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Should India Be Building Another Carrier?

India should be building NOTHING, it should be buying EVERYTHING.....'we' have money afterall....

Forget about the Second ACC, the First one will never see the light of day....
When 'kick-backs' from one foreign ACC deal could mean few politicians making it to the World Richest Persons list(unofficial ofcourse).......why let one ACC built domestically in the first place....

Just look at our other indigenous projects like the Arjun Tank(only 248 in service so far....lowest among all the other foreign MBTs, though outperformed them).....
Indian internet fan-boys are rejoicing about Arjun MKII, when the MKI variant, which was suppose to replace the Russian T90s was never allowed to fully replace them........same will be the fate of MKII.....
Though the Arjun MKI has been proved to be a better tank than the T90.......still the T90 is being imported....How can our politicians forgo an easy source of income....

It is not for nothing that India has become the world's largest arms importer...
If India wants to meet their goals of regional force projection, at least 3 carriers will be needed. India's current regional interests reach from the straits of Malacca to the east coast of Africa. Need less to say, that is a huge area. To keep 2 carriers (one for the east and one for the western indian ocean) ready at all times India will need at least 4 carriers. If India establishes interests in oil extraction in the south china sea, that complicates things even more.

Then you have to address the Vikramaditya, while it is a quite capable ship, it is small as carriers go and is a converted ship. It's usefulness in a high threat environment will be limited. If faced against large numbers of shore based aircraft, it's limited number of aircraft present some difficulties. JMO but if India wants to project airpower across all the regions I mentioned above, they are going to need 5-6 carriers in the 60-65K ton class plus escorts. The result is, India may be looking at a 30 year construction program.
If India wants to meet their goals of regional force projection, at least 3 carriers will be needed. India's current regional interests reach from the straits of Malacca to the east coast of Africa. Need less to say, that is a huge area. To keep 2 carriers (one for the east and one for the western indian ocean) ready at all times India will need at least 4 carriers. If India establishes interests in oil extraction in the south china sea, that complicates things even more.

Then you have to address the Vikramaditya, while it is a quite capable ship, it is small as carriers go and is a converted ship. It's usefulness in a high threat environment will be limited. If faced against large numbers of shore based aircraft, it's limited number of aircraft present some difficulties. JMO but if India wants to project airpower across all the regions I mentioned above, they are going to need 5-6 carriers in the 60-65K ton class plus escorts. The result is, India may be looking at a 30 year construction program.

Damn sure that IN needs at the least 6 carriers, IAC 1 & 2 will surely be followed with a couple more, as the carrier building industry matures so will the speed of churning out these indigenous carriers improve. IN has a long history and quite a bit of experience in managing AC's. In the past when our economy was nothing to brag about we were among the first countries to operate AC's and it will not change ever.
How about 15-20 AC??..2 are enough a max of 3 if we push the envelop, the excess cash can be used for submarines, frigates, destroyers, human resource etc
If I look at Chinese Varyag then I will say INS Vishal is already delayed and we need to start the design ASAP and the production too. Since Vishal is the only carrier which will carry similar number of fighters in Varyag, this will act as a a true deterrent for the PLAN.

We need a 65,000 carrier anyhow, so why not start it now???....Just because Vikrant is delayed doesnt mean we will further delay Vishal, which is our prime requirement!!!
India first needs to build her first carrier then go build another. We have all seen how Indian military projects turned out.
aircraft carriers won't be of any use after 20 years
stealth frigates and long range stealth bombers are the future
for now 3 acc's are enough
Priorities Mixed up.....
the entire strike backbone of IAF depends on a successful defensive platform of LCA program, whereas the priority is Maximum funding for MKI production and setup of MMRCA and we want a another carrier, which goes along with 3 more destros, 4 frigates, 4 asw corvette , around 2500 personal, 20-30 a/c's and bells and whistles to go along.

There isn't a decent battle rifle for this century, our heavy tank program is not in full production, we dont have adequate IFV's, we lack ATGM's, long range rocket arty, atry guns are all time low, our biggest independent aircraft program is delayed.

We should focus now more than ever to get a well stocked mechanised infantry, well balanced airforce and a fully capable armored corp. another a/c carrier is the last thing to worry about!
If India wants to meet their goals of regional force projection, at least 3 carriers will be needed. India's current regional interests reach from the straits of Malacca to the east coast of Africa. Need less to say, that is a huge area. To keep 2 carriers (one for the east and one for the western indian ocean) ready at all times India will need at least 4 carriers.

Primarily Indian interests are limited to Indian Ocean and straits of Malacca , so 3 should suffice.
Priorities Mixed up.....
the entire strike backbone of IAF depends on a successful defensive platform of LCA program, whereas the priority is Maximum funding for MKI production and setup of MMRCA and we want a another carrier, which goes along with 3 more destros, 4 frigates, 4 asw corvette , around 2500 personal, 20-30 a/c's and bells and whistles to go along.

There isn't a decent battle rifle for this century, our heavy tank program is not in full production, we dont have adequate IFV's, we lack ATGM's, long range rocket arty, atry guns are all time low, our biggest independent aircraft program is delayed.

We should focus now more than ever to get a well stocked mechanised infantry, well balanced airforce and a fully capable armored corp. another a/c carrier is the last thing to worry about!

every country has some problems, but u keep working to fix them. so will indian defence planners. with time all the problems will be fixed.

say thanks to god, that indian govt took the decision at right time to indeginise our defence equipment. the 60 ships that our navy is building right now have most of electronics indian made and weapons like rbu 6000, and missiles and rocket launchers are manufactured on licence. indian navy has been most successfull in making desi equipment and inducting it in no time.

We will soon have our indegeneous artillery gun. dw about that.

Arjun tank is finally back on track, mk2 will be inducted.

We have now developed our own awacs and aesa radars and inducted 100s. Many more will follow.

In the aerospace sector india companies are forming deals at record pace. A boom in india aerospace sector was long due, now time has come for that.

everything will be fixed with time.
The empirical reality of “indigenisation” is evident in the Indian Navy, the only service that pursues indigenisation systematically (the Indian Air Force and the Army talk the talk but oppose indigenisation in practice, demanding aircraft, tanks and guns now, not ten years down the line.


INS virat is good, becz our one carrier is 57 year old............near to dead.
Priorities Mixed up.....
the entire strike backbone of IAF depends on a successful defensive platform of LCA program, whereas the priority is Maximum funding for MKI production and setup of MMRCA and we want a another carrier, which goes along with 3 more destros, 4 frigates, 4 asw corvette , around 2500 personal, 20-30 a/c's and bells and whistles to go along.

There isn't a decent battle rifle for this century, our heavy tank program is not in full production, we dont have adequate IFV's, we lack ATGM's, long range rocket arty, atry guns are all time low, our biggest independent aircraft program is delayed.

We should focus now more than ever to get a well stocked mechanised infantry, well balanced airforce and a fully capable armored corp. another a/c carrier is the last thing to worry about!

Agreed, another aircraft carrier os the last thing to worry about, however they are talking of design, if they dont start now, tomorrow that too is going to be delayed and then people like us who say we dont have anything, will have to something or other to pass a comment saying navy didnt plan it accordingly.

whatever shortage or inadequencies we have in Army, IAF or navy is a result of poor planning. In this case I feel IN is weel in advance planing thee future requirement and thats a good thing.

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