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Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

Should pakistan recognize Israel?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 26 81.3%

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If such a scenario occurs it would be the end of OIC. Turkey, Pakistan, Iran and Malaysia with few other countries will form a new block. I don't think will come to that.

Pakistan favors the two state solution, if Palestine is allowed to exist we will accept Israel as well. Jerusalem should be jointly governed.
IMO we should have recognised Israel a long time ago. It’s one thing to call out their blatant occupation and annexation of lands as defined per multiple UNSC resolutions, and it’s another to deny recognition of the whole state itself. But you can ‘make peace’, establish ties and diplomatic relations while still openly being against settlements and occupation.

Our defiance perhaps goes to the extreme of self harm. And also, the Arabs themselves are nowhere to be seen on this matter. We already have cables with Israel through covert channels, our agencies and diplomats contact one another when there’s a need through Ankara and other consulates.

I think our lack of recognition and willingness to establish ties wins Palestinians nothing, while it costs us a lot. Don’t we have enough enemies and enough trouble as it is? It might be easier to maintain ties to the US without Israeli incentive to undermine us, we have our hands full with India and Kashmir in the east, and an unstable Afghanistan in the west. Arabs have abandoned Kashmir, I think we are foolish to be taking such a hard line on Israel while Arabs themselves are nowhere to be seen. Pick your battles and look after your own interests first.
From Hindsight, Pakistan made a mistake by IK not joining Turkey and Malaysia at the conference in Malaysia.
The time was right to announce a new alliance and block to lead Muslims in the world.

We should have not budge to the pressure of SA at the time.
The threat of expelling Pakistanis is a red herring. Pakistan should use its clout and force to compel SA not to issue such threats.
They cannot afford two regional powers i.e. Iran and now Pakistan against them.

USA cannot protect them all the time.
USA couldn't protect itself and its interests in Afghanistan. Here is a clue.

The ruling families of the GCC countries are sitting on time bomb. They have massive opposition inside, which they control through brutal means of Police State.

I am with you in spirit and thought... However, I differ in one concept.. I don't think it would be that easy to remain as neutral or uninvolved.

The Israelis have made clear how they view Pakistan... Hence their physical involvement in the recent failed attack by India.

I truely think things are going to get harder for Pakistan... Especially if they come for pakistan directly.

UAE views it's relationship with Israel and India as being more preciously and valuable than the indebted Pakistan. It will use its space to fund TPP and ISIS into Pakistan with Mossad and RAW hand in hand...
  1. What should pakistan do?
  2. What are the risks to Pakistan if it remains one of the only states that doesn't recognize Israel (exception Iran)?
  3. Would the new Zionist-Western-Arab alliance then place Pakistan in the same camp as Iran and destroy Pakistan via same sanctions?
  4. Is it time to join the Dejaali camp in order to survive or die with honor?
  5. With Arab states making peace with Israel... Mossad and Israel will wage full scale war against Pakistan with through India and directly. Can Pakistan handle the heat?
  6. Without Iranian oil, is Pakistan prepared to for the global onslaughts ... Even the UAE and Saudi Arabia the new Allies of Israel will be supporting terror outfits like TTP and Jahil Mullahs to break pakistan. Can a poor Pakistan survive the new Zionist Arab onslaughts?
  7. With the world Bank under Zionist control, can an indebted pakistan survive without loans?
Facing Zionist Dajaali Israel requires men with spines of steel..... Do we?
Pakistan need to become economically strong through sound economic and fiscal policy. Need to create proper environment for investment and need to invest heavily on human resource development(education, health, population stabilization etc.). Military might will come naturally with growing economy. If Pakistan become economically strong then neither the Zionist nor the Arab sheikhs can do any harm to Pakistan. One of the reason why Arab dictators suck up Bharati while showing disdain for Pakistan is that, they see India as a big economic partner while Pakistan as a burden whom they need to bailout times to times. This need to change. If Pakistan can turn around it's economy then you will see, these Arab will compete among themselves to come closer to Pakistan.

These spineless Arab dictators are cosying up to Israel for the same reason. They need sugar daddies to survive against the growing power of Turkey and Iran in Middle East. Pakistan need to cultivate strong relation with China, Turkey, EU, Russia, Iran, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia etc. Then these Zionists and their Arab lackeys will not be able to make any harm. Look how China and Russia defeated the combined might of America, Zionist lobbies and Arab gulf's attempt to reimpose arms embargo on Iran. So they are not as powerful as it seems. A country of 220 million people with strong economy and military have not to fear those tiny Arab sheikhdom and their Zionist master.

So I think, Pakistan should not compromise with it's principled position of not recognizing that cancer of Middle East until justice is done to the Palestinians who have lost everything.
Why did the Israelis (unofficially) join India in the failed attack in 2019. Lots of credible sources (including Indian ones) reported that.

