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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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Uygur, what my opinion on them ?

They r and they were part of china since the very begining. No one occupy them by force.

Furthermore there was no news or issue regarding uygur untill USA started policy of china containment.

So idont know muc about them except that they were part of china since centuries and were happy with rest of china even before concept of nation states with fixed boundries emerged
I guessed I just imagined this country

That was the period when china was not being ruled by chinese themselves. So this separation was from bri brita occupied forces of britain and others.

China was and is much more united then present day india
They only took Turkestan during the Manchu Expansion around 1800s during the Qing Dynasty.
Israel ?

TF is an Israel ? is that suppose to the name of the chair Kim Jong Un sits in ?
Aliens? This is ancient Israel 2000 years before Islam or Arabs in the region. Judaism is 3000 years old. Islam is only 1400 years old.
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And we should give up Pakistan to the 20 zorastrians that may be camping outside karachi press club at some point. After 5,000 or 1,000 years back there was no Pakistan but kingdom of stone/sun/ moon/ fire/ river worshipers.

Sh*t logic.
Every f u c k I n g week there's a thread on Pakistan recognising the terrorist state of Israel.

It's quite evident that these threads are created by has hasbara trolls. All publicity is good publicity right?

Be vigilant. This is how homosexuality was normalised in the USA. the initial phase was relentless publicity and debate in order to help normalise it to your average Tom, Dick or Harry.
Agreed. Mods @The Eagle @LeGenD @waz @Irfan Baloch I request instant ban for threads like these. No place in Pakistan let alone PDF to maintream this discussion.
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Some members at PDF do not rest enough before asking "Should Pakistan recognise Israel" yet another time. I wonder what makes them ask over and over. Perhaps they refuse to see, hear and experience what Israel has been doing and intends to do to you and Muslims.
Learn from history Germany give jews a home they stabbed it in the back, usa is a heaven for jews and today they turned it into degenerate nation. Russia suffered big time under them under the bolshevik revolution.
they have only one goal world domination.
No way, Arabs who has accepted Israel cause they are afrad and are too dependent on Israels fathers USA UK?
Thier acceptance of Israel is based on fear but not on economics or any morality?
Pakistan cant do same as these afraid Arabs, pakistans defence is far more stronger and it has to stand on morality! Without morality if Pakistan accept Israel then whole world I'll ask Pakistan to accept Indian version on occupied Kashmir! It was astonishing that our establishment wants it but imran khans govt rejected it tightly, even though I'm not a fan boy imran govt but I think, he is doing the right thing and only reason that now I support imran is his stand on israel and Kashmir
Some members at PDF do not rest enough before asking "Should Pakistan recognise Israel" yet another time. I wonder what makes them ask over and over. Perhaps they refuse to see, hear and experience what Israel has been doing and intends to do to you and Muslims.
EVN though as u all know, I'm not a supporter of Imran but frist time in the history of Pakistan, he is standing rightly on israel and Kashmir even though establishment wants other side of the coin!
If imran kept standing on these 2 issues, I'll certainly vote for him! Cause he is theoraticly correct, Pakistan cant afford to accept Israel nor Kashmir
EVN though as u all know, I'm not a supporter of Imran but frist time in the history of Pakistan, he is standing rightly on israel and Kashmir even though establishment wants other side of the coin!
If imran kept standing on these 2 issues, I'll certainly vote for him! Cause he is theoraticly correct, Pakistan cant afford to accept Israel nor Kashmir

Pakistan is at a point where wrong decisions could be explained. Bad economy, FATF, covid, Saudi Arabia & UAE already compromised and then within Pakistan, support of the establishment and other political parties. All aspect can make the wrong decision appear justified... and accepting Israel and Kashmir would bring perks and international support for IK's government. Yet you find him standing with principles sacrificing personal, government and electoral benefits. Could Nawaz or Zardari do that? We all know the answer.

Between his personal/Government interest, Imran Khan is standing with the ideological and state's interest. He deserves appreciation and support from countrymen. He may not be as much success in running the state through these tough times... but he is a true person and sincere to the state of Pakistan.
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