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Shooting inside Iran Parliament, one security guard injured: Reuters

Chickens coming home to roast once again excluding decades of domestic MKO, Arab, Baloch and Kurdish separatism. Is that not what Iranians here use to always say whenever a terrorist attack occurs in the Arab world?

Is anyone going to believe that a few domestic rag-tag militants are capable of attacking the parliament, shrine/mausoleum of the most revered cult figure in modern-day Iran at broad daylight during the Ramadan?

The timing is also incredible. Maybe this just shows how weak the security apparatus of Iran really is when the adversaries decide to turn up the heat and refrain from the joking and tolerating years of bullshit. As if monthly border clashes was not a confirmation already.

Those people claiming that they are Arabs (Tunisians and Libyans) are lying. I saw the videos and they were clearly not native Arabic speakers but had a Farsi accent. Let's see if the Mullah's decide to make that lie official to cover up.

That Syrian brother has a lot of tolerance.
May be it will agitate some respectable member of this forum. Bu Iran and Saudi should start joint effort for ME peace.
I hade the same thought as you today. The timing is just too suspicious.
Either Trump gave a green light to K.S.A and K.S.A is preparing a full scale war against, Iran, maybe thats what happened between Qatar and K.S.A? Qatar backed out from this plot? Sharing the worlds biggest gas field with Iran, they cant risk any hostility with Iran. But again its too easy. Only Mossad and maybe CIA have the intelligence to enter deep into Iran unnoticed, and even Mossad agent gets caught regularly. How could ISIS possibly enter the Parliament armed?

And they could have done much more damage if they really wanted to. Maybe this was a warning message, but who sent it?
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I said that it seemed, though the doubts are just razor thin.

And who am I, a mere mortal, to propose any action against the mighty army gathered itself by the almost almighty lord America, and the lord of America itself.

Really... you must be a rare momin.
BTW, kindly show the picture of that mighty army, about which you are so convincingly doubting-razor thin?
May be it will agitate some respectable member of this forum. Bu Iran and Saudi should start joint effort for ME peace.
You mean Isis (the evil mother) being common enemy?
I think, initiatives were taken in recent past, even Iran was invited to join anti terror alliance, which automatically covers all sort of militant terror, at least!
Is anyone going to believe that a few domestic rag-tag militants are capable of attacking the parliament, shrine/mausoleum of the most revered cult figure in modern-day Iran at broad daylight during the Ramadan?

Thats what Im saying too, but again, Iran did allow Qatari planes to land on Iranian airports when S.A banned them from flying over S.A airspace. Maybe thats how they got in?
You mean Isis (the evil mother) being common enemy?
I think, initiatives were taken in recent past, even Iran was invited to join anti terror alliance, which automatically covers all sort of militant terror, at least!
It was invitation from Raheel Sharif not officially from Saudi govt. If Saudi govt is sincere then they should talk and resolve the issue . When Donald Trump lecture the Islamic leader then what else ......Will you accept any military role lead by India ? ... It's something similar situation. Issues can be resolved outside these alliance . Alliance is not order of God. Even Erdogan and lots of other leader didn't even show up and send there lower rank officials in summit.
Either Trump gave a green light to K.S.A and K.S.A is preparing a full scale war against, Iran, maybe thats what happened between Qatar and K.S.A? Qatar backed out from this plot? Sharing the worlds biggest gas field with Iran, they cant risk any hostility with Iran. But again its too easy. Only Mossad and maybe CIA have the intelligence to enter deep into Iran unnoticed, and even Mossad agent gets caught regularly. How could ISIS possibly enter the Parliament armed?

And they could have done much more damage if they really wanted to. Maybe this was a warning message, but who sent it?

Do you really believe that anyone is interested in any full scale war (repeat of Iraq-Iran war) and least of all the GCC that has the most to lose by far seeing that it has a 2 trillion USD (GDP nominal), the highest living standards in the Muslim world by far (among the highest in the entire world), peace and stability (excluding the adventure in Yemen which does not really have any impact in KSA other than a few border towns and villages), world class infrastructure and rapid improvement on all fronts? GCC is a oasis of peace and stability in the region and the world and its investors and powers know about this.

I might dislike your Mullah's a lot and their policies but if the leaders of the GCC are really pushing for a war with any regional country that could destroy much, I believe that they should be toppled immediately.

Qatar has nothing to do with Iran. I don't know why people keep mentioning that here. It's a long story but it's not about Iran.

Look, I remember watching some video of your intelligence arresting local ISIS members (supposedly) and no offense but it looked stage to me. I saw many Iranians saying the same.

