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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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Can't you read? Jordanian Islamic Waqf is controlling entire Temple Mount area since 1967 war despite Israel winning the war. So it's not like Israeli Jews wants the site for themselves 24/7.

and i said, Jews have still entered it illegally in the past and even prevented Palestinians from going there. Jordan only has full control on paper you fucki*g idiot.

They are only interested in Western Wall where they can pray freely.

they dont just want that. they want the entire Aqsa Mosque eventually to build their temple, and the christians want it to happen because they believe it needs to happen in order for the Rapture to come.

You can't even tolerate that?

no. its Muslim land. fu*k the Jews and those that vouch for them.
Israeli Jews can't even form govt without support of the Arab Israelis. Apartheid? Genocide?

The highest courts in Israel backed housing discrimintaion and 'Jew only' settlements

Imagine an ad in NYC that said 'no Black allowed' and the Supreme Court rules it's perfectly legal

What other way would you describe that, except apartheid?

A Jew who moved from Paris or Brooklyn can live in a Jewish only settlement with no connection to that land in memory, but a Palestinian a mile away whose grandfather still has the keys to that house, can't.
Israeli Jews can't even form govt without support of the Arab Israelis. Apartheid? Genocide?
Are you having a stroke my friend why are you reacting to every post with a "hahhaha".If you need help I could call emergency services depending on where you are currently.
I guess a lot our countrymen are waiting for Iran to recognize Israel. If Iran ever recognizes Israel, they won't have any problem with it either. A lot of political narrtives in our country were in fact built by the Iranians.
No. Pakistan needs -

  • USA as hostile
  • Europe as hostile
  • Global trading order hostile
  • Western media hostile
  • Pakistan does not need Western investment
  • the Arabs can kick Pakistan in the teeth
  • Pakistan can beg and live on loans from West

But Pakistan will never recognize Israel even if Palestinians recognize Israel. This our din.
You have visited Turkey many times but, have you been to Israel?
Jordan only has full control on paper.
Jordan is in complete control but they keep complaining for political point scoring. Jordanian crown prince wanted to visit the site few weeks back but canceled the visit because Israel did not provide him protocol.
Are you having a stroke my friend why are you reacting to every post with a "hahhaha".If you need help I could call emergency services depending on where you are currently.
He's norwegian Qadyani with family in Israel ofcourse he'll support that apartheid State. This clown was banned for a good one year for mocking martyrs of Quetta police academy but sadly mods allowed him back.
The stupidity displayed in this topic is why religious discussion is not allowed on this forum.

Apparently all the previous Prophets of Allah were not Muslim.

What is a Muslim? Someone who submits to the will of Allah. The holy Quran clearly states Allah sent Prophets to guide people. It states the Jews and the Christians turned thier backs on that guidance and went astray.

The message they received was Islam. Thier distortions are Judaism and Christianity.
The highest courts in Israel backed housing discrimintaion and 'Jew only' settlements

Imagine an ad in NYC that said 'no Black allowed' and the Supreme Court rules it's perfectly legal

What other way would you describe that, except apartheid?

A Jew who moved from Paris or Brooklyn can live in a Jewish only settlement with no connection to that land in memory, but a Palestinian a mile away whose grandfather still has the keys to that house, can't.
Don't confuse Palestinian Arabs with Israeli Arabs. Palestinian Arabs are illegally occupied by Israel, have questionable human rights. Israeli Arabs however are integral part of Israeli society who enjoy all rights as rest of the Israeli Jews. They are 20 percent of total Israeli population.
The message they received was Islam. Thier distortions are Judaism and Christianity.
Jews and Christians claim Islam is the distorted message of Judaism and Christianity. Now what?
Don't confuse Palestinian Arabs with Israeli Arabs. Palestinian Arabs are illegally occupied by Israel, have questionable human rights. Israeli Arabs however are integral part of Israeli society who enjoy all rights as rest of the Israeli Jews. They are 20 percent of total Israeli population.
Read this excrept and say that again:
According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, the Arab population in 2019 was estimated at 1,890,000, representing 20.95% of the country's population.[1] The majority of these identify themselves as Arab or Palestinian by nationality and Israeli by citizenship.[9][10][11] Arab citizens of Israel mostly live in Arab-majority towns and cities; eight of Israel's ten poorest cities are Arab. The vast majority attend separate schools to Jewish Israelis, and Arab political parties have never joined a government coalition.[12][13
Don't confuse Palestinian Arabs with Israeli Arabs. Palestinian Arabs are illegally occupied by Israel, have questionable human rights. Israeli Arabs however are integral part of Israeli society who enjoy all rights as rest of the Israeli Jews. They are 20 percent of total Israeli population.

Jews and Christians claim Islam is the distorted message of Judaism and Christianity. Now what?

As a Muslim you either believe in the Quran or you are not a muslim

If you are not a Muslim then the Quran is a worthless book which holds no value. If you are Muslim it is divine truth. Whatever anyone else thinks is irrelevant.
Arab political parties have never joined a government coalition
This is about to change soon as Arab parties now support a Jewish Israeli candidate for PM.

Arab citizens of Israel mostly live in Arab-majority towns and cities; eight of Israel's ten poorest cities are Arab.
Yeah keep sitting outside of govt for 70 years and then complain why your community is not getting any budget. Until now Arab parties never supported any Israeli PM because of him being a Jew.
You are talking about third temple movement? It's a small fringe group which has no support in Israeli society.

its not just the Jews that want the temple built, the evangelical christians also want it built so that the Rapture can happen.

Al Aqsa Mosque yes but not Dome of the Rock which is holiest site in Judaism

all of Aqsa, including Dome of the Rock, is Muslim land.

Jordan is in complete control but they keep complaining for political point scoring. Jordanian crown prince wanted to visit the site few weeks back but canceled the visit because Israel did not provide him protocol.

you can believe whatever crap you want, murtad.

why religions contradict each other?

because pagans like you corrupted your books.
Jews and Christians claim Islam is the distorted message of Judaism and Christianity. Now what?

they are wrong, Muslims and Islam are right.
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