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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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As long as I remember.

What a Indianistic statement, I know where your loyalties lie. Don't mix issues and don't try to be smart, we can see where your loyalties lie and it is either Tel-Aviv or New Delhi.
1. What have you archived till now with this policy?
2. As i said twisting words wont help people are free to judge.
1. What have you archived till now with this policy?
2. As i said twisting words wont help people are free to judge.

A free and powerful Pakistan and Palestine a step closer to freedom.
Pakistan's non-existent relations with the illegal state of israel is none of your business anyway.

Thank you for your extremely insightful opinion. I don't know how I could have carried on with my life otherwise.

Yeah, how dare people criticize an apartheid State. Typical gangu, always sucking upto tyrants

You realize I care as much about Israel and India in my day to day life as I do with Kiribati and Tuvalu. I don't think the name calling was necessary.

LOL Look who is here. The COVID superspreader.

That was uncalled for sir. And I have as much to do with India as you do with it
Thank you for your extremely insightful opinion. I don't know how I could have carried on with my life otherwise.

Your beloved country is Israel? We don't need your dirty money or your dirty benefits. If you think we will approve your crimes and your atrocities then keep dreaming. Until you dismantle the Israeli apartheid and free the Palestinian people you will never be recognised or be our friends.
Its not about money. Israelis keep eye on us through other countries. We don't have this capability. A relation will assist us in this.
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Prophet Musa never claimed to be a Muslim. Neither did any prophet that came before prophet Muhammad. It is only Muslims who started taking ownership of prophets that came before prophet Muhammad as "Islamic prophets". Problem is not with Jews and Christians. It is with Muslims taking ownership of prophets that came before prophet Muhammad.
And were you there at the time of Prophet Musa al Islam, and heard him say he wasn't a Muslim nor was his message he spread similar to that of all the other Prophets?

No you weren't. The fact is, all the Prophets spread the same message. The Jews and Christians manipulated it into their liking. Islam didn't. Islam is the purest form of the message of the Prophets, also boohoo ve ij teking all the Prophets, boohoo hoo hoo. Stop acting like a child.
So Islam is not manipulated into Muslims liking? How else do you explain so many different sects in Islam?
tolerance and freedom. go retard, anyone would knock sense into you regardless of sect.
tolerance and freedom. go retard, anyone would knock sense into you regardless of sect.
So different sects in Islam is because of tolerance and freedom of faith, but Jews and Christians difference in faith means they "manipulated" their religion to their liking? 🤣
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