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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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thats not our problem that is issue of two states what we have to do with it ?
Oh well when america one call to EU countries then why dident say this your problem not ours but they join hands & you saying this is not our problem shame on you sir...
Oh well when america one call to EU countries then why dident say this your problem not ours but they join hands & you saying this is not our problem shame on you sir...
we just learnt our lesson in 2002 sir and completed in 2010 ,
Recognizing Israel is wet dream of Pakistani liberals.

If that happens, Pakistani government will be no more.

You can get away with removing finality of Prophethood clause from constitution but not with this.

It will be the final nail in democratic government system coffin if Pakistan recognizes Israel, there will be major uprising.

There is an ideology behind creation of Pakistan, we have major role to play in coming future.

These liberals, wicked qadinais, parasite bureaucrats worshipping $$ will be thing of past.
What lesson do you learn Sir...
do not burn yourself in other's fire . we refuse to join yemen war after we learnt it , we pull back US NATO bases like shamsi . we have started cleaning our home . we break CIA wings in pakistan . even we pass a bill that pak army will not move out of country . its hard to learn ?
Keep your dreams high fellas,
This will never happen Insha'Allah.
Whether you like it or not Muslim Ummah was, is and will be there.

As ALLAH S.W.T. said in Quran:
And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided. (Sūrat āl ʿim'rān 3:103)
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do not burn yourself in other's fire . we refuse to join yemen war after we learnt it , we pull back US NATO bases like shamsi . we have started cleaning our home . we break CIA wings in pakistan . even we pass a bill that pak army will not move out of country . its hard to learn ?
You are absolutly right sir But this is the issue of whole Muslims world & Masjid -al- Aqsa is our first KABA...
You are absolutly right sir But this is the issue of whole Muslims world & Masjid -al- Aqsa is our first KABA...
gaza is not masjid e aqsa boss
Recognizing Israel is wet dream of Pakistani liberals.

If that happens, Pakistani government will be no more.

You can get away with removing finality of Prophethood clause from constitution but not with this.

It will be the final nail in democratic government system coffin if Pakistan recognizes Israel, there will be major uprising.

There is an ideology behind creation of Pakistan, we have major role to play in coming future.

These liberals, wicked qadinais, parasite bureaucrats worshipping $$ will be thing of past.
sir apky ghoory ko chara khila diya hai or kapra maar diya hai wo bahir khara jehad e gasa per jaany ke liye apka muntazir hai :lol: :sick:
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Ameer al Momineen Zia ul Haq knew how to deal with Palestinians.
...Any patriotic Pakistani with more than 2 brain cells would know that our position was made clear by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah … in 1948.
"We cannot ever accept Israel as long as Palestinians are not given their rights and there is no just settlement".
You know this quote is fake, right?

The immediate tell-tale is that back in 1948 "Palestinians" always referred to Jews. Arabs who lived in the region were always referred to as Arabs.

I suggest you seek the original sources to find out what Jinnah really said about relations with Israel.
Debunked. Usually referred to as, "The Map that Lies": link.
You know this quote is fake, right?

The immediate tell-tale is that back in 1948 "Palestinians" always referred to Jews. Arabs who lived in the region were always referred to as Arabs.

I suggest you seek the original sources to find out what Jinnah really said about relations with Israel.

Jinnah said Israel is a bastard child of the west.

The puppet Pakistani regime has fundamentally screwed Jinnahs directives on the issue who saw it as Egyptian land.

people who are interested in this topic should watch this video.

You people should be ashamed to call yourself Pakistani if you are afraid of tiny nation like israel.
Jinnah said Israel is a bastard -
Concentrate on genuine quotes rather than phony ones if you want to understand what Jinnah meant in his opposition to plans for a Jewish State.
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