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Sheikh Rasheed confirms/hints about buying J-10 Jets

J-10C would be a great induction, as it can help end the dependence on the US (ending how much we depend on the F-16; which can be cut off after another skirmish)

If PAF can induct 2 squadrons of J-10 but train enough for 4-5 squadrons, it can lease 2-3 squadrons during heightened tensions to surge our numbers during war time.

Similar to what the US did for Israel in the 1973 war
We're honored by your presence and glad to see you come out of cryogenic stasis...

Must be really busy with work, huh.

Yeah .. this Corona time fk**** me when VP CEO knowz you're 24/7 available in front of your system haahha howz your day brav?

On topic, Pakistan should stick to the 5th gen. No need for J10 at this moment. It's useless when it comes to future gen air warfare. We already have enough to accommodate. We have a very limited budget for the airforce so better to consider high-tech thingy (like 5th gen) rather playing with the 3.5 4th gen toys.
Yeah .. this Corona time fk**** me when VP CEO knowz you're 24/7 available in front of your system haahha howz your day brav?

On topic, Pakistan should stick to the 5th gen. No need for J10 at this moment. It's useless when it comes to future gen air warfare. We already have enough to accommodate. We have a very limited budget for the airforce so better to consider high-tech thingy (like 5th gen) rather playing with the 3.5 4th gen toys.
J10c is 4++ gen :what:
He is the minister and you should believe him.
Those minister tells us later that it wasn't hadith so circumstances can be changed. i have no trust either on our politicians or so called elite class.
On topic, Pakistan should stick to the 5th gen. No need for J10 at this moment. It's useless when it comes to future gen air warfare. We already have enough to accommodate. We have a very limited budget for the airforce so better to consider high-tech thingy (like 5th gen) rather playing with the 3.5 4th gen toys.
We need 4.5th gen jets as a stop gap measures and for counter Indian RAFALE, which formidable threat to PAF/PAKISTAN
Might be referring for when they came for exercises in Pakistan. Said ye jo F-10(J-10) and talking about how China progressed. Not a confirmation.

Pakistan will prefer getting Viper upgrades for the F-16 fleet.

But I agree we need to get a fighter like J-10 from China not because of technicalities but solely on the fact that because in time of war they can quickly replenish our losses from their own inventory. Common inventories with China will be a help and it used to be a strategy before (A-5, J-6 and J-7) as in time of war opponent will also hit ammunition dumps and production facilities.

Ideal approach in my opinion.

No New F-16s, get J-10C instead (almost matching Chinese spec off the shelf).
Used F-16s and upgrades for existing fleet is ok.
Keep improving JF-17s with further blocks.
Work on Azm.

However because of the whole COVID-19 thing and us teaching InAF a lesson on Surprise day. New acquisitions can be on hold as war drums seem to have dimmed for now.
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It makes Pakistan to go for the J31 , we can't keep playing catch up with India and keep wasting money on upgrades. If we buy J31s now it should keep us safe for the next 10 years and then AZM to take over after that.
Very good advice however J31 is not ready for anything at the moment. To get it upgraded would require PAF to spend money which we dont have. However even as A Lo observability AC if ready it would be a sensible buy.
Forget the J-10 & cost of the F-16...

(If) the new Block 70 isn't advanced enough to meet our needs - what precisely did you have in mind that may counter the F-16 - in terms of what is available in the market?

I'd rather bet on a cart which can be armed with an ashm, cruise missiles, aesa without Pre launch codes than an block umpteenth f16. If it wasn't for Musharaf's approach our Saab awacs would be lying dead in the hangars.
i think j 10 would come shiekh is talking about in todays's condition
i think j 10 c would be part of PAF
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