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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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so? israel wants to destroy the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa and rebuild the Temple of Solomon. no Muslim can be happy with that and have good relations with Israel.

israel wants to destroy the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa and rebuild the Temple of Solomon. no Muslim can be happy with that and have good relations with Israel.
India has destroyed that mosque and wants to do more, yet we still have diplomatic relations, limited travel, limited business and hell lot of entertainment and sports with them.
Why not Israel then
At least today we could've spoken to them about the atrocities, and would have played a major role in diffusing tensions between both sides, why can't we be proactive rather then be isolationists
Jinnah had no religious motivation when he declared Israel, a bastard child of the West.
israel and paksitan both are brain childs of british . jinnah was dead in 1948 its now 2021.
We will recognise them well enough when will be on their heads making our lines. Hope they don't hide behind their trees.
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
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pakistan should recognize israel ASAP . but we are bakhshoo of village anyone can use us for religion

One of the biggest diplomatic blunders since your birth as a independant nation.
You handed Israel to India on a plate
Inturn Israel is now india,s leading source of hi tech weaponary and extends massive support on intelligence gathereing and got INDIA /USA nexus going .

You pakistanis should have never ignored such a powerful infuential state whose claws are allover the Pentagon and is nothing more than the 52nd state of USA.

regardless of recognising them or not now !!!!! you will have no major gain now with Israel . .....
One of the biggest diplomatic blunders since your birth as a independant nation.
You handed Israel to India on a plate
Inturn Israel is now india,s leading source of hi tech weaponary and extends massive support on intelligence gathereing and got INDIA /USA nexus going .

You pakistanis should have never ignored such a powerful infuential state whose claws are allover the Pentagon and is nothing more than the 52nd state of USA.

regardless of recognising them or not now !!!!! you will have no major gain now with Israel . .....
only few people in pakistan think rationally rest of public think emotionally
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