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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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Pakistan should tread carefully on this subject as it evokes strong emotions.

So Islam is not manipulated into Muslims liking? How else do you explain so many different sects in Islam?
You know all your questions will be answered as soon as you read the Quran

Best be it for you, the English translation, although if you want the fullest meaning of it, learn Arabic. (there are some meanings and words in Arabic which makes sense in the Arabic language but not the English language. Arabic is very poetic)

As for the sects....each and everyone of them believe that Allah is their God and that the Prophet Muhammad SAW is his beloved and the final Messenger of Allah.

Anything else is considered not Muslim.

If you bring in Qadianis, they aren't Muslim lul.
Pakistan & Pakistanis would love to die BUT cant event think about accept evil israel...
And what about Arab countries which already recognized Israel such as UAE???

Are they also Traitors to Islam???
Of course
Islam doesn't force anyone to be muslim,
Sura Kahf, if they want to believe let them, and if they don't want to believe let them.
But if you claim you are Muslim then there are certain criteria.
Cowardice, worldly greed, lack of moral fibre, these are our issues.
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I personally really hope that the ones in power whether in the establishment or who is apparently in power amongst politicians give there opinion and recognise Israel. What would then happen in the country may be the catalyst to real change.
As for the sects....each and everyone of them believe that Allah is their God and that the Prophet Muhammad SAW is his beloved and the final Messenger of Allah.
So Muslims having all the worlds differences apart from these two faith articles is freedom of religion and tolerance. But if Christians and Jews have differences with Islam then they are wrong, manipulated?
But if you claim you are Muslim then there are certain criteria.
Who made that criteria? Actions speak louder than words. Are Pakistani Muslims actions anywhere near Islamic?
This question again, already answered by Quad e Azam RA very clearly.
Only traitors Liberals and Mirzai would want this.
Traitors to Islam

Only Pakistanis carry the burden and can be traitors to Islam. But Arabs and Palestinians can do whatever they want without ever betraying Islam........... :disagree:
So Muslims having all the worlds differences apart from these two faith articles is freedom of religion and tolerance. But if Christians and Jews have differences with Islam then they are wrong, manipulated?

Who made that criteria? Actions speak louder than words. Are Pakistani Muslims actions anywhere near Islamic?
Your not stupid, but highly indoctrinated. One does not have to look too deeply in theology but the answers are there. Another simpler way of looking at the situation is looking at what happened before. If a precedent was set.
Now we all know that Hazrat Umar RA conquered Jerusalem, established a Masjid. We all know the crusaders then took it and held it for about 80 years. The Muslims never gave up trying to recapture it and finally Salahudin reconquered it.
Then a few years ago we lost it again.
The Muslim precedent would be to try and regain it. But we are Muslims only because we are named after muslims
Only Pakistanis carry the burden and can be traitors to Islam. But Arabs and Palestinians can do whatever they want without ever betraying Islam........... :disagree:
No son, they are all traitors. Our Prophet SAW described most muslims at the end of time as foam Inn the water. What a beautiful description. We are froth.
Peace on their terms is surrender. We have another Niazi for that
So Muslims having all the worlds differences apart from these two faith articles is freedom of religion and tolerance. But if Christians and Jews have differences with Islam then they are wrong, manipulated?

Who made that criteria? Actions speak louder than words. Are Pakistani Muslims actions anywhere near Islamic?

I'm sorry but you what now? You know literally all your questions right now can be answered if you just read the Quran.

Also what do you mean by differences with Islam? Please do pray tell.

'Are Pakistani Muslims actions anywhere near Islamic'

That depends on the person themselves. You can't measure it. Only Allah can.
Allow me to share a little decision-making tool I use to make choices in life.

Here are four sub-questions I ask my main question. All sub-answers must go in favour. If any aspect concludes to no, the overall decision is NO.

So here's the question "Should we recognise Israel"?
  • [By recognizing Israel], are we going against Allah?
  • [By recognizing Israel], will we be harming anyone or anything?
  • [By recognizing Israel], will we become a better human?
  • [By recognizing Israel], will we be wasting anything as a result?
Are we going against Allah?
  • There are clear guidelines for Muslims not to ally with Yahood and Hanood. By recognizing Israel, yes I will be going against Allah Subhan wa Taela. (Decision: I will not recognize Israel.)

