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Sheikh Abdul Aziz Killed - Violence Flares in Kashmir

I do not understand why GoI is holding people to start trading through P O K and Pakistan routes. I am in full support to do that, it will help J&K and Indian people as well as Pakistan.....

I think this trade should start without delay.....
While brutal force is being used to suppress peacefull and unarmed protests of the Kashmiri civilians nothing is being done to remove the blockade carried out by hindu extremists.

It is unusual that hindu extremists are free to do whatever they wish to while those unarmed protesting against this are subjected to fierce force. While our Indian friends are trying to justify the killings no one it seems is bothered by what hindu extremists are doing.
Uprising in Kashmir; 12 protesters shot dead

By Jawed Naqvi

NEW DELHI, Aug 12: Twelve Kashmiri protesters were shot to death in different parts of the Valley on Tuesday, at least four of them at a funeral for the slain Hurriyat leader Sheikh Abdul Aziz. He was killed on Monday in an army assault on a rally that was headed for the LoC on its way to Muzaffarabad.

Hurriyat Conference chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said there was no news of the whereabouts of Shabbir Shah, another senior resistance leader who was leading Monday’s protests when he was last seen.

Authorities have clamped curfew in all the 10 districts in the Valley for the first time in 13 years. JKLF leader Yasin Malik escaped from his hospital bed in Srinagar to join the funeral prayers for Mr Aziz at Bandipora. Four people were killed when security forces fired on protesters at Bandipora. They had gathered outside the Jamia Masjid where the funeral of Mr Aziz was taking place.

Jammu and Kashmir’s former chief minister Farooq Abdullah described the situation caused by Hindu extremists in Jammu as grave. Muslims in the Valley started the standoff first by rejecting the government’s handing over land to a Hindu temple trust.

In New Delhi, a worried Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called for another all-party meeting on Wednesday to find an acceptable formula that could please both Jammu and the Kashmir Valley. Party leaders, who had met last week, met again on Tuesday to discuss the issue but to no avail.

Meanwhile, an all-party peace panel on Amarnath issue headed by Home Minister Shivraj Patil has decided to call political parties from the Valley. Reports said the Hindu extremist-led Amarnath Sangarsh Samiti could also be invited to the talks. It was not clear if the Hurriyat Conference would be called.

On Tuesday though, there was no respite in the violence in the Valley. Two more protesters were killed in firing in Lasjan area of Srinagar.

Reports said in Rainawari and Srinagar there has been at least one casualty. In Ashkoora, Baramulla and Nagabal another two people were killed.

People defied a curfew clamped on the entire Kashmir Valley after the violence on Monday in Sopore during an attempt by protesters to march to Muzaffarabad. Five people, including Mr Aziz, were killed in police firing.

On his part, Mirwaiz Omar Farooq has appealed for peace in Kashmir. He said it should be a peaceful agitation and nobody should damage public property.

The Mirwaiz also appealed to the people not to hurt any community. The Hurriyat Conference has called for a three-day strike in Kashmir from Tuesday. Mirwaiz was leading the funeral procession of Sheikh Aziz.

Terming the situation in Jammu and Kashmir “grave”, National Conference leader Farooq Abdullah said any division of the state on the Amarnath issue would be dangerous for the country. “I think there has been a regional divide for a long time. People have been raising their voices to separate. There are people who want the state to be separated...the recent unfortunate happenings on the issue of Amarnath shrine board has triggered out of basic problem,” he said.

Uprising in Kashmir; 12 protesters shot dead -DAWN - Top Stories; August 13, 2008

P.S: look at the pakistani flags in kashmir:pakistan::sniper:



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Army denies charges of NH blockade
13 Aug 2008, 0106 hrs IST,TNN

NEW DELHI: Dismissing reports that the Jammu-Srinagar national highway was under siege, the army on Tuesday said it had escorted 10,389 vehicles to and from Srinagar on the 300-km highway over the last eight days.:disagree:

With Kashmiri politicians and separatists fuelling violent protests against what they call an "economic blockade" of their region by the Amarnath Sangarsh Samiti, the army said the highway — the only road link between the Kashmir Valley and the rest of the country — had "been cleared of all disruptions" to ensure to-and-fro movement of goods.

"From August 4 onwards, when troops were deployed on the highway, smooth movement of trucks, including petrol tankers, carrying essential supplies to the Valley and other parts of the state has been ensured," said an officer.

