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Should Pakistan deploy their forces in Iraq & Syria to protect Holy sites?

Should Pakistan deploy their forces in Iraq & Syria to protect Holy sites?

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What has this to do with the topic? The Arabs warfare history did not start 90 years ago....

Are you familiar with the concept called "paradigm shift"?
Paradigm shift - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Have you read Thomas Kuhn?

Please understand this important philosophical and scientific concept and then try to apply to military science.

Thank you.


Did you forgot how the Algerians in the most heroic fashion kicked out the French? \

Same as Vietnamese, Afghanistanis, chechens, and native Indians, and countless other guerilla fighters.

Guerilla fighters CAN NOT win against a determined modern military unless the same Guerillas are helped by another super power AND/OR terrain.

Please educate yourself on military history of modern times and you will understand.

Thank you.

Besides I never said anything about it being impossible to send troops to Syria, Iraq, Libya or whatever. Most Arab and Muslim countries could do such a thing. I am just telling you that it might not be worth it, that it might open another front that you cannot afford to be dragged into in your current state and that only locals can solve their own INTERNAL problems.

Do you really expect (if we assume that Tanzania could deploy 100.000 troops to Pakistan to fight the Taliban and others for instance) that they could solve problems that only you Pakistanis can solve? Equally with the Syrians, Iraqis and Libyans.

Tell me, how well did it go the last time somebody tried to solve problems in Iraq? Or the ME as a whole? That was the world's biggest superpower the US. With all due respect another beast entirely compared to Pakistan and all others out there.

Why should Pakistan act as the ''Islamic Police'' i mean why should you jump in for Iraqi army who left these places?

Seriously you guys should care more about your own nations interests instead of jumping in for people who dont even care about you, you have so much things to do in your own country, fix your economy, education system, healthcare.

Nodoy will save you if you dont it yourself.

When your neighbor's house is on fire,

you better go over with bucketfuls of water.

Because if you don't, then sooner than later, your own house and your own kids and grand kids will die in the same fire.

Policing is inaccurate in this case.

Think of firefighting.

Thank you.
Waiting for the "should Pakistan's army be deployed to Mars" thread. :what:
When your neighbor's house is on fire,

you better go over with bucketfuls of water.

Because if you don't, then sooner than later, your own house and your own kids and grand kids will die in the same fire.

Policing is inaccurate in this case.

Think of firefighting.

Thank you.
Iraq is not your neighbor and thats a wrong comparison.
Not needed, Pakistan can help by pushing it into the heads of our useless commanders that a heavy and longer training program is needed for army recruits instead of the masse recruitment which worked during the previous regime but not anymore, the previous regime would go harsh on the family of the deserted soldier today it's unorganized so the deserters have nothing to fear. That if they are not killed/captured due to lack of skills.
Take control of Pakistan first, then think big.

Pleas read my earlier post.

We lost control of Pakistani hill districts because our top military leadership and ALL civilian leadership was supporting Islamists.

They all thought these terrorist Mullahs want to bring revolution like Ayatullahs of Iran.

Luckily all of those military leaders are now retired

and hence change in the position AGAINST Mullahs and Ayatullahs.

Hope you understand.
Not needed, Pakistan can help by pushing it into the heads of our useless commanders that a heavy and longer training program is needed for army recruits instead of the masse recruitment which worked during the previous regime but not anymore, the previous regime would go harsh on the family of the deserted soldier today it's unorganized so the deserters have nothing to fear. That if they are not killed/captured due to lack of skills.

Well said.

What you say is the ONLY long term solution.

Any discussion of Pakistani military help is for training purposes and short term "firefighting".

Pakistan has enough military soldiers to spare who are respectful of both Shia and Sunni thoughts and places of worship.

heck if we can help in Congo, why can't we help our brothers and sisters in iraq.

See this thread

Sorry the interview is in urdu, but you can see Pakistani army helping to bring peace in Congo.

Pak army brings PEACE from Wazirastan all the way to Congo

Waiting for the "should Pakistan's army be deployed to Mars" thread. :what:

Please be serious.
If there is any 'serious' threat to respected places in Iraq, Iran will be there even before the news reaches Pakistan, you can be sure of that.
Like the majority of Pakistanis here, I also believe Pakistan should deal with home problems first, no matter how strong you think your army is. As long as these TTP scumbags are roaming around, sending your forces to Iraq or Syria will be fruitless. In this case, I can guarantee that Iran will take this task upon its shoulders.
Yeah but iran will only save sites sacred in shia islam, what about the places that are sacred for sunnis?
Please be serious.

Fair enough, but how can this be taken seriously? We are in the midst of a brutal insurgency and someone suggest taking away much needed forces to be deployed in Iraq.
Yeah but iran will only save sites sacred in shia islam, what about the places that are sacred for sunnis?

Good point.

Both iran and Saudi armies make the sectarian issue much much worse.


I urge you to consider the plight of Iraqi civilians first and foremost.

Pakistani troops come from the area that believes in the following sufi teachings.

Masjid Dhaa day, (one could live with seeing ruins of a mosque)
teh mundir dha day, (one could live with seeing ruins of a temple)
per bunday da dil na dhaween (but never allow a human heart to be destroyed)
Keh rub dilah wich wada (because God lives in the hearts)

Thank you

Fair enough, but how can this be taken seriously? We are in the midst of a brutal insurgency and someone suggest taking away much needed forces to be deployed in Iraq.

it is brutal insurgency because our civlian leadership 100% and top leadership (until Mush) allowed Tali-bitches to occupy public narative in the name of Islam.

Army colonels and brigadiers have changed since 2011, while cvis are changing now as we speak.

So the insurgency you fear
is disappearing as we speak.

the same army colonels and brigadiers who have become highly anti-Islamists since 2011, can also help other regions where the same disease has infected large areas.

Hope you understand.
Good point.

Both iran and Saudi armies make the sectarian issue much much worse.


I urge you to consider the plight of Iraqi civilians first and foremost.

Pakistani troops come from the area that believes in the following sufi teachings.

Masjid Dhaa day, (one could live with seeing ruins of a mosque)
teh mundir dha day, (one could live with seeing ruins of a temple)
per bunday da dil na dhaween (but never allow a human heart to be destroyed)
Keh rub dilah wich wada (because God lives in the hearts)

Thank you
Allah k bandey i mean Rasul, Sahaba, Ahl Bayt, Auliya bhi tou dilon mn rehty hain
@FaujHistorian - What other link we share with Syrians and Iraq if not Islamic heritage?

I smell hubris from your posts.
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