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Shooting inside Iran Parliament, one security guard injured: Reuters

Stick to drinking you camel urine and blowing yourselves up, that's all you subhumans are good for. Those 'monthly' attacks are cross border attacks. Only rarely can such inside attacks actually happen. Don't blame Iran when you subhumans can't stop the attacks happening inside your own country
That's some harsh language buddy. :o:
Whose homes and families you have destroyed? No extremism please, over here.

Being a non middle easterner, you will have zero understanding and knowledge of our history Or do you hate us for being shia/rafidi/majoosi ? because if you do then there is no point in even making a point. As per my own observation most of the pakistanis hate Iran for reasons that they cant even explain to themselves let alone anyone else.
I'm unaware of that but I presume that diplomacy failed too!
No it did work and he convince Iranian leadership on so many issues and dissolved future standoff between US and Iran.
@Surenas ....U were taking a lot of pride yesterday for creating trouble in Arab heart lands, causing them disunity and harm....U were claiming that you're Iranian nationalist.

So, what's your opinion, now?

Lesson to all members...Never get happy on suffering of others...Karma knows everyone's address...
@Surenas ....U were taking a lot of pride yesterday for creating trouble in Arab heart lands, causing them disunity and harm....U were claiming that you're Iranian nationalist.

So, what's your opinion, now?

Lesson to all members...Never get happy on suffering of others...Karma knows everyone's address...

You stick to worrying about pakistan and don't worry about us kid.
No it did work and he convince Iranian leadership on so many issues and dissolved future standoff between US and Iran.
You mean while Ahmadi Nejad was ruling?
How many Iranians are able to acknowledge this?
Any updates from the IRGC on an official statement? News of retaliation or increase of operations in Iraq and Syria?
You mean while Ahmadi Nejad was ruling?
How many Iranians are able to acknowledge this?
Actually this was disclosed by Ex Foreign minster Kasuri his recently published book. Also, one of his recent interview. Don t remember the channel or program.

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