"The movement of fruits, especially apples from Srinagar to other states, is also being ensured. The Army, for instance, escorted 2,263 loaded trucks, 487 empty trucks, 764 buses, 97 oil tankers, 58 LPG and 1,212 light vehicles from Jammu to Srinagar in the last eight days," he added.

Similarly, the Army escorted 1,743 loaded trucks, 460 empty trucks, 961 buses, 164 oil tankers, 22 LPG and 2,165 light vehicles from Srinagar to Jammu.
While brutal force is being used to suppress peacefull and unarmed protests of the Kashmiri civilians nothing is being done to remove the blockade carried out by hindu extremists.

It is unusual that hindu extremists are free to do whatever they wish to while those unarmed protesting against this are subjected to fierce force. While our Indian friends are trying to justify the killings no one it seems is bothered by what hindu extremists are doing.

I won't even bother to justify anything. It'll be as effective as telling an evangelist that Jesus is imaginary.
Killing Sheikh Aziz
submitted 12 hours 53 minutes ago
IN an act of ruthless repression, the Indian security forces indiscriminately fired at one of the biggest protest rallies in Held Kashmir's history, with participants variously computed between 100,000 and 250,000, and shot down prominent Hurriyet leader Sheikh Abdul Aziz and several others near Uri on Monday. About 200 other protesters were injured and a similar number taken into custody. As the news of the death of Sheikh Aziz spread, hordes of incensed people came out into the streets all over the Valley, breaking curfew and other restrictions and shouting angry slogans, "We will spill blood for blood." The troops responded with bullets and teargas shells; yet the crowds chanted: "Pakistan Zindabad" and "we want freedom". Sheikh Abdul Aziz and Shabbir Shah, who was among the injured, were leading the protest; the possibility of target shooting cannot be ruled out, though. This was the third leader since 1990 that laid down his life struggling for the cause of freedom, which the Indians had promised to grant to the people of Kashmir, a promise they have shamelessly backed out of since. The earlier victims were Mirwaiz Maulvi Muhammad Farooq and Abdul Ghani Lone.

The 'march to Muzaffarabad', in short across the LoC into Pakistan, was staged in protest at the economic blockade imposed by Hindu fanatical organisations in Jammu, stopping the movement of trucks to and from the Valley. In Sopore, the security forces deflated more than 200 trucks carrying fruit and arrested about 100 fruit growers. The blockade has put an end to all trade with the outside world, including that of fruit with which the Valley virtually overflows. That the authorities have not bothered to break it, but let all economic activity in the Valley stifle, suggests their callous attitude towards the people for their 'sin' of agitating for the right to self-determination. Almost every business, religious and social organisation, including the Fruit Growers Association, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the People's Democratic Party, made the call for the march.

Pakistan Foreign Shah Mehmood Qureshi has made a tame call for an immediate end to violence, eschewing condemnation that the barbarous recourse to force demanded. Most APHC leaders, including Syed Ali Gilani and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, are under house arrest and have sharply criticised the death of Sheikh Aziz and the treatment meted out to protesters. In the words of Mirwaiz, "Kashmiris are dispensable" in the eyes of "the fabled Indian democracy", they "can be starved, killed and crushed at will". The plight of the people of Held Kashmir is crying out for justice and the right to freedom in an age in which democracy is the order of the day. Could one expect the champions of democratic rights in the world to come forward and listen to their tale of woe?

Killing Sheikh Aziz | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Stupid people, when the govt has annouced a curfew.. stay indoors or be shot by Police..
Kashmiri Police are killing Kashmiris.. I don't understand where Hindu-Muslim comes into this, mischief mongers are creating this Hindu-Muslim thing.. where none exists.. just today VHP has blockaded most of the roads in North India..

the whole fight was for 99acres of land to be used as a temp shelter for pilgrims tsk tsk.. the economic losses have reached almost 3bn$.. Kashmiri Fruit growers have lost almost half a billion dollars..

PS: If I remember correctly where was the Hindu angle when Sikhs were beaten up during Dera scandal and Gujjars during their agitation
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Stupid people, when the govt has annouced a curfew.. stay indoors or be shot by Police....

Wow stay indoor beacuse the Indian government after assasinating Kashmiri leader and scores of innocent Muslims imposed curfew so the Muslims should let the dead bodies rotten as due to curfew they can not come out to burry the dead bodies.

