priviledges of self determination.. as per UN resolutions, which ironically had no right to auction off Palestinains land to begin with, but the Israelis think they can have their cake and eat it too.. which is far from being reasonable..

You heretic! :o:
Correct it has been neutral.

However where I do commend Pak is - its ultra-aparthied level genocide the state of isreal has been carrying out. It remains unchecked.
So different sects in Islam is because of tolerance and freedom of faith, but Jews and Christians difference in faith means they "manipulated" their religion to their liking?

I have little patience for your word play Mirzai.
Ask a Palestinian to chose between Israeli Jew or Pakistani Muslim, he will prefer isreali jew. Reason, “We are cousins, so what’s wrong”. “Bakistani, idk . Bakistani same as Indian. “
Ask a Palestinian to chose between Israeli Jew or Pakistani Muslim, he will prefer isreali jew. Reason, “We are cousins, so what’s wrong”. “Bakistani, idk . Bakistani same as Indian. “

EXACTLY!!!!!!........The Palestinians don't give a damn about Pakistan and Pakistanis as they consider us to be foreign aliens who are lesser than them. The Palestinians in fact consider the Jews to be their cousins. But on PDF you have Pakistanis crying and begging for Palestinians............ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
What is the nonsense? Who are arguing about Pakistan recognizing israel?

The recognition of the illegal state of israel is out of the question, as a Muslim Country must not recognize this criminal, fascist apartheid State.

The illegal state of israel's creation is based on the Zionist claim, that God gave the Jews, the Holy Land. This claim stems from the Jewish claim on God's Covenant with Prophet Abraham Alaihi Salam, which the Zionist claim, was unconditional.

The Noble Qur'an has proven this claim of the Zionists, a lie. As only those progeny of Prophet Abraham Alaihi Salam may reside in the Holy Land, who haven't committed acts of wickedness. And the Noble Qur'an gives an account of the Yahood's wickedness.

So if Pakistanis, being Muslims, recognize the illegal state of israel, would become part of the kufr and against the Noble Qur'an (the word of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah). Which is why, it is not permitted for any Muslim State to recognize the illegal, criminal apartheid state of israel.

Case closed, now take your argument, leave Pakistan and go live in israel.
Pakistan do not recognize kashmiri occupation of india. Check the official maps of pakistan.

With respect to cyprus turkey has a historical claim to which we agree on turkish part.

Northern cyprus population has 99% muslims and 99% turkish people so both in terms of race and religion they r turkish.

You have given reference of Quran and said that Quran says to stand against the occupier. What do you say about the Tibetians and Uygur muslims ? A honest question needs a honest answer.
Israel and Pakistan shares remarkable resemblance as both countries were founded in the name of religion. Both countries by law persecute their minorities. Pakistan is only better than Israel because it is not illegally occupying anyone.

Israel also thinks so. Baluchistan has a different view on that.
Pakistan will recognize Israel when China will tell them to do it.
I don’t think China, but Saudi node along with huge finincial or the investment package from Uncle Sam will make it happen.

Israelis needs to do better PR job in Pakistan, i.e market their technology advances towards defense and agriculture.
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Pakistan will recognize Israel when China will tell them to do it.
Share state of the art agriculture technology with Pakistan and the country might recognize you
Israelis needs to do better PR job in Pakistan, i.e market their technology advances towards defense and agriculture.
Exactly. Only technology sharing could help build better ties with Israel. 🇮🇱❤️✡️💪
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