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Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

Should pakistan recognize Israel?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 26 81.3%

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What should pakistan do?

Pakistan should have recognized Israel long ago. For the first couple of decades it made sense as a principled stance, but once it became obvious Israel is here to stay, then how can it be a policy of not to talk, it does not make sense. Not talking is not a proactive policy. It is called being lazy and childish, as India is doing right now.

The world has been supporting Israel, even before it was created and that support only increased with time, in so many ways. How did anyone think that you will find a solution by not talking? I will never understand. It was and is a stupid policy, and should be done away with. But, how the Arabs did it, for sake of their personal gain, that is stupid, selfish, and has weakened the Palestinian cause, there is always a better way of doing things.

There is no need for full diplomatic relations,
A. recognize Israel's right to exist.
B. with Tel Aviv as the capital, not Jerusalem
C. recognizing the limits of Israel borders excluding all occupied territories, so making a clear differentiation.
D. Limit trade barring a permanent solution (incentive), when something is alive it can be started and stoped to cause an effect, when there is nothing, your actions will not have any effect
E. Limit diplomatic presence or the level at which diplomatic exchange takes place, that is also effective, because it is an instrument of action. Turkey has relations with Israel but it starts and stops to show displeasure, that is more effective than doing zero, because there are no relations, you are doing zero.
If you were powerful, then having no relations would hurt, right now it is an illogical position.

What are the risks to Pakistan if it remains one of the only states that doesn't recognize Israel (exception Iran)?

We need to realize that we have already paid a heavy price, do you even realize how much we would have benefited by having the Israeli lobby on our side through our history. People have forgotten that we have already paid a very heavy price by having the Israeli lobby in the western countries, especially America, actively working against Pakistan for the last 70 years.

If we are left alone now, it will be like living on a desert island, try and survive then. China is our friend because we have value, when you are on a desert island, China will treat you like an idiot, and treat you how they wish.

Our main concern by far should be Kashmir, how do you think you will help the people of Kashmir by being on a desert island?

Why does everyone forget the Palestinians have never sided with the people of Kashmir, but India for god sake, talk about hypocrisy. Is Kashmir blood cheaper then Palestinian blood? Far more Kashmiri have been murdered then Palestinians. Time to wake up and make sensible decisions and not let ourselves be ruled only by emotions.

Would the new Zionist-Western-Arab alliance then place Pakistan in the same camp as Iran and destroy Pakistan via same sanctions?

No, Pakistan may be poor but it is a large country 5th largest out of 200 countries, that has value, it means you can be sidelined, but you cannot be ignored, especially with nuclear weapons, and other capabilities we have, I won't go into that as already this is getting longer then I had planned.

Is it time to join the Dejaali camp in order to survive or die with honor?

No dejaali camp. It is the camp of my prophet, my Mohammad, I belong in that camp, no Arab no dejaali (interesting word). It is his teachings that tell me not to be an idiot and use my head, be sensible and think clearly, that is the lesson I received from my prophet.

With Arab states making peace with Israel... Mossad and Israel will wage full scale war against Pakistan with through India and directly. Can Pakistan handle the heat?

Yes, very true. But, Pakistan is not made of glass, these lots are scared of Pakistan, there is a limit to what they can do. If you think Iran is troublesome, you have no idea what Pakistan can do if Pakistan decides to play dirty, get naked, no hold barred fight. BUT, THEY DO.
It shouldn’t be our main concern, the concern should be to act wisely and sensibly.

Without Iranian oil, is Pakistan prepared to for the global onslaughts ... Even the UAE and Saudi Arabia the new Allies of Israel will be supporting terror outfits like TTP and Jahil Mullahs to break pakistan. Can a poor Pakistan survive the new Zionist Arab onslaughts?

This is just dramatic melodrama, hype without the reality, don’t even need to think about this aspect, because it is detached from reality.

With the world Bank under Zionist control, can an indebted pakistan survive without loans?

This is just conjecture, illogical scaremongering, let us just make sensible decisions on what needs to be done to GET RESULTS, and leave our emotions for our children, we are grown-ups, and it is time to make grow up decisions.
Arabs.... They couldn't do anything before recognizing Israel, neither they can do now after their recognition of Israel.. So useless to even discuss about this topic
Yes alone and its good for us due to COVID-19. :yahoo:
living with bad people or living alone what is good ? i wish paksitan must be stand alone and strong common we are 5th largest population on earth for god sake
Pakistan should have recognized Israel long ago. For the first couple of decades it made sense as a principled stance, but once it became obvious Israel is here to stay, then how can it be a policy of not to talk, it does not make sense. Not talking is not a proactive policy. It is called being lazy and childish, as India is doing right now.

The world has been supporting Israel, even before it was created and that support only increased with time, in so many ways. How did anyone think that you will find a solution by not talking? I will never understand. It was and is a stupid policy, and should be done away with. But, how the Arabs did it, for sake of their personal gain, that is stupid, selfish, and has weakened the Palestinian cause, there is always a better way of doing things.

There is no need for full diplomatic relations,
A. recognize Israel's right to exist.
B. with Tel Aviv as the capital, not Jerusalem
C. recognizing the limits of Israel borders excluding all occupied territories, so making a clear differentiation.
D. Limit trade barring a permanent solution (incentive), when something is alive it can be started and stoped to cause an effect, when there is nothing, your actions will not have any effect
E. Limit diplomatic presence or the level at which diplomatic exchange takes place, that is also effective, because it is an instrument of action. Turkey has relations with Israel but it starts and stops to show displeasure, that is more effective than doing zero, because there are no relations, you are doing zero.
If you were powerful, then having no relations would hurt, right now it is an illogical position.