And where were you when Hindu fanatics were defying curfew in Held Kashmir ?????? Did you OR Your government asked them to stay indoor???

And did the Indian Police killed over 20 Hinuds for violating curfew ?????

Kashmiri Police are killing Kashmiris.. I don't understand where Hindu-Muslim comes into this, mischief mongers are creating this Hindu-Muslim thing.. where none exists.. just today VHP has blockaded most of the roads in North India..

It is not Kashmiri police it is Indian Police and Indian Army who are killing only Kashmiri Muslims.

the whole fight was for 99acres of land to be used as a temp shelter for pilgrims tsk tsk.. the economic losses have reached almost 3bn$.. Kashmiri
Fruit growers have lost almost half a billion dollars..

Beacuse the land was transfered illegally aimed at changing demography of Indian Held Kashmir.

As far as Amarnath Yatra or pigrimage is concerned it has been going on in the Held Kashmirf for decades and no Muslim has ever objected to it or created any hurdel. The arrangments have been made in the past for the pigrims locally and what was wrong this time if the same arrangments were handed over to state government??? if the shelter is temp then why the need arised to transfer the land?? indeed the move was sinister.
SRINAGAR: Barricades of burning tyres marked the route home of the former Chief Minister, Farooq Abdullah, from Humhama airport. Mobs of young men lined the streets defying curfew orders — and police bullets. “People used to say I didn’t know how to run a government,”, he said, peering out of the dark-tinted windows of his bullet-proof car at the clouds of smoke that shrouded the streets, “and now look at the mess we’re in.”

Less than two months ago, politicians like Mr. Abdullah were discussing strategies for winning elections to the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly, which are scheduled to be held in October. But poor political judgment — and an apparently catatonic administration — precipitated a crisis, which have made even the prospect of an election appear somewhat surreal.
Political failure

Monday’s secessionist march to the Line of Control spiralled into murderous street clashes between police and protesters and have now claimed 20 lives. It was initiated by the state’s Fruit Growers and Dealers Association early this month. Orchard owners claimed that hundreds of trucks laden with fruit were ******* because of a blockade of the Srinagar-Jammu highway by Hindu chauvinist groups — part of the Shrine Board riots which have gripped the State these past eight weeks. It is likely the claims were hyped —most varieties of Kashmir apples do not ripen until the end of August — but growers were legitimately concerned that protracted problems on the highway would destroy their highly-perishable crop as it came to market.

Kashmir Divisional Commissioner Masood Samoon immediately held negotiations with the fruit growers and promised to ensure proper security for fruit trucks on the highway. At the end of their talks, association chief Bashir Ahmad Baig deferred the march to the LoC until August 7.

The Jammu and Kashmir government delivered on part of its promise — but not enough. Although hundreds of trucks did indeed begin to move along the highway to Jammu, Kashmir-based truck drivers and orchard-owners were too terrified by the prospect of Hindu chauvinist attacks to risk the journey. It would have taken no great effort to allow convoys to travel under Army escort. None, however, was provided — increasing the fruit trade’s frustrations. Still, the Association agreed to hold back on their march for another three days, until Union Home Minister and members of an all-party delegation visited Srinagar. At the end of his August 10 meeting, Mr. Patil announced that the State government would make bulk purchases of the small quantities of early-flowering fruit to compensate growers for any losses they sustained because of the disruption of the Srinagar-Jammu road.

As more fruit came to market over the next month, Mr. Patil said, “if there’s still some damage, we’ll assess the loss and pay full compensation on the pattern of relief provided to other States in case of such circumstances.” It was a generous promise — but the people who needed it most weren’t there to listen. Fruit growers’ representatives had been called to meet Mr. Patil and his delegation — but for reasons that still haven’t become clear, were eventually refused an audience. After being kept waiting in an ante-room for several hours, the fruit growers’ representatives left Srinagar, angered — and sceptical of the government’s promises. Their fears were well founded: no announcement was made on how, and when, the government intended to keep its word.

When it became clear the fruit growers’ march on Muzaffarabad would go ahead — and would have the backing not just of secessionist groupings but also the People’s Democratic Party —Jammu and Kashmir administrators again failed to prepare for a showdown.

