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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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As a Muslim you either believe in the Quran or you are not a muslim
What has this anything to do with the basic difference between Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Arabs? Israeli Arabs are legal citizens of Israel that enjoy all the perks that come with Israeli nationality. Palestinian Arabs are however illegally occupied by Israel and should be liberated as soon as possible.
What has this anything to do with the basic difference between Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Arabs? Israeli Arabs are legal citizens of Israel that enjoy all the perks that come with Israeli nationality. Palestinian Arabs are however illegally occupied by Israel and should be liberated as soon as possible.

answer the question. are you muslim or not?
have you ever read the Quran?
If reading the Quran is enough proof, evidence then reading any other holy book would be the same

So even if our esteemed members agree to Pakistan should do it, which party do you think will be able to do it?

This move will do nothing but give a lot of power to the religious parties and groups in Pakistan.

It's not even of should Pakistan do it but rather practically can any leader do it? The cost benefit on that would be just abysmal.

We'll recognise Israel is only valuable once you have not done it, but once you do, you've given up all your cards in this regard. You can't take it back. A few sanction probe military hardware and aid? What happens afterwards? What would you have to give once you have accepted them?

But you'd have given plenty to the TLP lot to hurt Pakistan a lot. I see little gain in it even from a practical point of view.
its the spot from where Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) ascended to heaven.
Good point. In that case Muslims should just keep it, and Jews can visit it after taking permission from Jordanian Islamic Waqf once a year
ah, ok, so you are definitely an atheist.
What I was trying to convey was that you need more than a book as proof, evidence for anything
Good point. In that case Muslims should just keep it, and Jews can visit it after taking permission from Jordanian Islamic Waqf once a year

they can visit it if they want and as long as they dont cause trouble. Islam doesnt tell to expel the Jews from Palestine. it was the Muslims that brought the Jews back to Palestine in the first place when Omar (RA) conquered Jerusalem from the Romans (who had expelled all the Jews).
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they cant visit it if they want and as long as they dont cause trouble. Islam doesnt tell to expel the Jews from Palestine. it was the Muslims that brought the Jews back to Palestine in the first place when Omar (RA) conquered Jerusalem from the Romans (who had expelled all the Jews).
Exactly. Muslims and Jews already live in peace in Israel. There are even Jewish Arab neighborhoods in Israel. Problem is not religious but of equal rights. Israeli Arabs have equal rights as Israeli Jews. While Palestinian Arabs live in perpetual apartheid under illegal Israeli occupation.
The Israelis, Palestinians and Arabs are NEITHER the friends, allies OR enemies of Pakistan. We should continue to deal with them as such.

The Palestinians and Arabs gave good relations with india so why can't Pakistan have the same with Israel?
Just because my" Muslim" neighbor drinks alcohol vehemently ,does that mean I should have a peg or two ??
Exactly. Muslims and Jews already live in peace in Israel.

no they dont. the Palestinians are the original inhabitants of the land, and they have been made homeless. that land doesnt belong to European Jewry. even the Palestinians that have israeli nationality arent equal to the Jews, because it says its a Jewish state, but the Palestinians arent Jews.
Just because my" Muslim" neighbor drinks alcohol vehemently ,does that mean I should have a peg or two ??

he once said he has no issue with befriending satan as long as Pakistan prospers.
It will be interesting to see here all liberals that are against concept of muslim unity and muslim ummah are using this Arab-Israel affair as a basis to recognize Israel.

My personal instance (to which a vast majority of Pakistani agrees)

1. Islam does not means the policy of KSA or Iran.
2. Islam does not mean following arabs.
3. Islam means follow quran and sunnah and to stood by principal. In principal israel is an occupier. We need to understand once we recognize then as per prevailing international laws it will become a permanent country whose boundaries cannot be changed
no they dont. the Palestinians are the original inhabitants of the land, and they have been made homeless. that land doesnt belong to European Jewry. even the Palestinians that have israeli nationality arent equal to the Jews, because it says its a Jewish state, but the Palestinians arent Jews.
Again you are confusing Palestinian Arabs with Israeli Arabs. They are not the same

Palestinian Arabs are illegally occupied by Israel and live under apartheid. Israeli Arabs are legal citizens of Israel with same rights as rest of Israeli Jews
Again you are confusing Palestinian Arabs with Israeli Arabs. They are not the same

Palestinian Arabs are illegally occupied by Israel and live under apartheid. Israeli Arabs are legal citizens of Israel with same rights as rest of Israeli Jews

i am not confusing it. israeli arabs dont have the same rights. even the israeli arab MPs say so, go read their statements. any state that calls itself a 'Jewish State' doesnt have equal rights for all citizens. it clearly favours the Jews over the Arabs. it is an apartheid state, and they were the last country to keep recognising apartheid South Africa till it ended.
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