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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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About time, get done with it. We can help Palestine even after recognizing israel. Also it'll be real beneficial for us as right now we have given israel free hand to provide any kind of hardware to india.

So, if someone steals your land, throws you out of your house, kills your cousins, then it would be okay with you for me to become their friend?
Pakistan do not recognize kashmiri occupation of india. Check the official maps of pakistan.

With respect to cyprus turkey has a historical claim to which we agree on turkish part.

Northern cyprus population has 99% muslims and 99% turkish people so both in terms of race and religion they r turkish.
That was not the point. Pakistan do not recognize Indian occupation of Kashmir but still recognize country of India. Similarly Pakistan do not recognize Israeli occupation of Palestine, but can still recognize country of Israel. Don't have double standards please.
That was not the point. Pakistan do not recognize Indian occupation of Kashmir but still recognize country of India. Similarly Pakistan do not recognize Israeli occupation of Palestine, but can still recognize country Israel. Don't have double standards please.
Then you are giving legitimacy to illegitimacy? What an un-Islamic topic during Ramadan.
What is that? UAE clasping Israel. Saudia touting India. Afghanistan claaping for India?
There is a difference between corrupt rulers and sincere people. Don't mix the two.
That was not the point. Pakistan do not recognize Indian occupation of Kashmir but still recognize country of India. Similarly Pakistan do not recognize Israeli occupation of Palestine, but can still recognize country of Israel. Don't have double standards please.
There is a difference. India has its own territory. Which territory of israel is its own? Which piece of land can be recofgnized as israel when almost everything was captured.

Furthermore Pakistan has a very clear and reasonable demand for recognition of israel i.e. 2 state solution. Divide israel and internationally recognize palestine as a separate independent state and pakistan will recognize israel.
Elected Imran Khan as PM in 2018
Yeh, just about on the terminal stage of his life and even then a weak mandate compromising his ability to really carry out reforms of substance. And then also landed with epic loans and economy in shambles.

We can see how the weak mandate mean;t he first picked one of the finest brains on economics - Atif Mian but then backed out after the anti-Ahmedi mobs.

Although Sir Zaffarullah was halal for Jinnah back when the country came into existence. Strange.
So, if someone steals your land, throws you out of your house, kills your cousins, then it would be okay with you for me to become their friend?
When my own land is on fire how can you expect that i will be able to help another one? While i see my enemy getting top notch equipment and i can do atleast something to stop it so why shouldn't i? States dont run on the basis of sentiments it runs on balanced foreign policies. You want to make a difference go talk to israel otherwise you can sit chanting death to israel and nothing is gonna happen.
Edit: also why do every Pakistani forgets that we can help Palestine even after recognizing israel.
Oops you got him by the balls there. Let's us see how he weazels out.
Israel and Pakistan shares remarkable resemblance as both countries were founded in the name of religion. Both countries by law persecute their minorities. Pakistan is only better than Israel because it is not illegally occupying anyone.
Oops you got him by the balls there. Let's us see how he weazels out.

ya murtad, i am not trying to weasel out. i am openly saying what i think, because i have balls, unlike you. you dont even answer straight forward questions when i ask you. you still havent answered what do you think of Prophet Muhammed?

next time, be a man, and say what you want to my face.

So Islamic state of Pakistan has no better equal rights for all its citizens than Jewish state of Israel? Amazing resemblance

no, you are wrong. we didnt kick the hindus out of Pakistan. but many Palestinians were kicked out of Palestine and it was turned into Israel. as for the Palestinians that became Israeli Arabs, they dont even have as many rights as we give to pakistan's hindus.

Satan worshipers like you and @Indus Pakistan dont want to see it.
Just for the record I personally do not consider Ahmedi's as Muslims. The fact is they have diluted the concept of finality and that is pretty clear and cast in Islam. However @Norwegian knows my position on this but I profoundly disagree that this community should in any way be prejudiced. Thus I will stand side by side with Ahmedi's. The matter of their distorted belief is for the almighty to resolve and outside the provenance of a mortal person like me. I am not going to play god.
Then you are giving legitimacy to illegitimacy
? You have a problem with Israel illegally occupying Palestine or Israel itself being illegal? If Israel itself is illegal than there is no need to condition recognition of Israel on Palestinian statehood. Don't play on both sides of the wicket please. Hypocrisy is Haram in Islam.
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