Despite intelligence warnings that the LoC march would gather tens of thousands of supporters, the State government and top police officials refused to impose a curfew. “Coordination was needed with the Army,” a senior government official said, “since it is responsible for holding the ground in rural Kashmir, and for securing the LoC. But no one in the government acted.”

In the event, small groups of police personnel were left to hold back the marchers. Desperate police units finally opened fire at protesters in Sheeri, leading to the loss of five lives — including that of secessionist leader Sheikh Abdul Aziz.

Little seems to have been learned from Monday’s disaster. All through Tuesday, police at rural outposts like Lalpora in Lolab, Trehgam in Kupwara and Kraalgund in Handwara were besieged by mobs — but nearby Army units did not have orders to intervene in their support.

The Hindu : Front Page : In Kashmir, a reign of error
Its sad that people are being killed over their own territory. But while we have people like Mr.10% having all the powers in his hand although elected by none, one will continue to see such sad incidents being committed in Jammu Kashmir while we continue to step aside the core issue that has been held hostage for decades.
Pakistan Foreign Shah Mehmood Qureshi has made a tame call for an immediate end to violence, eschewing condemnation that the barbarous recourse to force demanded.

What a pathetic response. But nothing unexpected from this regime.
Kashmiris killing to be taken up with UN: Pakistan
Updated at: 1730 PST, Wednesday, August 13, 2008
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has strongly condemned the killing of unarmed Kashmiri protestors by Indian forces, saying the issue will be taken up with the United Nations and the OIC.

Speaking at the FO's weekly briefing, spokesman Muhammad Sadiq said an application in this regard is being prepared which will soon be submitted to the UN.

To a question, he said the process of peace talks will continue between Pakistan and India.

The spokesman said no headway has been made in the Pak-US investment treaty.

Expressing concern on Dr. Afia Siddiqui’s health, he said that the Foreign Office has pushed for the return of Dr. Afia Siddiqui and her children from the United States.

He said a detailed meeting has been held between Dr. Afia, the Pakistani counselor and Afia's defence lawyer.

Kashmiris killing to be taken up with UN: Pakistan

Lets see if this is in fact carried out - the Indians didn't even like the rather tame statement by FM Qureshi, "it would harm the peace dialog" or some such thing.

A little late to be worrying about "harming the peace talks", after the lies about the Embassy bombing, calling for the destruction of the ISI, repeated ceasefire violations by India, and PM MMS reportedly saying "no business as usual" in SriLanka to PM Gilani.
Army denies charges of NH blockade
13 Aug 2008, 0106 hrs IST,TNN

NEW DELHI: Dismissing reports that the Jammu-Srinagar national highway was under siege, the army on Tuesday said it had escorted 10,389 vehicles to and from Srinagar on the 300-km highway over the last eight days.:disagree:

With Kashmiri politicians and separatists fuelling violent protests against what they call an "economic blockade" of their region by the Amarnath Sangarsh Samiti, the army said the highway — the only road link between the Kashmir Valley and the rest of the country — had "been cleared of all disruptions" to ensure to-and-fro movement of goods.

"From August 4 onwards, when troops were deployed on the highway, smooth movement of trucks, including petrol tankers, carrying essential supplies to the Valley and other parts of the state has been ensured," said an officer.

"The movement of fruits, especially apples from Srinagar to other states, is also being ensured. The Army, for instance, escorted 2,263 loaded trucks, 487 empty trucks, 764 buses, 97 oil tankers, 58 LPG and 1,212 light vehicles from Jammu to Srinagar in the last eight days," he added.

Similarly, the Army escorted 1,743 loaded trucks, 460 empty trucks, 961 buses, 164 oil tankers, 22 LPG and 2,165 light vehicles from Srinagar to Jammu.

Your trying to justify that Indian Army which is in size nearly half a million was escorting cars and trucks on the road:lol:, you tell me the whole army was escorting and making the roads clear, please this is the Indian Army they are out there to attack people not to protect them or help them, they have no interest in that, thinking about cars I remember I read that Indian soldiers would take apart cars for parts and sell them is there some light on that for some extra income.
Your trying to justify that Indian Army which is in size nearly half a million was escorting cars and trucks on the road:lol:, you tell me the whole army was escorting and making the roads clear, please this is the Indian Army they are out there to attack people not to protect them or help them, they have no interest in that, thinking about cars I remember I read that Indian soldiers would take apart cars for parts and sell them is there some light on that for some extra income.

Refer to post no. 50.
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