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Sheikh Rasheed confirms/hints about buying J-10 Jets

JF-17 Thunder Block III is still long away, it's either going to be the block III or J-10C's lets see what happens but a gap needs to be filled ASAP or we are in trouble.

PAF has and is always trying to get more they always wanted a total of 100 in the fleet but its not a easy task to gain specially when you have US as the manufacturer of the bird.

Any delay in block 3 will force PAF to go for another platform and best and reliable option is J-10C.
SU-35 could be a second option based on availability and as long as it doesn’t come with any strings attached.
Have PAF officials given any statements/comments about acquiring J-10's for PAF ?
No, not coming. We already bought few old F16s to fill stop gap, maybe we buy more. PAF want 100 F16s. We have still one and half dozen less F16s than required numbers.

We bought those F-16s as AIM-120c launching platforms.
If PL-15 does well, then they might just go for a few squadrons of FC-20's...
...not in the interest of the balance of Power." Are you serious?!!

What more do they want to 'balance' whatever they want against a nation which smaller in size & budget...?

Now all they're missing are some F-22/35s' & some A-10 Warthog...

Why didn't Pakistan bring up the topic when India was going for the Rafales?

Oh I am serious but this is what they will cry about, you should know by now already common.
I think J-10C's will come in when Rafales are in IAF's hands that gap has to be filled and there will be nothing else to fill it as per the need.
I agree in part with what @Rafi has said. I think PAF is closely evaluating the situation.They have a full grasp of what the J10 brings to the PAF and whether it will be enough. I dont think anything will happen till Block 3 gets integrated. I think PAF will then wait and analyze the situation again.
A. Do we have the money to go for an intermediate programme and then in 3-5 yrs again buy a second platform.
B. Where are the Chinese with their 5th generation acquisition/ integration/ research in 2021.
C. What time scales are we talking about the availability of the fifth generation platform.
D. What else is available from the Chinese(J series)/ other sources.
E. How well is the induction of the rafale going for the Indians.
F. How long will the M3/5s last?
G. How well is the Block 3 integrating into the PAF and its performance parameters
I think depending on these basic thought threads PAF will decide whether there is a need to buy an intermediate platform or whether we can wait till the Chinese 5th Generation offering comes on line.
This is purley my thought process so feel free to disagree.
I agree in part with what @Rafi has said. I think PAF is closely evaluating the situation.They have a full grasp of what the J10 brings to the PAF and whether it will be enough. I dont think anything will happen till Block 3 gets integrated. I think PAF will then wait and analyze the situation again.
A. Do we have the money to go for an intermediate programme and then in 3-5 yrs again buy a second platform.
B. Where are the Chinese with their 5th generation acquisition/ integration/ research in 2021.
C. What time scales are we talking about the availability of the fifth generation platform.
D. What else is available from the Chinese(J series)/ other sources.
E. How well is the induction of the rafale going for the Indians.
F. How long will the M3/5s last?
G. How well is the Block 3 integrating into the PAF and its performance parameters
I think depending on these basic thought threads PAF will decide whether there is a need to buy an intermediate platform or whether we can wait till the Chinese 5th Generation offering comes on line.
This is purley my thought process so feel free to disagree.

A. Money issues? Anything coming from China is going to be 100% on loan. PAF budget is limited and may not be able to afford Russia jet with cash in hand unless Russia provide loan.

B. Primary focus is JF-17 block 3, 5th generation fighter (J-31) is still in 8 to 10 years away. If Pakistan does decide on J-31 or acquire J-31 tech to build a new fighter, it will take 8 to 10 years before PAF can have a single Squadron. unless Chines are willing to sell J-20. Even if that’s possible, it will take sometime.

C. 5th generation: 8 to 10 years away.

D. What else is available from the Chinese(J series)/ other sources?

Chinese will allow Everything in war with India. It would be great to have J-16 platform which is far more capable than J-10C. J-16 is a heavy weigh fighter with better range radar and advance electronic but it does come with higher operational and maintenance cost. I doubt that Russia will allow China to sell J-11/16 to Pakistan.

In best case senario, Block 3 and J-16 combination is pretty good for Pakistan until 5th generation is ready.

E. How well is the induction of the rafale going for the Indians???

It all depends on Indian pundit training. I am sure French are training Indian pilots in France.

F. How long will the M3/5s last?

You and I both know that decommissioning of F-7 is the top priority. We have 180 mirage 3/5 currently in service. Some Mirage will still be in service for next 5 to 8 years.

