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Should Pakistan deploy their forces in Iraq & Syria to protect Holy sites?

Should Pakistan deploy their forces in Iraq & Syria to protect Holy sites?

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I mean it what I say, there are millions others who think like me in pakistan. Syria and Iraq and so-called holy sites there are not pakistan's problem.

That's the first step to disown and disrespect SAHABA and AHL E BAIT second step would be to DEMOLISH ROZA E RASOOL typical Wahabi mindset .
Karballa and the likes are not holy sites. They are historical sites. And they deserve as much respect as any other historical site. Yes, the tombs of the prophets (jonah alaihalsam etc) should be protected, but that's the job of their respective governments.

There have been 124,000 prophets, are we now going to find all their resting places and put our sipahis on guard duty there? Pakistan has bigger fish to fry than to be worrying about archaeological sites in other countries. We have live and kicking takfris to despatch to hell, why should we send our army anywhere else?
Pakistan is a member of united nations should UN ask pakistan to deploy it troops else its not our problem
Tu Waqai psycho hay , are you really ignorant or just pretending to be one???

Please, I don't want to get in to a sectarian dispute, but don't compare Karbala with Makkah and Medina, any terrorists who intents on damaging the Ka'aba or roza e rasool (saw) will be stopped well before they get anywhere near them.
If there is any 'serious' threat to respected places in Iraq, Iran will be there even before the news reaches Pakistan, you can be sure of that.
Like the majority of Pakistanis here, I also believe Pakistan should deal with home problems first, no matter how strong you think your army is. As long as these TTP scumbags are roaming around, sending your forces to Iraq or Syria will be fruitless. In this case, I can guarantee that Iran will take this task upon its shoulders.
Karballa and the likes are not holy sites. They are historical sites. And they deserve as much respect as any other historical site. Yes, the tombs of the prophets (jonah alaihalsam etc) should be protected, but that's the job of their respective governments.

There have been 124,000 prophets, are we now going to find all their resting places and put our sipahis on guard duty there? Pakistan has bigger fish to fry than to be worrying about archaeological sites in other countries. We have live and kicking takfris to despatch to hell, why should we send our army anywhere else?

Stupid Argument no body is destroying 124,000 prophet graves and no body has asked to protect them as they aren't in Danger.
If some one tries to damage any of your forefathers graves what would be your reaction ?? Yeah yeah do it these weren't even historical places so we damn care.
Man get a life This Salafi Wahabi Najdi mindset has destroyed the image of Islam.
Stupid Argument no body is destroying 124,000 prophet graves and no body has asked to protect them as they aren't in Danger.
If some one tries to damage any of your forefathers graves what would be your reaction ?? Yeah yeah do it these weren't even historical places so we damn care.
Man get a life This Salafi Wahabi Najdi mindset has destroyed the image of Islam.

He is right PA is stretched too thin, in an ideal world I would want them to deploy and crush the caliphate as well not just protect sites but this is not an ideal world.
Karballa and the likes are not holy sites. They are historical sites. And they deserve as much respect as any other historical site. Yes, the tombs of the prophets (jonah alaihalsam etc) should be protected, but that's the job of their respective governments.

There have been 124,000 prophets, are we now going to find all their resting places and put our sipahis on guard duty there? Pakistan has bigger fish to fry than to be worrying about archaeological sites in other countries. We have live and kicking takfris to despatch to hell, why should we send our army anywhere else?

No man its the responsibility of humanity to protects its history. I am sure Jews and Christians are all equally as concerned. As a monotheist it is heart breaking to see anything of its historical significance being destroyed. Preserve it.

Why doesn't Iraq have a competent army 11 years on from invasion?? US military trainers have provided training and yet still this mess continues.

I would be saying the same thing if f**ktards of the planet starting destroying sites in Vatican or India or if Palestinians blowing up a Jewish site.

UN troops should be deployed to these areas just to protect. Let them play Civilization 5 somewhere else.
I don't have an issue with Pakistan Army's presence in Iraq and Syria as Peacekeepers but only under the United Nations Flag.

