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Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

Should pakistan recognize Israel?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 26 81.3%

  • Total voters
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And i never wrote which i cant justify. I can justify with reasoning, logic and facts. but the real question is are you ready to accept the reality? Also for accepting the reality, one should have courage and belief. All i can say that, can you show me any official map of Israel which is showing the borders of Israel? If not, then its telling the whole story which you are unable to see.

I am happy that i am near to reality and can sense with the help of ALLAH what turns out to be the outcome.

Blah blah blah,

Argue the point in the thread, not your fantasies, what has the map to do with anything, when you get stuck with tactical arguments, you lose the strategic argument. it is like winning the battle but losing the war. Please recognize the situation for what it is, and not become stubborn in your point of view. That was the essence of my point and that's what Prophet Muhammad taught us.

The thread is about the positives and negatives of recognizing Israel, the author made a list of statements and questions, I answered each, step by step, condensing my answers as much as I could.

All you've given is you personal opinion in a single paragraph, without any basis to back up your argument. Just because you think something, it does not make it right, that's arrogance.

I'm not going to reply to you anymore, you haven't got a clue.
  1. What should pakistan do?
  2. What are the risks to Pakistan if it remains one of the only states that doesn't recognize Israel (exception Iran)?
  3. Would the new Zionist-Western-Arab alliance then place Pakistan in the same camp as Iran and destroy Pakistan via same sanctions?
  4. Is it time to join the Dejaali camp in order to survive or die with honor?
  5. With Arab states making peace with Israel... Mossad and Israel will wage full scale war against Pakistan with through India and directly. Can Pakistan handle the heat?
  6. Without Iranian oil, is Pakistan prepared to for the global onslaughts ... Even the UAE and Saudi Arabia the new Allies of Israel will be supporting terror outfits like TTP and Jahil Mullahs to break pakistan. Can a poor Pakistan survive the new Zionist Arab onslaughts?
  7. With the world Bank under Zionist control, can an indebted pakistan survive without loans?
Facing Zionist Dajaali Israel requires men with spines of steel..... Do we?
Pakistan is irrelevant, we don't care about you and we don't need to sanction you or attack you with the Mossad
Blah blah blah,

Argue the point in the thread, not your fantasies, what has the map to do with anything, when you get stuck with tactical arguments, you lose the strategic argument. it is like winning the battle but losing the war. Please recognize the situation for what it is, and not become stubborn in your point of view. That was the essence of my point and that's what Prophet Muhammad taught us.

The thread is about the positives and negatives of recognizing Israel, the author made a list of statements and questions, I answered each, step by step, condensing my answers as much as I could.

All you've given is you personal opinion in a single paragraph, without any basis to back up your argument. Just because you think something, it does not make it right, that's arrogance.

I'm not going to reply to you anymore, you haven't got a clue.
Oh really, so mine is personal opinion and your's is a policy statement by state?
If you cant get the clue of not having a MAP of a state with proper markings of border, then your so called strategic thinking is rubbish.
And for your knowledge Quran and Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) taught us so many things and every thing has to be assessed thoroughly according to present circumstances.

What strategic benefits Pakistan will get after recognizing Israel. And what you are seeing as strategic benefits, that will become end of Muslims rule in Arab land, and you will see this by your own eyes in due time.
Mr. Strategic thinker :azn:
Pakistan is irrelevant, we don't care about you and we don't need to sanction you or attack you with the Mossad
as israel is very important to us ? try to attack and we will teach you a lesson you will never forget . BTW since last 4 years you are wasting your time on a forum of irrelevant country why ?
What happens if Allah Swt decides to send His curse on those who Ally with Israel?
For Muslims this should be the thread for cowards this thread seems reasonable,
  1. What should pakistan do?
  2. What are the risks to Pakistan if it remains one of the only states that doesn't recognize Israel (exception Iran)?
  3. Would the new Zionist-Western-Arab alliance then place Pakistan in the same camp as Iran and destroy Pakistan via same sanctions?
  4. Is it time to join the Dejaali camp in order to survive or die with honor?
  5. With Arab states making peace with Israel... Mossad and Israel will wage full scale war against Pakistan with through India and directly. Can Pakistan handle the heat?
  6. Without Iranian oil, is Pakistan prepared to for the global onslaughts ... Even the UAE and Saudi Arabia the new Allies of Israel will be supporting terror outfits like TTP and Jahil Mullahs to break pakistan. Can a poor Pakistan survive the new Zionist Arab onslaughts?
  7. With the world Bank under Zionist control, can an indebted pakistan survive without loans?
Facing Zionist Dajaali Israel requires men with spines of steel..... Do we?

Facing Zionists requires Imaan, Firaasah and being a Mu'min! It is said that kuffar fear the "Firaasah" of a Mu'min, for Mu'mins are endowed by Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah to see through the lies, deception and artificial power of kuffar. A true Muslim will tell you that the basis of strength and power of Zionists, is their alliance with shayateen, who are under the command of Dajjal. But of course, among Muslimeen, there are those who do not have the intuitive spiritual acumen to understand such things.

There are two worlds that exist in the same time and space. The mortal one and the unseen one. When elements from these two worlds come together, then you have two powerful forces. One is with Imaan and are Mu'mins, the others are soulless, godless and they are kuffar (zionists).
Pakistan has nothing to gain from recognized isreal & has long left the american block. furthermore, Pakistan won't condone any racist, apartheid (read zionist) policies of isreal by recognizing them. Now, if they make Palestinians equal citizens of isreal or give them independence then we can think about it.
Equal citizens? In which country minorities are treated as equals?

Israel is a Jewish land remember that. There are many neighbouring Arab states like Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria where Christians and Jews are not treated equally.
Pakistan should have recognized Israel long ago. For the first couple of decades it made sense as a principled stance, but once it became obvious Israel is here to stay, then how can it be a policy of not to talk, it does not make sense. Not talking is not a proactive policy. It is called being lazy and childish, as India is doing right now.

Replace the word Israel with India... Replace the word Palestinians with Kashmiris.... And you then have your answer.
This is stupid, we must first correct things within our own country before coming to lead the so-called new Islamic block. Much work needs to be done to fix our broken economy then we can start dreaming that big. Israel is a ally of India, and they gain much more from India than they will from Pakistan. It doesn't makes sense how recognizing Israel will decrease threats from Israel + India, If anything it might lead to more double games and plays of deception. Let the Arabs recognize Israel, but we shouldn't have to do anything with that despicable nation. Pakistan is acting stupid by trying to become a leader when it is clearly in economic shambles. Give it some time people, for the country to mature and for the economy to become stable. Then we can be back to playing games again.
Replace the word Israel with India... Replace the word Palestinians with Kashmiris.... And you then have your answer.

That does mean anything.
It really does not make sense, an answer is an answer, not an insinuation nor a conspiracy theory.

Most of us are blinded by the word Israel, we have nothing but emotional answers, please get past it and start thinking clearly.
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