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Should Pakistan deploy their forces in Iraq & Syria to protect Holy sites?

Should Pakistan deploy their forces in Iraq & Syria to protect Holy sites?

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Pakistani forces are way to stretched out through out the country specially in the NW against terrorist and other enemies else where . Clean ,fix and bring Pakistan back to safe status when house is clean of evil then we can worry about helping others. A simple saying here in the states > "Charity starts at home first " .
Before someone espacially the senior master blaster members on PDF say that 'we dont have any concern with them','we must clean our own shit first', they should first read what is written below:

I'm not saying that we've to go war to any one side but only to protect the sacred sites from any misadventure, either from govt or militants' side

Yeah i know that we dont have any concern with them (arabs), but we do have concern with our Sahaba and Ahl al Bayt

hope u will understand!
I am totally with u.And those people who say that we have our own shit to deal with, this its exactly what America and Israel want us to do.And I promise to you that pakistan can never get out of this shit coz America and Israel don't want us to get out of this shit storm.they also don't want pakistan to disturb their mission in the middle east.And only pakistan is capable of disturbing it.Our army think tanks know it, but our top leadership cant manage to make a big decision.
Before someone espacially the senior master blaster members on PDF say that 'we dont have any concern with them','we must clean our own shit first', they should first read what is written below:

I'm not saying that we've to go war to any one side but only to protect the sacred sites from any misadventure, either from govt or militants' side

Yeah i know that we dont have any concern with them (arabs), but we do have concern with our Sahaba and Ahl al Bayt

hope u will understand!
No it shouldn't and neither should Pakistan react to Palestine
What "holy" sites ?
Last time i checked there's only 3 holy sites in Islam:
1-Grand Mosque in Makkah
2-Prophet's Mosque in Medina
3-Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem
What "holy" sites ?
Last time i checked there's only 3 holy sites in Islam:
1-Grand Mosque in Makkah
2-Prophet's Mosque in Medina
3-Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem

Saudi centric view. obviously!

Islam may have originated in KSA

but it is part and parcel of billions more that do not live in KSA

Hence MOST of the holy sites are not in KSA either.

Please use common sense.

Thank you
Saudi centric view. obviously!

Islam may have originated in KSA

but it is part and parcel of billions more that do not live in KSA

Hence MOST of the holy sites are not in KSA either.

Please use common sense.

Thank you

Aren't you the one supporting Israel in massacring your fellow Muslims ?? And now you're trying to teach us about our own religion ?!

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Do not set out on a journey except for three Mosques i.e. Al-Masjid-AI-Haram, the Mosque of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) , and the Mosque of Al-Aqsa, (Mosque of Jerusalem)."
Aren't you the one supporting Israel in massacring your fellow Muslims ?? And now you're trying to teach us about our own religion ?!

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Do not set out on a journey except for three Mosques i.e. Al-Masjid-AI-Haram, the Mosque of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) , and the Mosque of Al-Aqsa, (Mosque of Jerusalem)."

No I do not support shouting and dancing up and down in favor of Hammas.

Huge difference.

p.s. Prophet didn't say to go and destroy and burn down Muslim buildings either. Do not spread Taliban teachings. Thank you.
At this moment, the best Pakistan can do is team up with Turkey and Iran, two of the strongest Muslim countries left standing and free from CIA inspired jihadis. They must do diplomacy in the backdrop to stop to discourage and even do covert military ops against these terrorists. Coming out in open will create more problems but somehow we must act.
We already have our hands full at the moment. Plus I don't think they'll ever be in a position to actually pose a threat to holy sites. Saudis will handle them before that.
At this moment, the best Pakistan can do is team up with Turkey and Iran, two of the strongest Muslim countries left standing and free from CIA inspired jihadis. They must do diplomacy in the backdrop to stop to discourage and even do covert military ops against these terrorists. Coming out in open will create more problems but somehow we must act.

Turkey is a hub of NATO and CIA operatives spying on Iran. Iran is currently run by incompetent fools. I would wait for Iran to get rid of the fake mullahs. A strong nationalist and Secular Iran will be good for Pakistan.
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