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Should Pakistan deploy their forces in Iraq & Syria to protect Holy sites?

Should Pakistan deploy their forces in Iraq & Syria to protect Holy sites?

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So Muslims can go to only three mosques? What about other mosques is prayer not allowed in other mosques?.

Do you know the difference between going to your local mosque to pray and going in a long journey to visit a mosque in another country/city ?

You do not know how to talk to people like him. Just look how I will ask questions he wont be able to answer.

Ask me.

What if I want to pray at the beautiful Badshai Mosque in Thata? Am I not allowed to take a journey to go there for prayers?.

According to the prophet (PBUH) the answer is No, his Hadith is very clear, i'm sure you don't want to argue about your Prophet commands ? :undecided:
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Before someone espacially the senior master blaster members on PDF say that 'we dont have any concern with them','we must clean our own shit first', they should first read what is written below:

I'm not saying that we've to go war to any one side but only to protect the sacred sites from any misadventure, either from govt or militants' side

Yeah i know that we dont have any concern with them (arabs), but we do have concern with our Sahaba and Ahl al Bayt

hope u will understand!
due to the sad demise of Islamic conference and the breakup of Islamic Ummah on sectarian bases, any such move will be controversial within Pakistan. the wahabist forces that have ample representation in media, judiciary, politicians and even civil administration .. wont let any such adventure go ahead and such gesture would invite violent reaction from Saudis, Bahrain and Qataris who would like to see all those sites leveled to the ground just like the desecration of Sahabah and Ahl Bayt shrines in Saudi Arabia. Iraq is Dar ul Harab anyway and our soldiers will attaract all the TTP and LeJ terrorists that have gone there to demolish shrines and slay the shias.. I would leave it to the Iraqis to protect them. we can provide technical assistance or drone coverage like America but no boots on the ground.

the cause is noble but it requres leadership with a spine which we dont have
Do you know the difference between going to your local mosque to pray and going in a long journey to visit a mosque in another country/city ?

Read my post again I edited it before you replied.
Do you know the difference between going to your local mosque to pray and going in a long journey to visit a mosque in another country/city ?
For Arabs on donkeys and camels, obviously that WAS the long journey.

Back then there was not much going on interms of mosques. Most of the Muslim community was either inside or close to Arabian peninsula.

you are being narrow minded about ahadees.

This is what TTP and Taliban would say as well. And we all know those dimwit tribals aka TTP could never be right.
In recent terminology of asset management, military might is also considered as a holding asset. It means military power, shall be seen in financials perspective, like any other property military might is considered disservice if it is not productive,
I must say, Pakistan as a near 200,000,000 populated, Muslim country, with scarce nuclear abilities, and notable military capabilities and talented generation, located in a specific geopolitical region, should start altering it's conceptual visionary.
Some might say Pakistan is involved in too many inside problems, but I would say many case studies would say, Inside problems are much more solvable from outside.
You guys should change your point of view, If little Arab Muslim countries in Middle east need security protection why shouldn't Pakistan be a source of power injection, that's not for free, you guys know the annual turnover of military concepts, right?
I am not just talking about military instruments here, I am talking about financially oriented power injection.
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Aren't you the one supporting Israel in massacring your fellow Muslims ?? And now you're trying to teach us about our own religion ?!
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Do not set out on a journey except for three Mosques i.e. Al-Masjid-AI-Haram, the Mosque of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) , and the Mosque of Al-Aqsa, (Mosque of Jerusalem)."

So Muslims cant travel to other countries to pray in famous mosques? What about Muslims who want to travel to see Famous Historic Mosques like this ones in Turkey? Is a muslim not allowed to travel from his country to go to Turkey to see Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Turkey?

Sultan Ahmed Mosque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


What about Sheikh Zayed Mosque? Cant a muslim travel to U.A.E. to see that beautiful mosque?

Sheikh Zayed Mosque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For Arabs on donkeys and camels, obviously that WAS the long journey..

Obviously you missed the point of the Hadith, the Hadith is not about long or short distances, it's about the 3 holy sites in Islam and how these sites are the only sites that should be visited by Muslims, do Arabs need to teach you everything about your religion ? get a grip people.

you are being narrow minded about ahadees.

Says the guy who supports racists and apartheid states against his own fellow Muslims

This is what TTP and Taliban would say as well. And we all know those dimwit tribals aka TTP could never be right.

You'll never know.
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Obviously you missed the point of the Hadith, the Hadith is not about long or short distances, it's about the 3 holy sites in Islam and how these sites are the only sites that should be visited by Muslims, do Arabs need to teach everything about your religion ? get a grip people..

And nobody is saying these are not.

The problem is with extremist ideology that destroys mosques and tombs in other countries, using their poor caveman understanding of Ahaddes.
So Muslims cant travel to other countries to pray in famous mosques? What about Muslims who want to travel to see Famous Historic Mosques like this ones in Turkey? Is a muslim not allowed to travel from his country to go to Turkey to see Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Turkey?

No you can't travel to other countries and visit famous Mosques according to the Prophet (PBUH), a famous mosque is no different than a "non famous mosque", there's only 3 mosques you're allowed to visit and pray in, so tell me what so hard for you to understand ? is the Hadith not clear for you ? are you going to disobey your Prophet ?

And nobody is saying these are not .


The problem is with extremist ideology that destroys mosques and tombs in other countries, using their poor caveman understanding of Ahaddes.

What's extreme about a perfectly clear Hadith ?
No you can't travel to other countries and visit famous Mosques according to the Prophet (PBUH), a famous mosque is no different than a "non famous mosque", there's only 3 mosques you're allowed to visit and pray in, so tell me what so hard for you to understand ? is the Hadith not clear for you ? are you going to disobey your Prophet ?

Are you sure? Only three mosques Muslims can pray in?
So Muslims cant travel to other countries to pray in famous mosques? What about Muslims who want to travel to see Famous Historic Mosques like this ones in Turkey? Is a muslim not allowed to travel from his country to go to Turkey to see Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Turkey?

Sultan Ahmed Mosque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


What about Sheikh Zayed Mosque? Cant a muslim travel to U.A.E. to see that beautiful mosque?

Sheikh Zayed Mosque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Extremists in KSA will never consider other places as holy.

They fear competition.


What's extreme about a perfectly clear Hadith ?
No you can't travel to other countries and visit famous Mosques according to the Prophet (PBUH), a famous mosque is no different than a "non famous mosque", there's only 3 mosques you're allowed to visit and pray in, so tell me what so hard for you to understand ? is the Hadith not clear for you ? are you going to disobey your Prophet ?

@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz Guys what do you have to say about this?
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