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Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

Should pakistan recognize Israel?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 26 81.3%

  • Total voters
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I am truely horrified (at what is about to unfold)... We are seeing the prophecies of the Dejaal and End Times unfold before us at unprecedented pace!... This is supposed to be the worst time of fithna in human history... Are we (Pakistani) ready?

Pakistan is the kind of nation which has internal faith and strength, unmatched in the whole world.

I was listening to Orya Maqbool yesterday, he was talking about the great game which is being played here. He mentioned that since Mujaddid Alf Thani Ahmad Sirhindi, the nucleus of Islamic thought has moved to us from Arabs, Persians, and Turks.

All recent major changes in the Muslim world had influences and origin from the subcontinent Muslims, such as Iranian revolution for example.

Pakistan is just a culmination of that ideology, which is finally finding stable ground.
No need to worry during these times traitors out themselves and people can see them for who and what they are.

When the ground shakes the weak fall. ~ PakFactor

Yes! I think you are correct. I think during such fithna ... The traitors are exposed.

On the other hand... Too many personality worshippers in pakistan...
I.e. Nawaz Worshipers, Mullah Diesel Worshipers, Bhutto Zinda Hai Worshippers... Etc.
Why did you change the title and added a poll like if Pakistan will compromise on an ideology since birth? By the way it goes before 47 when Jinnah has been opposing creation of illegal Israel as such. Why should we compromise on that? just because other countries do so? then how many changes will you make to appease the world in such new world order?
Why did you change the title and added a poll like if Pakistan will compromise on an ideology since birth? By the way it goes before 47 when Jinnah has been opposing creation of illegal Israel as such. Why should we compromise on that? just because other countries do so? then how many changes will you make to appease the world in such new world order?

Because the discussion went beyond Pakistan's reaction to the Arabs... It is about Pakistan's independent policy and interest on a broader perspective.

I agree with you. We should not appease the new world order. But are we willing to do it alone (somewhat)? It has some far reaching consequences whether it is "yes" or "no"?

Pakistan's foreign policy has always aligned with the Saudi/Arab official positions. With the exception of Kashmir which is Pakistan's core issue. If Pakistan choses a different path from the Gulf Arabs, it risks isolation.

What happens when Saudi UAE etc. Fully align themselves with Israel and then by defacto India?... They may move their position from (relaxed) support for the Kashmir issue to the opposite... Full support for Indian Kashmir position... It is a very very plausible scenario.
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I've said "yes" but to be honest, there is no point whatsoever now.

Had we done the sensible thing ten years ago, we would have outmanouevered India completely and gained an advantage from this. Also, to all the bleeding hearts out there, Pakistan could have led the way on a Palestinian peace initiative instead of UAE. There's honestly no point now because we will look like sheep who can't think for themselves but instead take orders from a bunch of gulfies. Pakistan is trapped in its own mind and seems to have constructed a glass ceiling for itself. Recognising Israel now is INEVITABLE for this tool of a deep state that supposedly is guiding our country, because as soon as Riyadh gives the order, our deep state will jump. It's shocking frankly.

We need to stop following these gulfies so blindly. The added risk presently is that Americans are so intertwined with this rapprochement, that any recognition of Israel will automatically align us with USA in the middle east - again for ZERO BENEFIT TO PAKISTAN.

I don't care if we had recognised Israel and backed the American position ten years ago, because we could have charged an EXTORTIONATE price vis a vis the vile regime in Delhi. Pakistan recognising Israel now is like buying gold after the BBC tells everyone to buy gold.
I am truely horrified (at what is about to unfold)... We are seeing the prophecies of the Dejaal and End Times unfold before us at unprecedented pace!... This is supposed to be the worst time of fithna in human history... Are we (Pakistani) ready?
Brother, the only problem with end-time interpretations is that the enemy has access to the same scriptures. What if Pakistan is being led into a trap by some enemies deliberately manufacturing a near-end-times scenario? The enemy would then know exactly what well-meaning individuals such as yourself will do next. This gives your enemy an advantage. It's risky to start engaging in end-time conversations because the minute you believe it's happening, your next move becomes predictable.

Better to let what happens happen, at least for now.

Believe me, the real guiding hands in this world are completely unseen to you or I.
Brother, the only problem with end-time interpretations is that the enemy has access to the same scriptures. What if Pakistan is being led into a trap by some enemies deliberately manufacturing a near-end-times scenario? The enemy would then know exactly what well-meaning individuals such as yourself will do next. This gives your enemy an advantage. It's risky to start engaging in end-time conversations because the minute you believe it's happening, your next move becomes predictable.

Better to let what happens happen, at least for now.

Believe me, the real guiding hands in this world are completely unseen to you or I.

They are too many and too complex to be a construct of "self fulfilling prophesies"... I see what you mean... However, these prophesies are outside the scope of human interventions...

