5) IF you can not tolerate something of a similar magnitude being done on your women (sister, some girl you fancy, mother, aunt, cousin) then for heavens sake dont try it on other girls for they are also other people's women (sister, some girl you fancy, mother, aunt, cousin)
This is such a wrong way to look at it. This patronizing attitude that is rampant in India (don't know about pak, but suspect it is true there as well) is one of the reasons why people simply cannot address gender equality properly.
A woman's human rights is intrinsic to the fact that she is a human, and not simply because she may be important to men. Just like a man has a right to decide what happens to his body and person, so does a woman, and not simply because she may be some man's sister or daughter or mother.
I remember a guy telling me a long time back, that he would never pinch a woman's bottom in a crowded place, because he has a mother and sister, and the girl is also somebody's sister/dau/mom. I retorted that he shouldn't be pinching anybody's bottom without consent anyway - even if the girl is an orphan and has no friends, she is a human being, and her human rights are INTRINSIC to her, not because she is valuable to some male relatives.
Just like a boy or man wouldn't want a strange, creepy dude pinching his bottom or groping his crotch, and would view that as an invasion of his personal space - it is the same thing. You don't hear anybody saying that he would never kill or molest a man because he might be somebody's husband or brother. You don't invade somebody's body or privacy or life, because he/she has certain rights that we assume every human being has. Intrinsically, not because of their importance to others.
Whether she is important to some man is irrelevant. That is NOT why we shouldn't invade her personal space. That attitude or reasoning is degrading to women, assuming that their rights arise from their importance to men.