G. How well is the Block 3 integrating and acquisition of intermediate platforms???

Block 3 is still 2 to 3 years away. We will probably have a full squadron by mid 2022.

Acquisition of intermediate platform depends on what USA is willing to offer directly or indirectly.
If we go for J-10C, it will reduce you dependence on America. There are two issues with that, our generals don’t want to cut off relationship with America. If that happens, it will be no free trips, free shoppings, and free education for their children in USA. Regardless of USA tough talk will continue to offer nibbles to Pakistan. Surplus F-16 and possibly new F-16 in limited numbers.
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I think J-10C's will come in when Rafales are in IAF's hands that gap has to be filled and there will be nothing else to fill it as per the need.
In my opinion we are missing something in regards to the news regarding J-10's.
We must not only look at the present situation between Pakistan and India, rather take a deeper look in context of procuring these aircraft. What happened at the time of President Musharraf might actually be true and PAF could have managed to purchase at-least 1 SQD of J-10B's which were co-developed by the time they were canceled by the later Government. PAF and PLAAF being partners would have continued and develop the J-10'C variant keeping in mind that PAF would require these in the future to replace the Mirage maintained by Pakistan NAVY. As PAF had already provided development costs which had been used could have been considered as payments for the aircraft if the time arose.

This is the reason one of the Minister openly stated that PAF not only maintains asits in Pakistan but also at other airbases in other countries.

Moreover 3 or 4 yrs back Pakistan Navy was looking for replacements or to increase their air power for which they were looking towards other platforms but the then PM forced the JF-17 on to the NAVY and things went quite since then. PN did not seem to be happy with the JF-17 as it did not fulfill the requirements. However J-10 could possibly fulfill these requirements.

Now looking at the CPEC project many times news has been shared that China may perhaps send at least 1 or 2 sqd's of J-11's but approval from Russia could be a problem. However there is no such requirement for the J-16's or J-10's.

Most members on this forum would deny all this, however once again what has been stated again in my personal view keeping in mind all the threads that have been posted and debated on in the last decade.
Claimed by none other than but Yasin Malik from Occupied Kashmir.
haha i dont think he said that indian media is known to attribute false claims with people.....they attributed musharraf AS saying that pulwama was done by ISI a month ago.

Sheikh Rasheed isnt a violent person this is well known.
A. Money issues? Anything coming from China is going to be 100% on loan. PAF budget is limited and may not be able to afford Russia jet with cash in hand unless Russia provide loan.

B. Primary focus is JF-17 block 3, 5th generation fighter (J-31) is still in 8 to 10 years away. If Pakistan does decide on J-31 or acquire J-31 tech to build a new fighter, it will take 8 to 10 years before PAF can have a single Squadron. unless Chines are willing to sell J-20. Even if that’s possible, it will take sometime.

C. 5th generation: 8 to 10 years away.

D. What else is available from the Chinese(J series)/ other sources?

Chinese will allow Everything in war with India. It would be great to have J-16 platform which is far more capable than J-10C. J-16 is a heavy weigh fighter with better range radar and advance electronic but it does come with higher operational and maintenance cost. I doubt that Russia will allow China to sell J-11/16 to Pakistan.

In best case senario, Block 3 and J-16 combination is pretty good for Pakistan until 5th generation is ready.

E. How well is the induction of the rafale going for the Indians???

It all depends on Indian pundit training. I am sure French are training Indian pilots in France.

F. How long will the M3/5s last?

You and I both know that decommissioning of F-7 is the top priority. We have 180 mirage 3/5 currently in service. Some Mirage will still be in service for next 5 to 8 years.

G. How well is the Block 3 integrating and acquisition of intermediate platforms???

Block 3 is still 2 to 3 years away. We will probably have a full squadron by mid 2022.

Acquisition of intermediate platform depends on what USA is willing to offer directly or indirectly.
If we go for J-10C, it will reduce you dependence on America. There are two issues with that, our generals don’t want to cut off relationship with America. If that happens, it will be no free trips, free shoppings, and free education for their children in USA. Regardless of USA tough talk will continue to offer nibbles to Pakistan. Surplus F-16 and possibly new F-16 in limited numbers.

I agree with the J16 bit.
cut the crap it is the time to go straight on 5th generation jet stealth now....
J-10 could be good replacement for Pakistan's ageing Mirages.

The guy used to run a jihadi camp in Narowaal if rumours are to be believed.

So running a jihadi camp for Kashmir cause is a sin? Struggle against Kashmir occupation is not a crime. It has been made a crime by US, Israeli and Indian nexus.
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