E.g. you may see one or two being manufactured as you suggest... However, you cannot manufacture all of them in a parallel or simultaneously... Meaning... Geopolitical happening, Geosciences (earthquakes etc.), Medical (Virus etc.), Social (human society), economic (tall buildings etc), religious (fithna etc.), ... I hope you get my point... When we see these signs ALL occuring (from different fields simultaneously) then... Can we say they are being constructed?? ...

I think not...
I've said "yes" but to be honest, there is no point whatsoever now.

Had we done the sensible thing ten years ago, we would have outmanouevered India completely and gained an advantage from this. Also, to all the bleeding hearts out there, Pakistan could have led the way on a Palestinian peace initiative instead of UAE. There's honestly no point now because we will look like sheep who can't think for themselves but instead take orders from a bunch of gulfies. Pakistan is trapped in its own mind and seems to have constructed a glass ceiling for itself. Recognising Israel now is INEVITABLE for this tool of a deep state that supposedly is guiding our country, because as soon as Riyadh gives the order, our deep state will jump. It's shocking frankly.

We need to stop following these gulfies so blindly. The added risk presently is that Americans are so intertwined with this rapprochement, that any recognition of Israel will automatically align us with USA in the middle east - again for ZERO BENEFIT TO PAKISTAN.

I don't care if we had recognised Israel and backed the American position ten years ago, because we could have charged an EXTORTIONATE price vis a vis the vile regime in Delhi. Pakistan recognising Israel now is like buying gold after the BBC tells everyone to buy gold.

That is highly conditional if a Palestinian state is formed which is equal to Israel in both power and socereignty, which they would never accept.

Brother, the only problem with end-time interpretations is that the enemy has access to the same scriptures. What if Pakistan is being led into a trap by some enemies deliberately manufacturing a near-end-times scenario? The enemy would then know exactly what well-meaning individuals such as yourself will do next. This gives your enemy an advantage. It's risky to start engaging in end-time conversations because the minute you believe it's happening, your next move becomes predictable.

Better to let what happens happen, at least for now.

Believe me, the real guiding hands in this world are completely unseen to you or I.

Israelis and their allies are already studying our scriptures and know it better than us.

Daesh was created the same way. They used command and organization of Taliban, and blended it with Khawarij ideology and yawm al akhir/eschatologic propaganda.
Equal citizens? In which country minorities are treated as equals?

Israel is a Jewish land remember that. There are many neighbouring Arab states like Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria where Christians and Jews are not treated equally.
save me the biblical "jewish land crap". they don't enforce jewish biblical laws nor do they practice it. for all intents & purposes, they are a secular country so they should follow secular standards where all people are equal citizens regardless of race, religion or creed.
save me the biblical "jewish land crap". they don't enforce jewish biblical laws nor do they practice it. for all intents & purposes, they are a secular country so they should follow secular standards where all people are equal citizens regardless of race, religion or creed.
Arab countries should start treating it's minorities equally first end of story.
They are too many and too complex to be a construct of "self fulfilling prophesies"... I see what you mean... However, these prophesies are outside the scope of human interventions...

E.g. you may see one or two being manufactured as you suggest... However, you cannot manufacture all of them in a parallel or simultaneously... Meaning... Geopolitical happening, Geosciences (earthquakes etc.), Medical (Virus etc.), Social (human society), economic (tall buildings etc), religious (fithna etc.), ... I hope you get my point... When we see these signs ALL occuriy (from different fields simultaneously) then... Can we say they are being constructed?? ...

I think not...

@masterchief_mirza This is why authentic scholarship is so important, but I fear that most of those scholars like Dr. Israr Ahmad, Shah Wali ullah, Niamatullah Shah Wali, Mujaddid Alf Thani, Allama Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi, Allama Iqbal, and Maulana Maududi have passed away.

However there are still a few who live by their teachings and incorporate them into their worldview like Orya Maqbool Jan, Dr. Shahid Masood, and PM Imran Khan.
Arabs are now aligned with Israel... How will Pakistan do it alone if the new Zionist-Arab attacks Pakistan in the behalf of the Israel-Zionist?
Plz look around, we are going in a bock that is against them. its not like we are alone and that this block is already dere just a few refinements and some touches here and dere. blocks are already formed my friend. just look around
save me the biblical "jewish land crap". they don't enforce jewish biblical laws nor do they practice it. for all intents & purposes, they are a secular country so they should follow secular standards where all people are equal citizens regardless of race, religion or creed.

Who are you replying to brother?

That is the only holy state I know which has gay pride parades and nudist beaches. Lives on slave labor and enforced ghettoization of 50% population.

Zionists mastered the art of using religion for their urreligious goals. That why prominent Jews like Einstein opposed them.
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