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Shooting inside Iran Parliament, one security guard injured: Reuters

just wait soon or later Rouhani administration has to review the truth and then me and you will see each other
Iran terrorist arrested yesterday before carrying out attack in Tehran
this is ne of the terrorist arrested before he could carry out it terrorist act
look at the english which the guy spock at ISIL video
This is a baseless claim, No Iranian authorities pointed out anything toward Pakistan, so you shouldn't make accusation on the basis of "My guts tell me".
Thanks brother, Iran's Ministry of Intelligence issued a statement regarding these terrorists, It doesn't say anything about Pakistan or any other country so i don't know why @yavar thinks Pakistan hitad sth to to with this.
brother its really painful to see that terrible attack :(:(

This is a baseless claim, No Iranian authorities pointed out anything toward Pakistan, so you shouldn't make accusation on the basis of "My guts tell me".
and i think he is indian and wants to propogate against pakistan
No Iranian authorities pointed out anything toward Pakistan, .
in of course they did not neither they point their finger
at Saudi arabia
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So maybe you should do as they do.
the only country which they mentioned by namewas America

سپاه پاسداران: انتقام می‌گیریم
پس از جلسه مشترک رئیس‌جمهور آمریکا با سران یکی از دول مرتجع منطقه



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