Our Army already performs such services in Congo and other countries under the UN Flag... :pakistan:
recently i am noticing pakistanis start thinking
I competely agree.
There has been a substantial change in Pakistani thinking in the last 2 years.

Its good for Pakistan, bad for India.
The 'Qila of Islam' Pakistani's are the absolute best friends of India in the long run.
Stupid Argument no body is destroying 124,000 prophet graves and no body has asked to protect them as they aren't in Danger.
If some one tries to damage any of your forefathers graves what would be your reaction ?? Yeah yeah do it these weren't even historical places so we damn care.
Man get a life This Salafi Wahabi Najdi mindset has destroyed the image of Islam.

Arey bhai, Look to Pakistan first. We have those ape types in our country. Destroying tombs of Sufi saints, bombing mosques and churches. We need to deal with them first. We can't open up another front while we haven't even dealt with the enemy among us.

You would not have said I have a wahabi mind-set if you had read any of my previous posts. I am just saying that Pakistan has far too much on our plate to be trying to become the world's policeman. As for defending karbala etc, if you want my true opinion, then let me say this, I hope Iran, Iraq and any other people of these countries are able to defend these shrines. I do not want to see them destroyed, you have misunderstood me.

No man its the responsibility of humanity to protects its history. I am sure Jews and Christians are all equally as concerned. As a monotheist it is heart breaking to see anything of its historical significance being destroyed. Preserve it.

Why doesn't Iraq have a competent army 11 years on from invasion?? US military trainers have provided training and yet still this mess continues.

I would be saying the same thing if f**ktards of the planet starting destroying sites in Vatican or India or if Palestinians blowing up a Jewish site.

UN troops should be deployed to these areas just to protect. Let them play Civilization 5 somewhere else.

I agree with you, my comment is in the context that Pakistan army should not be dragged in to another conflict, We are already engage in a civil war. it would be foolish to take our attention off.

UN is a joke, don't expect anything from them. It should have been the responsibility of the arab league and OIC to have take measures to stop the bloodshed in Muslim countries. But look closely, and you'll see, that this is all nothing but a political war being fought under the guise of sectarianism.
Arey bhai, Look to Pakistan first. We have those ape types in our country. Destroying tombs of Sufi saints, bombing mosques and churches. We need to deal with them first. We can't open up another front while we haven't even dealt with the enemy among us.

You would not have said I have a wahabi mind-set if you had read any of my previous posts. I am just saying that Pakistan has far too much on our plate to be trying to become the world's policeman. As for defending karbala etc, if you want my true opinion, then let me say this, I hope Iran, Iraq and any other people of these countries are able to defend these shrines. I do not want to see them destroyed, you have misunderstood me.

I agree with you, my comment is in the context that Pakistan army should not be dragged in to another conflict, We are already engage in a civil war. it would be foolish to take our attention off.

UN is a joke, don't expect anything from them. It should have been the responsibility of the arab league and OIC to have take measures to stop the bloodshed in Muslim countries. But look closely, and you'll see, that this is all nothing but a political war being fought under
the guise of sectarianism.
Sorry Bhai if my words heart you I agree we must fix our house first.
Before someone espacially the senior master blaster members on PDF say that 'we dont have any concern with them','we must clean our own shit first', they should first read what is written below:

I'm not saying that we've to go war to any one side but only to protect the sacred sites from any misadventure, either from govt or militants' side

Yeah i know that we dont have any concern with them (arabs), but we do have concern with our Sahaba and Ahl al Bayt

hope u will understand!

My vote is "Yes"

Pakistan has enough numbers to spare one to two divisions for Iraq and Syria.

But I'd change your title as:

--- Should Pakistan deploy their forces in Iraq & Syria to protect "Iraqi and Syrian civilians" (and not Holy sites)?
He is right PA is stretched too thin, in an ideal world I would want them to deploy and crush the caliphate as well not just protect sites but this is not an ideal world.

Let the Arabs worry about that; I'm sure between the GCC & the Arab League they can find a viable solution to that - Holy Sites or the lack of them in any other country except Pakistan or Mecca & Medina shouldn't be our concern even in an 'ideal' world !
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