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Chinese executive hints at progress with J-20’s new WS-15 engine, “mass production” of both the WS-10 Taihang and WS-15 achieved


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Chinese executive hints at progress with J-20’s new WS-15 engine
By Greg Waldron

27 March 2023

An Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC) official has hinted that production of the WS-15 Emei engine has started, signalling progress with the Chengdu J-20 fighter programme.

In footage apparently taken at an industry conference, an AECC official states that “mass production” of both the WS-10 Taihang and WS-15 “has been achieved”.


Source: Ministry of National Defense, People’s Republic of China

Early versions of the J-20 are powered by the Russian Saturn AL-31FN, with more recent versions powered by the indigenous WS-10C Taihang

It is not readily apparent when the footage was shot. The footage appeared on Twitter following an earlier posting on Chinese social media. The executive was answering an audience question about the supply chain for engine production.

In the case of the WS-10 Taihang, mass production is unsurprising given that the engine powers several in-service Chinese types, such as the Chengdu J-10C, Shenyang J-11B, J-15, and J-16. Some examples of the J-20 itself are powered by the WS-10C.

The video suggests, however, that at least limited production of the more advanced WS-15 is under way.

Images or video of a WS-15-powered J-20 have yet to emerge. In recent years Beijing has greatly limited the sharing of military-related imagery and video on social media. Testing could well be under way with the WS-15-powered J-20, but a shroud of secrecy surrounds the programme and China’s broader military modernisation.

The WS-15 is the ultimate powerplant for the J-20. Estimates have put the maximum thrust at 18.4t (180kN) – compared with about 15t for the WS-10. The WS-15 could potentially give the J-20 genuine “fifth generation” performance, including supercruise – the ability to travel at supersonic speeds without engaging the afterburner.

The official also refers to two other engines, the WS-19 and WS-20. The WS-19 is understood to be the powerplant for China’s new naval fighter, the Shenyang J-35, and the WS-20 is the indigenous engine for the Xian Y-20 strategic transport. Both the J-35 and WS-20-powered Y-20 are undergoing testing.

The executive adds that the supply chain has been organised for both WS-19 and WS-20, and that it is a priority to strengthen the supply of “supperalloys” required for advanced engines.

The official’s remarks emerged days after footage appeared of a Y-20 test aircraft with an AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine Corporation CJ-1000A high-bypass turbofan in its No. 2 engine position. The CJ-1000A is the indigenous powerplant for the Comac C919.

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Video shows China’s CJ-1000A engine in test flight​

By Greg Waldr
on24 March 2023
A video has emerged that appears to show the AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine Corporation (ACAE) CJ-1000A high-bypass turbofan undergoing a test flight.
The footage was posted on Twitter following an earlier posting on Chinese social media. The engine is located on the No. 2 engine station of a Xian Y-20 test aircraft.
CJ-1000A ACAE Avic engine c919

Source: Chinese Social Media

A screen grab from the video apparently showing thJ-1000A on the Y-20’s No.2 station

It shows the four-engined transport, landing gear down and flaps extended, on approach. The location of the footage is not provided, nor when it was shot.

ACAE’s developmental CJ-1000A is a 25,000lb (111.2kN) thrust engine designed for the Comac C919 airliner as an indigenous alternative to the CFM International Leap-1C.
The footage could suggest progress with the engine, and tests on the C919 itself could follow.

If legitimate, the footage is among the first images of the Y-20 being used for commercial testing purposes. The type has emerged in recent years as the People’s Liberation Army Air Force’s primary strategic transport. A YY-20 tanker variant has also been developed.

Though AVIC has been quiet on progress with the C-1000A – as well as most other programmes – in recent years, China’s five-year plan for 2021-2025 made development of the engine a priority.

(video by/@ WHXL子涵) pic.twitter.com/g9Bf0RHhfG
— お砂糖wsnbn (@sugar_wsnbn)March 24, 2023

Imagine a J10C/(D?) with the WS15 at 180kN.. will rip the wings right off.

Of course - given limited information - it is difficult to make an accurate assesment of the engines relative to its pitched peers in western engines other than the nominal "thrust rating"..
Imagine a J10C/(D?) with the WS15 at 180kN.. will rip the wings right off.

Of course - given limited information - it is difficult to make an accurate assesment of the engines relative to its pitched peers in western engines other than the nominal "thrust rating"..
baby. these engines are equipped for PLAAF/PLAN. Not for you. you don't need to be so concerned. China has no obligation to tell you their equipment data. Don't pretend to be sentimental. OK?
baby. these engines are equipped for PLAAF/PLAN. Not for you. you don't need to be so concerned. China has no obligation to tell you their equipment data. Don't pretend to be sentimental. OK?
Sour grape at its finest
baby. these engines are equipped for PLAAF/PLAN. Not for you. you don't need to be so concerned. China has no obligation to tell you their equipment data. Don't pretend to be sentimental. OK?

Validity of my comments still stand - regardless of the end user.. PAF or no PAF ...
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Validity of my comments still stand - regardless of the end user.. PAF or no PAF ...
Just like I said. Don't always play with rubbish Turks. They will control your IQ...

If your comment is valid. Turkey and Pakistan should not be so backward.
The WS-15 is the ultimate powerplant for the J-20. Estimates have put the maximum thrust at 18.4t (180kN) – compared with about 15t for the WS-10.

The official also refers to two other engines, the WS-19 and WS-20. The WS-19 is understood to be the powerplant for China’s new naval fighter, the Shenyang J-35, and the WS-20 is the indigenous engine for the Xian Y-20 strategic transport. Both the J-35 and WS-20-powered Y-20 are undergoing testing.

The executive adds that the supply chain has been organised for both WS-19 and WS-20, and that it is a priority to strengthen the supply of “supperalloys” required for advanced engines.

For the export market, the news about the J-20B’s all WS-15 flight means the WS-19 engine should be ready soon enough.

Hopefully for the PAF, the availability of the WS-19 will mean the JF-17 fleet can be re-engined, in due time, to allow it to outperform the bulk of the IAF, kinematically.

Hopefully the extra thrust will also allow heavy export approved RAM paint and modifications from the J-35 to also be applied to the JF-17, making its service in the PAF as well as prospects on the export market even greater.

For the export market, the news about the J-20B’s all WS-15 flight means the WS-19 engine should be ready soon enough.

Hopefully for the PAF, the availability of the WS-19 will mean the JF-17 fleet can be re-engined, in due time, to allow it to outperform the bulk of the IAF, kinematically.

Hopefully the extra thrust will also allow heavy export approved RAM paint and modifications from the J-35 to also be applied to the JF-17, making its service in the PAF as well as prospects on the export market even greater.

Using this isothermal forge press, DMRL & MIDHANI have jointly produced 200 HPC disc forgings pertaining to various compressor stages. These have been supplied to HAL’s Engine Division in Bengaluru for fitting into the Adour 804/811 and 871 engines that power the Indian Air Force’s Jaguar/Hawk Aircrafts. India saves a lot of foreign exchange by producing five-stage HPC discs which are required in large numbers and is a candidate for indigenisation

You should know that 'Made in India' is just a political slogan.

Do you even read properly or just entitled to trolling?
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