We need to realize that we have already paid a heavy price, do you even realize how much we would have benefited by having the Israeli lobby on our side through our history. People have forgotten that we have already paid a very heavy price by having the Israeli lobby in the western countries, especially America, actively working against Pakistan for the last 70 years.

If we are left alone now, it will be like living on a desert island, try and survive then. China is our friend because we have value, when you are on a desert island, China will treat you like an idiot, and treat you how they wish.

Our main concern by far should be Kashmir, how do you think you will help the people of Kashmir by being on a desert island?

Why does everyone forget the Palestinians have never sided with the people of Kashmir, but India for god sake, talk about hypocrisy. Is Kashmir blood cheaper then Palestinian blood? Far more Kashmiri have been murdered then Palestinians. Time to wake up and make sensible decisions and not let ourselves be ruled only by emotions.

No, Pakistan may be poor but it is a large country 5th largest out of 200 countries, that has value, it means you can be sidelined, but you cannot be ignored, especially with nuclear weapons, and other capabilities we have, I won't go into that as already this is getting longer then I had planned.

No dejaali camp. It is the camp of my prophet, my Mohammad, I belong in that camp, no Arab no dejaali (interesting word). It is his teachings that tell me not to be an idiot and use my head, be sensible and think clearly, that is the lesson I received from my prophet.

Yes, very true. But, Pakistan is not made of glass, these lots are scared of Pakistan, there is a limit to what they can do. If you think Iran is troublesome, you have no idea what Pakistan can do if Pakistan decides to play dirty, get naked, no hold barred fight. BUT, THEY DO.
It shouldn’t be our main concern, the concern should be to act wisely and sensibly.

This is just dramatic melodrama, hype without the reality, don’t even need to think about this aspect, because it is detached from reality.

This is just conjecture, illogical scaremongering, let us just make sensible decisions on what needs to be done to GET RESULTS, and leave our emotions for our children, we are grown-ups, and it is time to make grow up decisions.
Israel lobby can never be on your side as Pakistan is an Islamic Ideological state. And mind it Israel will never be friend of Muslims what so ever. They know very well that Islam is the only religion which stands between them and their rise. And eventually, Muslims will have to fight Jews in final battle. You and any other cant change this destiny.
Who thinks that better relationship with Israel will benefit us, then they are living in fool's paradise. As having good relationship with Muslim world by Israel is only for achieving their greater goal towards greater Israel.
So don't have a false hope that Pakistan can get any benefit by having good relationship with Israel.
living with bad people or living alone what is good ? i wish paksitan must be stand alone and strong common we are 5th largest population on earth for god sake
It is not possible until we will get rid of our corrupt Ashrafia.
It is not possible until we will get rid of our corrupt Ashrafia.
i think once downfall start no one can stop it . its golden chance to regain freedom of 1948 we should not miss it . all this mess was created by bhutto and zia era then everyone followed it . we must stand up for ourselves .
Israel lobby can never be on your side as Pakistan is an Islamic Ideological state. And mind it Israel will never be friend of Muslims what so ever. They know very well that Islam is the only religion which stands between them and their rise. And eventually, Muslims will have to fight Jews in final battle. You and any other cant change this destiny.
Who thinks that better relationship with Israel will benefit us, then they are living in fool's paradise. As having good relationship with Muslim world by Israel is only for achieving their greater goal towards greater Israel.
So don't have a false hope that Pakistan can get any benefit by having good relationship with Israel.

Believe what you will, I see your reality has gotten you very far.

Opinions are cheap, justify your opinions with reason, logic, or facts, as I did.
Iran predicted 40 years ago what Pakistan is now realizing today.

The only way to pressure Israel and Saudi into submission is with force. Now Iran makes all of its own missiles, rockets, and satellites, and all Israelis and Saudis can do is watch and hope Iran doesn't aim for them.

Iran has no allies, but they are strong enough that they don't need any. Iran has no allies and even without allies, Iran standing alone is feared by Israel, Saudi, and US.

Some people say Iran is a Shia Pakistan, but in reality, Pakistan will become a Sunni Iran.

40 years from now, Pakistan will be the new Iran and that is a good thing.

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I am sorry to say this but making a greater Israel at the rate of 4 babies every 3 years with a population of 10 million is going to take a lot of time. Its just last efforts of some men who are destined to hell. live 70, 80, 90, 100 years.. be obedient to Allah or be destined to hell which is going to exclaim if there are any more to enter it ?
Opinions are cheap, justify your opinions with reason, logic, or facts, as I did.
And i never wrote which i cant justify. I can justify with reasoning, logic and facts. but the real question is are you ready to accept the reality? Also for accepting the reality, one should have courage and belief. All i can say that, can you show me any official map of Israel which is showing the borders of Israel? If not, then its telling the whole story which you are unable to see.

Believe what you will, I see your reality has gotten you very far.

I am happy that i am near to reality and can sense with the help of ALLAH what turns out to be the outcome.
If the whole world follows the devil and daljhal will you do the same. We have our own destiny. Arabs have screwed themselves for generations in the past and recent events means they will continue to be screwed
i think once downfall start no one can stop it . its golden chance to regain freedom of 1948 we should not miss it . all this mess was created by bhutto and zia era then everyone followed it . we must stand up for ourselves .
You are right, but to clean up the mess created by former rulers, one need to start the process but Khan sb. is surrounded by puppets of that Ashrafia. Due to that Khan sb. unable to do what they supposed to do when they got power.
Our most vulnerable front is our weak economy and ultimately weak economy hurts everything in a state, from daily food for people to defense, foreign policy of country and etc.
So as a result we are vulnerable on every front due to our weak Economy.
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