Other than that, there are other events where Israeli were known for covertly attacking pakistan.

It is a big news for pakistani beyond pakistan. It has to do with religious prophecy beliefs and eschatology ... Something you perhaps won't understand...

If Pakistan would have formal relations with Israel probably Israel wouldn't have been so forthcoming in helping India with stuff. But still they would have sold us tech as it's business. About religious prophecy yes I am not sure but what is the worst case scenario of UAE recognizing Israel, I believe nothing! (Hasn't Turkey recognized Israel already) About new Islamic block I believe that is a far fetched dream before Erdogan Turkey was as pro-Israel as it gets what is the guarantee that after him Turkey won't go down the path again. Malaysia again Mahatir is gone and also Malaysia is too small for an impact, Iran itself is under sanctions and as you predict if there is a Saudi-UAE-Israel-US nexus they will go for Iran first. So, there is no alternate block. Pakistan should stay friendly with GCC (they have helped Pakistan numerous times in time of need) they may or may not recognize Israel that hardly matters. Haven't Turkey recognized Israel? Erdogan threatening UAE that they will cut off ties is as stupid as it gets. Shouldn't he first cut ties with Israel himself?
From Hindsight, Pakistan made a mistake by IK not joining Turkey and Malaysia at the conference in Malaysia.
The time was right to announce a new alliance and block to lead Muslims in the world.

We should have not budge to the pressure of SA at the time.
The threat of expelling Pakistanis is a red herring. Pakistan should use its clout and force to compel SA not to issue such threats.
They cannot afford two regional powers i.e. Iran and now Pakistan against them.

USA cannot protect them all the time.
USA couldn't protect itself and its interests in Afghanistan. Here is a clue.

The ruling families of the GCC countries are sitting on time bomb. They have massive opposition inside, which they control through brutal means of Police State.

We alone can’t build a new true Islamic block per se, all that would happen is that two opposing blocks would form. In parallel to an existing riff between Iran-Syria vs GCC. Then we would also have PK-ML-TR vs GCC.

In such a scenario I’m sorry to say that we do not have the means to see through the consequences. We have millions of workers in the GCC who are the mercy of their governments, our economy is also highly dependant in their remittances. Arabs in addition to this also directly contribute to our finances in times of dire need as they are now, and they also help us keep ties with the US, this last part is often overlooked but very important.

Turkey and Malaysia are far more developed and can see through the consequences of not having any GCC support, we on the other hand are far from such capability.

This speaks to another one of my arguments in this thread. I think it’s counterproductive to be burning bridges and trying to exert power when you have very little. Wiser folks build power and clout, and then use it for their goals when they’ve established themselves. If we develop well, we could be in a position to do this 15 years from now, but not as of today.
  1. What should pakistan do?
  2. What are the risks to Pakistan if it remains one of the only states that doesn't recognize Israel (exception Iran)?
  3. Would the new Zionist-Western-Arab alliance then place Pakistan in the same camp as Iran and destroy Pakistan via same sanctions?
  4. Is it time to join the Dejaali camp in order to survive or die with honor?
  5. With Arab states making peace with Israel... Mossad and Israel will wage full scale war against Pakistan with through India and directly. Can Pakistan handle the heat?
  6. Without Iranian oil, is Pakistan prepared to for the global onslaughts ... Even the UAE and Saudi Arabia the new Allies of Israel will be supporting terror outfits like TTP and Jahil Mullahs to break pakistan. Can a poor Pakistan survive the new Zionist Arab onslaughts?
  7. With the world Bank under Zionist control, can an indebted pakistan survive without loans?
Facing Zionist Dajaali Israel requires men with spines of steel..... Do we?

Why recognizing Israel has any effect on Pakistan? Even if all the Arab states recognize Israel we can simply adopt no interference policy.

No need to join any camp and peruse your own independent foreign policy.
We alone can’t build a new true Islamic block per se, all that would happen is that two opposing blocks would form. In parallel to an existing riff between Iran-Syria vs GCC. Then we would also have PK-ML-TR vs GCC.

In such a scenario I’m sorry to say that we do not have the means to see through the consequences. We have millions of workers in the GCC who are the mercy of their governments, our economy is also highly dependant in their remittances. Arabs in addition to this also directly contribute to our finances in times of dire need as they are now, and they also help us keep ties with the US, this last part is often overlooked but very important.

Turkey and Malaysia are far more developed and can see through the consequences of not having any GCC support, we on the other hand are far from such capability.

This speaks to another one of my arguments in this thread. I think it’s counterproductive to be burning bridges and trying to exert power when you have very little. Wiser folks build power and clout, and then use it for their goals when they’ve established themselves. If we develop well, we could be in a position to do this 15 years from now, but not as of today.

