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Shooting inside Iran Parliament, one security guard injured: Reuters

Not following the thread much. So forgive me. Were the terrorists not ISIS?
They were. After joining the ISIS, they had left Iran and participated in ISIS terrorist activity in Syria's Raqqa and Iraq's Mosul, They once returned to Iran in August 2016 for a terrorist operation under the command of Abu Aysheh but they had fled Iran after their cell was disbanded and their leader Abu Aysheh and some of the cell members were killed. But this time they managed to carry out their mission successfully.
Yes, Sunni Kurds who joined ISIS. But their ethnic group is not the point, they were terrorists.

They were. After joining the ISIS, they had left Iran and participated in ISIS terrorist activity in Syria's Raqqa and Iraq's Mosul, They once returned to Iran in August 2016 for a terrorist operation under the command of Abu Aysheh but they had fled Iran after their cell was disbanded and their leader Abu Aysheh and some of the cell members were killed. But this time they managed to carry out their mission successfully.

My bad. I thought it was PKK/PJAK, so got a little confused.

Immediately After the guards at entrance gate (it wasn't main parliament entrance) asked the terrorists to show their belongings, they get their guns out and start shooting them, killing 2 right there and injuring others. Then they burst into the building area shooting at anyone they see. I agree that more security precautions should have been taken, perhaps one reason might be that we are not used to see these kinds of attacks in past 20-25 years in Tehran and other major cities, we should have been more prepared.

But, the counter terror teams did extremely well in eliminating the terrorists. All the casualties were from before spec ops arrive at the scene. Although 12 people have been killed, I think it could have been much more catastrophic, given 5 terrorists were fully armed and also had grenades besides suicide vests. In the other attack at Imam Khomeini's mausoleum, after terrorists started shooting, the guards immediately eliminated a suicide bomber while the other one blew himself up after getting surrounded. I was afraid the casualty count could be much higher.

well first of all its good that death toll is not as big ..so yes we should give credit where its due ,it was a big plan , and from the looks of it the terrorist have plans to hold hostage and probably make demands or kill as many as possible ,
Yes, Sunni Kurds who joined ISIS. But their ethnic group is not the point, they were terrorists.

A terrorist is a terrorist, a nihistic killer of innocent and defenceless.

It is indeed wise to call them what they are not fall into the hell of secterian divide.

All these developments are disturbing reminder of some evil getting strength. Only innocents shall suffer regardless of their sect, race or creed.

Sometimes it appears that terror enterprise is out there to destroy civlisation itself.

Can an entity be so sick, so evil?

Look to your brethren Paks... how they have suffered. You do remember APS?

Terror enterprise doesn't care for any religion or sects. People need to understand this.

Hope is everything. Yet sometimes, in dark hours, hope seems to be not enough. Yet we can never loose hope for Peace and survival of civlisation.

All these developments can only bring sadness.
Hezbollah, and here I'm thinking of acts like they committed in Bulgaria.
thats it. thats all western and eastern bullshiters can say. the "bulgaria" attack by hezbollah

1-it was never proved to be done by hezbollah

2-even if it is,they're still by leaps and bonds better than 99% of western and eastern countries in preservation of innocent human life.

if you call hezbollah a terrorist group because of a alleged attack, then you're just a filthy hypocrite if you don't call saudia and Israel as terrorist countries.

i'm sure you're neither a hypocrite nor filthy

haha your a funny guy. You keep saying just wait and let's see what Iran armed forces, parliament etc.. has to say or do about this matter mostly if there is the remote chance of it being related to Pakistan.

Well your country has been threatening Israel for how long now? 10 years? What have you done so far? nothing
Also last time there was a border incident involving Pakistan you said lets wait and see what Iranian leaders do about this? still waiting..

By"lets see" how many years do you mean exactly?

Based on reading your post's in different threads i know you have animosity against Pakistan. Guess what? Your government and the people in charge don't feel the same way. You being a keyboard warrior all by your self wont hurt Pakistan in way, it will only make you look like a fool that you are.

You can hate Pakistan all you want, write as many hate filled lines on this forum as you like against Pakistan guess what? it don't matter. here is what matters Iran and Turkey are joining forces to save Qatar.. you know what that means? Pakistan is defiantly in on it too.. So it's Pakistan, Turkey, China, Russia, Iran Block V.s you know who.

It's great that people in your Government don't share the same sentiments as you they are definitely brighter then you son.

General Raheel Sharif was appointed the head commander to GCC what was his first executive order? Invite Iran to Join Gcc. You still want to hate us? Shame on you.

Iran considers Pakistan their ally and so do we. Look brother it's not Pakistan you have to worry about we got your back. It's mostly rest of the world that hate's your country and that's who you have to watch out for..

All you people trying to colour terrorism in Sunni v.s Shia or by country debate are complete idiots.
Terrorists are just Terrorists everytime they commit the act it effects us all regardless of religion, country.
I live in the west everytime there is a terrorist attack anywhere in the world i feel guilty, humiliated and always praying please don't let this be a Muslim guy you know why?
Because these innocent people we are blowing up gave us shelter,jobs, food, respect etc.. What are my people doing? Blowing them up to bits for no reason i can comprehend.

Sure there might be political injustice the west has done towards the middle east, but killing random innocent people is no way to respond to that. We should all join force's and fight terrorism together not judge each other who has it worst or less.
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it is on it way, you don't worry

proof is in pudding and soon will be delivered to you
shut up and dnt waste my time

haha your a funny guy. You keep saying just wait and let's see what Iran armed forces, parliament etc.. has to say or do about this matter mostly if there is the remote chance of it being related to Pakistan.

Well your country has been threatening Israel for how long now? 10 years? What have you done so far? nothing
Also last time there was a border incident involving Pakistan you said lets wait and see what Iranian leaders do about this? still waiting..

By"lets see" how many years do you mean exactly?

Based on reading your post's in different threads i know you have animosity against Pakistan. Guess what? Your government and the people in charge don't feel the same way. You being a keyboard warrior all by your self wont hurt Pakistan in way, it will only make you look like a fool that you are.

You can hate Pakistan all you want, write as many hate filled lines on this forum as you like against Pakistan guess what? it don't matter. here is what matters Iran and Turkey are joining forces to save Qatar.. you know what that means? Pakistan is defiantly in on it too.. So it's Pakistan, Turkey, China, Russia, Iran Block V.s you know who.

It's great that people in your Government don't share the same sentiments as you they are definitely brighter then you son.

General Raheel Sharif was appointed the head commander to GCC what was his first executive order? Invite Iran to Join Gcc. You still want to hate us? Shame on you.

Iran considers Pakistan their ally and so do we. Look brother it's not Pakistan you have to worry about we got your back. It's mostly rest of the world that hate's your country and that's who you have to watch out for..

All you people trying to colour terrorism in Sunni v.s Shia or by country debate are complete idiots.
Terrorists are just Terrorists everytime they commit the act it effects us all regardless of religion, country.
I live in the west everytime there is a terrorist attack anywhere in the world i feel guilty, humiliated and always praying please don't let this be a Muslim guy you know why?
Because these innocent people we are blowing up gave us shelter,jobs, food, respect etc.. What are my people doing? Blowing them up to bits for no reason i can comprehend.

Sure there might be political injustice the west has done towards the middle east, but killing random innocent people is no way to respond to that. We should all join force's and fight terrorism together not judge each other who has it worst or less.
sir he is an indian
Is this the first successful terrorist attack in Iranian history, never heard of such an event before as their internal security is pretty competent.
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