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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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if pak wants a few measly riches then recognize the devil but lose your soul. if you dont you will suffer but you will become stronger and will know your enemy better and die with dignity. today sultan Abdul Hamid is praised for his strong beliefs and loyalty while the rest have gone in the dust bin of history.
we dont claim their holy sites. what is ours, is ours.
Dome of the Rock at Temple Mount is Judaism most holy site. Even Jews are not allowed entry there by their Rabbis. Jordanian Islamic Waqf is controlling the site since 1967 war. If Israeli Jews want it that desperately, they would have never returned it.
whats wrong with the friendship with Israel?
For starters it is an illegitimate apartheid State. Anyone who thinks Israel should be recognized as a legitimate State needs to seek psychiatric help
they most certainly have entered the Dome of the Rock, and even prevented Palestinians from entering it many times. what is legal or illegal means nothing to israel.
Can't you read? Jordanian Islamic Waqf is controlling entire Temple Mount area since 1967 war despite Israel winning the war. So it's not like Israeli Jews wants the site for themselves 24/7. They are only interested in Western Wall where they can pray freely. However Jewish Rabbis can enter Dome of the Rock once a year. Read again once a year. You can't even tolerate that?
Dome of the Rock at Temple Mount is Judaism most holy site. Even Jews are not allowed entry there by their Rabbis. Jordanian Islamic Waqf is controlling the site since 1967 war. If Israeli Jews want it that desperately, they would have never returned it.
No Norwegian bhai bashing Islam does make you look like a intellectual.
No. Pakistan needs -

  • USA as hostile
  • Europe as hostile
  • Global trading order hostile
  • Western media hostile
  • Pakistan does not need Western investment
  • the Arabs can kick Pakistan in the teeth
  • Pakistan can beg and live on loans from West

But Pakistan will never recognize Israel even if Palestinians recognize Israel. This our din.
Your mother should have swallowed you. Fucking genocide endorsing cunt.
Israeli Jews can't even form govt without support of the Arab Israelis. Apartheid? Genocide?
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