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Shooting inside Iran Parliament, one security guard injured: Reuters

Just as I predicted ... sad

You need a history lesson dear friend. Pashtuns and Baloch are iranic people. Half of your country has traditionally always been part of great iranian empires. Even the other eastern half was a sychtian state. I dont want to ruin the thread but I can post some educating maps. You can deny this for all I care but you cant change history. Half of pakistan is Iranian by blood. Dont deprive those people of their true heritage by claiming otherwise.


U guys agree with quoted post? I don't think so.
I humbly asked Pakistanis to stay away from this thread and i humbly ask the Iranians not to engage the Pakistanis.

Do not trust our patience and keep out the racism and sectarianism.

Many members got banned this afternoon and it would be sad to lose more members specially at this moment in time.
Just a quick question to the Turkish members here. What is your thoughts on teaming up with the Russians and Iranians in countering the Saudi Wahabi (Israeli and USA supported) influence in the region? Would that be a possibility in the future since there are reports of Turkey sending troops to Qatar? Maybe there could be a memorandum of understanding abut the kurdish issue effecting Turkey and Iran and a stronger cooperation between Turkey and Iran regarding terrorism and the detrimental Saudi regime?

Is leaving NATO a possibility for Turkey? Seems as though the US is throwing a lot of countries under the bus save for Saudi Arabia and Israel (go figure).

And I apologize for saying this before but truly RIP to the victims of this heinous terrorist attack. My gov is on the wrong side of history yet again and I'm ashamed of it.
Just a quick question to the Turkish members here. What is your thoughts on teaming up with the Russians and Iranians in countering the Saudi Wahabi (Israeli and USA supported) influence in the region?

I don't see any reason why not.

Would that be a possibility in the future since there are reports of Turkey sending troops to Qatar?

Is leaving NATO a possibility for Turkey?

NATO won't be around forever. for now, we are staying in this organization.
This could also be ISIS-K behind this attack, ISIS-K has 11,000 fighters in Afghanistan. Russia, Iran, China and Pakistan were on the same page with regards to emerging threat from ISIS-K. There were reports of regional countries increasing support for Afghan Taliban as an effective bulwark against ISIS-K. As situation evolves, time will tell whether this was ISIS ( Iraq/Syria) or their Afghan branch (ISIS-Khorasan). I suspect it to be the latter as they have been emboldened since last year. They are taking on Afghan Taliban, Afghan government, did 2 blasts in Pakistan in 2016, one on lawyers and one on a sufi shrine + numerous attacks including recent ones in Afghanistan.
This emerging threat needs to be stopped.
Russian Foreign Ministry statement about unidentified (US) aircraft dropping weapons/supplies to ISIS-K in Northern Afghanistan points to the fact, that US will try to use this as a tool to destabilize Iran, Central Asia, Russia, China's Xinjiang and CPEC in Pakistan.
ISIS were targetted in Balochistan:


10+ Daesh Commanders and scores of other militants killed and captured.

Pakistan and Iran should be prepared for these bastards... they've already found a base in Afghanistan...
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KILL them and then torch their bodies pls. don't infect the soil of Pak-istan . let it remain pak.
These sons of whorez are in bed with secterian groups, the arrested include 10+ daesh mofos and secterian lashkar commanders were present, 20+ militants killed;



The forces (army & frontier corps) claim that they were using the caves as HQ.


Second pic what type of rpg is he carrying? Or is it a mortar
That's a light mortar.
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These sons of whorez are in bed with secterian groups, the arrested include 10+ daesh mofos and secterian lashkar commanders were present, 20+ militants killed;



The forces (army & frontier corps) claim that they were using the caves as HQ.


That's a light mortar.

Just eliminating few hundreds or thousands will not solve root of the problem. Finding their trail of funding and otherwise are key to solving the problem. Be that saudis, UAE or anyone else. At the moment, saudis are using holiest places as their ultimate shield for all sectarian and terror activities.
Did Pakistans government condemn these attacks?
Pakistan strongly condemns Iran terror attacks
FO Spokesperson says Pakistan stands in solidarity with the people of Iran in their hour of grief.
File photo


04:26 PM, 7 Jun, 2017
Pakistan has strongly condemned terrorist attacks on Iranian Parliament and mausoleum of Imam Khomeini.

In a statement, Foreign office Spokesperson said that Pakistan stands in solidarity with the people of Iran in their hour of grief.

He also expressed condolences to the people of Iran, the government, and the bereaved families and pray for the speedy recovery of those injured.

Spokesman said terrorism is a global phenomenon requiring resolute and coordinated approach to deal with the menace.

Chairman Senate Mian Raza Rabbani has also condemned terrorist attacks in Iran and expressed solidarity with the parliament, government and people of Iran.

In his condolence message, Raza Rabbani said Pakistan stands in solidarity with Iran in their hour of grief.

He said that there is a dire need to make collective efforts to eradicate the menace of terrorism.

pardon me, may i ask you, is that a genuine request or dark sarcasm?

okay, i'll try my best:

1- in the name of the Arab nation:
we explicit our disapproval of the few dead people in Tehran
as we also explicit our mutual contempt for the killers and the killed ones

2- in the name of the Arab nation we declare our support of terrorism in Iran
we are with jews against Iran
with shoes against Iran
with Atheists against Iran
who likes Iran, we don't like him.

3- the shooting issue in Iran parliament and the bombing of Khomeini mausoleum is the aforethoughted doing of Iranian intelligence. it's near impossible to reach (the Parliament) without passing through checkpoints with permissions (of passing)

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