So who brought this dependency!!
Those who claim they have done "Economic miracles" by building "Motorway" in Pakistan.
What they don't tell you that there is an allegation in printed form of them stealing over $460 million from the project. An allegation they have never denied or sued the publishers.

All this game of if, but, may be has to finish. We have to start somewhere, now is the time for independent foreign policy and no reliance on Arabs. They are not reliable or honest.
  1. What should pakistan do?
  2. What are the risks to Pakistan if it remains one of the only states that doesn't recognize Israel (exception Iran)?
  3. Would the new Zionist-Western-Arab alliance then place Pakistan in the same camp as Iran and destroy Pakistan via same sanctions?
  4. Is it time to join the Dejaali camp in order to survive or die with honor?
  5. With Arab states making peace with Israel... Mossad and Israel will wage full scale war against Pakistan with through India and directly. Can Pakistan handle the heat?
  6. Without Iranian oil, is Pakistan prepared to for the global onslaughts ... Even the UAE and Saudi Arabia the new Allies of Israel will be supporting terror outfits like TTP and Jahil Mullahs to break pakistan. Can a poor Pakistan survive the new Zionist Arab onslaughts?
  7. With the world Bank under Zionist control, can an indebted pakistan survive without loans?
Facing Zionist Dajaali Israel requires men with spines of steel..... Do we?
We will have at least respect and history will tell us we had spine....enough
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Turkey, Azerbaijan, ... All have recognized Israel..and soon perhaps Indonesia, and few others will as well.

The new Arab-Zionists are UAE, Bahrain, Oman, and Saudi Arabia.... They will go to the next level and fight for Israel. They will militarily and financially attack Pakistan at the behest of Israel. Their Kings and despot rulers worship the Zionist Bankers.

That leaves Iran, Lebanon, Iraq... But these are the Shia block... They hate Sunni Pakistan and Iran has been fermenting terror in Pakistan Balochistan... How are the Shia (the haters of Sunni Pakistan) any sort of allies???

With that I say... Perhaps.. Is pakistan truely the sole fighter for Islam left?... Are we ready to go it all alone?... It are we too corrupt to take this on???
As per my best assumption Indonesia and Malaysia will not recognize Israel.
  1. What should pakistan do?
  2. What are the risks to Pakistan if it remains one of the only states that doesn't recognize Israel (exception Iran)?
  3. Would the new Zionist-Western-Arab alliance then place Pakistan in the same camp as Iran and destroy Pakistan via same sanctions?
  4. Is it time to join the Dejaali camp in order to survive or die with honor?
  5. With Arab states making peace with Israel... Mossad and Israel will wage full scale war against Pakistan with through India and directly. Can Pakistan handle the heat?
  6. Without Iranian oil, is Pakistan prepared to for the global onslaughts ... Even the UAE and Saudi Arabia the new Allies of Israel will be supporting terror outfits like TTP and Jahil Mullahs to break pakistan. Can a poor Pakistan survive the new Zionist Arab onslaughts?
  7. With the world Bank under Zionist control, can an indebted pakistan survive without loans?
Facing Zionist Dajaali Israel requires men with spines of steel..... Do we?
Pakistan and Turkey seem to be poised to be the leaders of the Muslim world.

The Arabs spread the light of Islam far and wide. Now it is incumbent upon Indians and Pakistanis to return the favor. :)
  1. What should pakistan do?
  2. What are the risks to Pakistan if it remains one of the only states that doesn't recognize Israel (exception Iran)?
  3. Would the new Zionist-Western-Arab alliance then place Pakistan in the same camp as Iran and destroy Pakistan via same sanctions?
  4. Is it time to join the Dejaali camp in order to survive or die with honor?
  5. With Arab states making peace with Israel... Mossad and Israel will wage full scale war against Pakistan with through India and directly. Can Pakistan handle the heat?
  6. Without Iranian oil, is Pakistan prepared to for the global onslaughts ... Even the UAE and Saudi Arabia the new Allies of Israel will be supporting terror outfits like TTP and Jahil Mullahs to break pakistan. Can a poor Pakistan survive the new Zionist Arab onslaughts?
  7. With the world Bank under Zionist control, can an indebted pakistan survive without loans?
Facing Zionist Dajaali Israel requires men with spines of steel..... Do we?

Life goes on, nothing changes, things are as they are today. What do Arab states provide today that will change tomorrow? Nothing. Things should only change if there is a peaceful resolution to the Palestine issue.

Free men are those who are not dependent on others. We need to develop everything we need to survive in-house. Continue on this path, Allah will take care of the rest.
Lebanon, Iraq and Syria from the Arab side won't accept Israel.
Israel probably wants Pakistan on its side more than any Arab country. Arab countries might provide financial capital and trade but only Pakistan can help them achieve their true strategic objectives. Also us being only nuclear power in Muslim world will always jitters their nerves. Arabs might have something to gain but we have everything to loose by allying with Israel.
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