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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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In principal israel is an occupier.
In principal India is occupying Kashmir, Turkey is occupying Northern Cyprus. So why have double Islamic standards for recognizing Israel? Which country has stopped recognizing India or Turkey because of their occupations?
any state that calls itself a 'Jewish State' doesnt have equal rights for all citizens.
Hahahaha. Pakistan, Iran and many other Muslim states call themselves Islamic States. Does it mean all citizens there have no equal rights?
Hahahaha. Pakistan, Iran and many other Muslim states call themselves Islamic States. Does it mean all citizens there have no equal rights?

they dont have equal rights. a hindu can never become the PM of Pakistan. an Arab can never become the head of Israel, a self proclaimed "Jewish state".
The Israelis, Palestinians and Arabs are NEITHER the friends, allies OR enemies of Pakistan. We should continue to deal with them as such.

The Palestinians and Arabs gave good relations with india so why can't Pakistan have the same with Israel?
All Muslim people are allies and friends of Pakistan.
Falstini aur Israeli dono G** du log hain, I will leave at that. Firk sirf itna hy, aik ko hm ny sir per bitha rkha hy aur dusry ko L per.

Recognize it or not, I would say setup a mutual beneficial relationship.
Pakistan's stance is already neutral as far as I can tell and accepts Israel as an already existing entity all it asks to the Israelis is to allow them [Palestinians] the same priviledges of self determination.. as per UN resolutions, which ironically had no right to auction off Palestinains land to begin with, but the Israelis think they can have their cake and eat it too.. which is far from being reasonable..

You heretic! :o:
Pakistan's stance is not neutral we are pro Palestine period. Ever since the Israelis tried to help India bomb Pak nuke facilities Israel has been targeted by PA and rightly so.
About time, get done with it. We can help Palestine even after recognizing israel. Also it'll be real beneficial for us as right now we have given israel free hand to provide any kind of hardware to india.
In principal India is occupying Kashmir, Turkey is occupying Northern Cyprus. So why have double Islamic standards for recognizing Israel? Which country has stopped recognizing India or Turkey because of their occupations?
Pakistan do not recognize kashmiri occupation of india. Check the official maps of pakistan.

With respect to cyprus turkey has a historical claim to which we agree on turkish part.

Northern cyprus population has 99% muslims and 99% turkish people so both in terms of race and religion they r turkish.
You have visited Turkey many times but, have you been to Israel?
No. Mostly because instinctively I don't like Israel. But I think I might take the plunge and go. i did get to know some Israeli students at university.

You see I don't look at Israel from religious prism. Just think for a second. If the invaders/settler had been Muslims from Yemen or Muslims from Pakistan do you think things would have been any differant? The Palestinans would still have fought and considered the invaders as enemies. When Iraq invaded Kuwait it cut no ice with Kuwaitis that the invaders were Muslim Arab Iraqis. If Afghan Muslim invade part of Pakistan or all of Pakistan I think the fact that the invaders would be Muslim would not reduce the angst of Pakistani's. When you get fcuked it is of little comfort that the weapon was halal.

What annoys me most about Israel is that in fact it was the latest and last European colonial project of population replacement done under the guise of Judaism. This came after the successfull European settlement projects in North, Central, South Americas, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand.

This involved settlemt of Poles, Russians, Latvians, Slovaks, Germans, Ukranians, Belorussians etc in Palestine and in fact turning that place into a Little Europe. Palestinians are Semites and mostly Muslim or Christian. They actually are more closer to the original Jewish Semites of judea then these European invaders.

Incidentally the Palestinian Christians have as much animus against these settlers as Muslim Palestinians underlining the fact that this is a conflict between a European invaders and native Palestinians with religion merely coincidemtal.

But be that as it may in 2021 it has happened. Pakistan not accepting Israel will hurt Israel as much as you hiolding your fart inside will damage your neighbour. It has no effect. The crucial countries in order of importance to Israel are and their status -

  • Egypt accepted
  • Turkey accepted
  • Jordan accepted
  • UAE accepted
  • Oman accepted
  • Saudia Arabia not accepted but moving toward that.
  • *
  • *
  • Pakistan comes way to the bottom.
The best way forward is to accept Israel and the influene of the combined neughbouring countries including Pakistan would be reasonable with the possibility to mitigate israel's behavour. I believe this is the path UAE has chosen. Sort of create a combined need for each other and thus garner influence.

But non of this will cut anything. Pakistan will persist in doing the wrong thing. After all over 70 years later what has Pakistan done that was right? It just litany of mistakes over the decades. Thus look at the state of the country today. Forward on the path like blind idiot.
they dont have equal rights. a hindu can never become the PM of Pakistan. an Arab can never become the head of Israel, a self proclaimed "Jewish state".
So Islamic state of Pakistan has no better equal rights for all its citizens than Jewish state of Israel? Amazing resemblance
they dont have equal rights. a hindu can never become the PM of Pakistan. an Arab can never become the head of Israel, a self proclaimed "Jewish state".
U r wrong. As a citizen they have equal rights. Right of cirizen does not give u right to lead.

PMship is not a right but an authority a prime part of which is representing. How a non-muslim can represent muslims? Considering majority of Pakistani put religion as a priority higher than Pakistan itself.

Furthermore leadership has to be from majority. So u r saying a person from 3% minority should rule and represent 97% , by what logic ?
In principal India is occupying Kashmir, Turkey is occupying Northern Cyprus. So why have double Islamic standards for recognizing Israel? Which country has stopped recognizing India or Turkey because of their occupations?

Hahahaha. Pakistan, Iran and many other Muslim states call themselves Islamic States. Does it mean all citizens there have no equal rights?
If you don't believe in Islamic brotherhood then...
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