Will we be harming anyone or anything?
  • On the question of recognizing Israel, Jinnah said: "Our souls are not for sale".
  • Paksitan stands for the resolution of Palestine and Kashmir under UN resolutions. By recognizing Israel, we will harm our principles we upheld for 70+ and suffer at both disputed lands. (Decision: Since our principles are at stake, I will not recognize Israel.)
Will you become a better human in any way?
  • There is a possibility of some benefits. You'll get comfort in the West and countries where Israel has influence. As a human, we have four aspects to our existence: physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual. By recognizing Israel, you will benefit on the physical aspect, but at the cost of sufferings on intellectual, emotional and spiritual sides. Temporary benefits on one aspect, but permanent losses on the other three. (Decision: I will not recognize Israel.)
Will we be wasting anything?
  • We will be wasting our principle, we will be wasting our intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects and by going against Allah, we will be selling our Duniya and Akhirah - for some financial and military benefits. (Decision: I will not recognize Israel.)
Conclusion: There may be benefits if we accept Israel - but people who see benefits must also see the cost of benefits. As Muslim, Pakistani and as a responsible citizen of the world, we chose to live by our principles instead of stomachs. No matter how much sugar you add to the turd, it is a turd... and we chose not to eat it.
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Oh yeah according to Afghans Pakistan is occupying beyond Durand line and Indians think Pakistan is occupying Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. Sorry about the occupation part. Pakistan and Israel share that resemblance as well lol

one was fraud and funded by rothschild to claim land and the other was born out of a big sacrifice (pak).
Allow me to share a little decision-making tool I use to make decisions and choices in life.

Here are four questions I ask when making complex decisions and as a result, Alhamdolillah I am able to make complex decisions easily. Allow me to use that tool on the question "Should we recognise Israel"? And
  • [By recognizing Israel], are we going against Allah?
  • [By recognizing Israel], will we be harming anyone or anything?
  • [By recognizing Israel], will we become a better human?
  • [By recognizing Israel], will we be wasting anything?
Are we going against Allah?
  • There are clear guidelines for Muslims not to ally with Yahood and Hanood. By recognizing Israel, yes I will be going against the teachings of Allah Subhan was Taela. (Decision: I will not recognize Israel.)

Will we be harming anyone or anything?
  • Will you recognize Israel as many benefits will follow? "Our souls are not for sale" - M.A Jinnah.
  • Paksitan demands the resolution of Palestine and Kashmir under UN resolutions. By recognizing Israel, we will harm our principles we upheld for 70+ years. (Decision: If our principles are at stake, I will not recognize Israel.)
Will you become a better human in any way?
  • By recognizing Israel, there is a possibility of some benefits coming your way and you get somewhat comfort in the courtyards of Yahood and Hanood. Are you willing to sell your existence because you will get something in return? Is everything you own on sale? (Decision: There may be benefits, but not everything you have as a price tag. Our souls are not for sale and I will not recognize Israel albite there are material gains.)
Will we be wasting anything?
  • We will be wasting our principle and stance and by going against Allah, our Duniya and Aakhira. I wonder who wants to trade anything in exchange of selling their two worlds? (Decision: I will not recognize Israel)
Conclusion: There may be benefits if we accept Israel - but people who see benefits must also see the cost of benefits. As Muslim, Pakistani and as a responsible citizen of the world, we chose to live by our principles instead of stomachs. No matter how much sugar you add to the turd, it is a turd... and we chose not to eat it.
Now apply these questions to any country involve in conflicts from Asia to Africa, and see where do you stand.
Keep in mind the plight of Kashmir, Rohingya, uygur, Libya, and list goes on….
Question is why the hypocrisy? Why is ok to trade, seek loans, pay intrest, support their wars but here. Doo doo happens.?
Now apply these questions to any country involve in conflicts from Asia to Africa, and see where do you stand.
Keep in mind the plight of Kashmir, Rohingya, uygur, Libya, and list goes on….
Question is why the hypocrisy? Why is ok to trade, seek loans, pay intrest, support their wars but here. Doo doo happens.?

Thanks, @Genghis khan1, I agree with you. Principles are principles in all situations. You do not pick and chose situations where they apply. On Rohingya, Uygur, Libya and everywhere... you must be who you are at Kashmir and Palestine.
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