I am not saying that this is a inside job but the timing is too incredible to believe.

Using that logic I can claim that Russia gave Iran the green light to step up the unrest in Al-Awamiyah in recent months.

Baloch, Arab and Kurdish separatists or whatever you prefer to call them target your forces and infrastructure on a monthly basis so it is hard for me to believe that ISIS, next door in Iraq, would have been unable to attack Iran much earlier when it has attacked virtually everyone from Western powers, to superpowers (USA) to regional powers. Yet somehow Iran was never attacked. Now they are attacked for the first time in a attack where the timing is incredibly suspect and there is virtually no independent information of what has really been going on. Other than a short video. And guess who will be blamed by the Mullah's? KSA despite most likely having nothing to do with this attack.
Chickens coming home to roast once again excluding decades of domestic MKO, Arab, Baloch and Kurdish separatism. Is that not what Iranians here use to always say whenever a terrorist attack occurs in the Arab world?

Is anyone going to believe that a few domestic rag-tag militants are capable of attacking the parliament, shrine/mausoleum of the most revered cult figure in modern-day Iran at broad daylight during the Ramadan?

The timing is also incredible. Maybe this just shows how weak the security apparatus of Iran really is when the adversaries decide to turn up the heat and refrain from the joking and tolerating years of bullshit. As if monthly border clashes was not a confirmation already.

Those people claiming that they are Arabs (Tunisians and Libyans) are lying. I saw the videos and they were clearly not native Arabic speakers but had a Farsi accent. Let's see if the Mullah's decide to make that lie official to cover up.

That Syrian brother has a lot of tolerance.

Lizard munching subhuman, what are you mubbling about?
When arab subhumans like you are constantly trying to meet their 72 virgins then eventually some attacks will get through like they do in UK and US.

All you can do is dress like women and hide it seems.
All you subhumans are good for is blowing yourselves up apparently.

Do you really believe that anyone is interested in any full scale war (repeat of Iraq-Iran war) and least of all the GCC that has the most to lose by far seeing that it has a 2 trillion USD (GDP nominal), the highest living standards in the Muslim world by far (among the highest in the entire world), peace and stability (excluding the adventure in Yemen which does not really have any impact in KSA other than a few border towns and villages), world class infrastructure and rapid improvement on all fronts? GCC is a oasis of peace and stability in the region and the world and its investors and powers know about this.

I might dislike your Mullah's a lot and their policies but if the leaders of the GCC are really pushing for a war with any regional country that could destroy much, I believe that they should be toppled immediately.

Qatar has nothing to do with Iran. I don't know why people keep mentioning that here. It's a long story but it's not about Iran.

Look, I remember watching some video of your intelligence arresting local ISIS members (supposedly) and no offense but it looked stage to me. I saw many Iranians saying the same.

I am not saying that this is a inside job but the timing is too incredible to believe.

Using that logic I can claim that Russia gave Iran the green light to step up the unrest in Al-Awamiyah in recent months.

Baloch, Arab and Kurdish separatists or whatever you prefer to call them target your forces and infrastructure on a monthly basis so it is hard for me to believe that ISIS, next door in Iraq, would have been unable to attack Iran much earlier when it has attacked virtually everyone from Western powers, to superpowers (USA) to regional powers. Yet somehow Iran was never attacked. Now they are attacked for the first time in a attack where the timing is incredibly suspect and there is virtually no independent information of what has really been going on. Other than a short video. And guess who will be blamed by the Mullah's? KSA despite most likely having nothing to do with this attack.

Stick to drinking you camel urine and blowing yourselves up, that's all you subhumans are good for. Those 'monthly' attacks are cross border attacks. Only rarely can such inside attacks actually happen. Don't blame Iran when you subhumans can't stop the attacks happening inside your own country.
Well the IRGC has put the blame of this attack on the Saudis and said retaliation will be inevitable.

Lol I guess we now know why Trump sold those 110 billion dollars worth of equipment.
I refuse to believe ISIS is behind this and refuse to believe K.S.A is stupid enough to attack Iran directly. These attacks are too sophisticated and well organised. ISIS would just blow them selves up in a crowded area, and there are many in Tehran. And since when did ISIS use woman terrorists and cyanide pills?
Well common sense doesn't exist in those heads, who have attended hate classes in early child hood.
Those kids when grow up become part of problem, instead of having discussions to address any problem logically, tunnel heads just have one person to blame, who's off spring has now multiplied. Imagine how heart wrenching it is when they see some kid of that family getting fat and smart!
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