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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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Sorry to correct you but I think our Muslim Afghan brother think differant on that score. And according to Indian Pakistan occupies illegally a portion of Kashmir. So it depends on your POV. It is not objective fact what you stated.
Oh yeah according to Afghans Pakistan is occupying beyond Durand line and Indians think Pakistan is occupying Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. Sorry about the occupation part. Pakistan and Israel share that resemblance as well lol
When my own land is on fire how can you expect that i will be able to help another one? While i see my enemy getting top notch equipment and i can do atleast something to stop it so why shouldn't i? States dont run on the basis of sentiments it runs on balanced foreign policies. You want to make a difference go talk to israel otherwise you can sit chanting death to israel and nothing is gonna happen.
Edit: also why do every Pakistani forgets that we can help Palestine even after recognizing israel.

What is this sudden urge for the Israeli brigade within PDF for recognition? Yes we recognise Israel for crimes against inhumanity, barbaric apartheid and brutal occupation, YES, we recognise Israel.
Oh yeah according to Afghans Pakistan is occupying beyond Durand line and Indians think Pakistan is occupying Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. Sorry about the occupation part. Pakistan and Israel share that resemblance as well lol
I could also add Baloch. Some of them consider that they were annexed by force. All this is open to interpretation.
Well you consider yourself a kaffir but let me not be your judge.

i dont consider myself a kafir. nor do i doge questions on what i think of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). nor do i go around claiming how much i love to rip hijabs off women's heads and fingernails from Islamic scholars.

as for you being a murtad, there is no doubt. birds of a feather flock together. the only one liking your post is the self confessed murtad @Norwegian
Just for the record I personally do not consider Ahmedi's as Muslims. The fact is they have diluted the concept of finality and that is pretty clear and cast in Islam. However @Norwegian knows my position on this but I profoundly disagree that this community should in any way be prejudiced. Thus I will stand side by side with Ahmedi's. The matter of their distorted belief is for the almighty to resolve and outside the provenance of a mortal person like me. I am not going to play god.
Pakistanis by law are bound to persecute Ahmadis under second amendment and Ordinance 20. Israel has made similar laws against Arabs. What's the difference between Pakistan and Israel then?

What is this sudden urge for the Israeli brigade within PDF for recognition? Yes we recognise Israel for crimes against inhumanity, barbaric apartheid and brutal occupation, YES, we recognise Israel.
Hahahahaha this is the answer you give me over my love my anxiousness for the well-being of my beloved country?
Irony is every single IsrAeLi brIgaDE on PDF will tell you how relations with israel is beneficial for PAKISTAN as pakistan is our priority but every person who supports Palestine like you will say how not recognizing israel will be more beneficial for Palestine. Shows where your loyalties lie. (PS pak can also help Palestine after recognizing israel)
Where exactly did I confess that?

when you posted those diagrams earlier.

Well, I consider you as a kaffir. One step below even a pork snorting Chinese. So let's leave that to be resolved by the almighty when our time comes. Until then bye kaffir.

you can consider me what you like, but i am not the one dodging the questions.

you are the one still dodging answering what do you think of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)?

did you, or did you not say you are fine with ripping hijabs off women's heads?

did you, or did you not say that you are fine with pulling fingernails off Islamic scholars?

jawab de na bhadwe. buzdil.
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