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''Sharpshooters'' Convert To Thunder Bravos Move To Bholari

With so many fighters coming up in 6 months
I will be surprised if PAF keeps any of f7s/p/pg/ft-7

Just doesnt make sense
they can be send to PAF academy as trainer . but not on active duty . and i will approve this plan if they paint them trainer colors only .
they can be send to PAF academy as trainer . but not on active duty . and i will approve this plan if they paint them trainer colors only .
Sir even as a trainers no..u bought so many jf17b for a reason
If thats not enough buy a dedicated LIFT from china
they can be send to PAF academy as trainer . but not on active duty . and i will approve this plan if they paint them trainer colors only .
It's not an easy aircarft to fly for newbies
Sir even as a trainers no..u bought so many jf17b for a reason
If thats not enough buy a dedicated LIFT from china
it seems everyone hate this plane now :lol:
It's not an easy aircarft to fly for newbies
then give us we can fly it liek this
it seems everyone hate this plane now :lol:

then give us we can fly it liek this
View attachment 804866
I hated the plan way back in 2002
It was a bad decision to procure them then
(I am an amateur so...)

Mirages have a role but mig21/f7 r just flying coffins
Hence why PAF has retired them first and has kept mirages

I think in 2022 we will only have mirage5 rose(2-3) special mission aircarfts left (around 40-50), rest of legacy will all be retired even the air superoirity rose1
I hated the plan way back in 2002
It was a bad decision to procure them then
We needed something to makeup the numbers in a hurry. What other options were there? Isn't that what the MiG-21s are doing in the IAF?
We needed something to makeup the numbers in a hurry. What other options were there? Isn't that what the MiG-21s are doing in the IAF?
True..there wasnt anything..apart from mirage2000/mig29 but we were too poor to buy mirage2000 back then(late 1990s)
They were stationed in Kamra till now, let's see when this news gets confirmed officially.

There's a SAAB sqn posted at Bholari ( as per a PDF post ) as well and last time I checked Bholari can house 2 squadrons only and if you check Google Maps ( yes not very latest ) the number of HAS can handle only 1 squadron. But let's wait for official news.

Not very long ago, two senior and credible PDF members ( one AWOL now ) claimed Masroor will be converted to a Slow Flying base and Fighters will move to Bholari. But so far that hasn't happened yet either.
Been hearing that for years and I think will eventually happen. Masroor has high bird strike issues plus the commercial disposal of land would generate good money.
atter, but so does the terrain a dedicated training base is situated near. Gujrat in India falls under the Indian naval theater command and the rest of the western Indian provinces fall under the theater command directed against Pakistan. A base on the border of these two domains let’s pilots train against both specialized command structures.
Training could still be done regardless through deployments but as Panzerkiel has pointed out the Indians are finding our northern side fairly secure so now are looking to slice Pakistan in half and go after its lifeline.
Training could still be done regardless through deployments but as Panzerkiel has pointed out the Indians are finding our northern side fairly secure so now are looking to slice Pakistan in half and go after its lifeline.
South of Kasur till Arabian sea is the only open space left for conventional large formations to take large offensives.

This thing they concluded in the 80s. Since then, their focus has been on the southern side.
South of Kasur till Arabian sea is the only open space left for conventional large formations to take large offensives.

This thing they concluded in the 80s. Since then, their focus has been on the southern side.

All the more reason, now is the time to put some more resources into build the dual use infrastructure and fighting forces optimized to fight in the more diverse terrain of the center and south; we need to build up the Marines as a dedicated force to operate on the coasts and marshlands of the Indus Delta.

Also, IMHO it appears the Indians still model their military on how the Russian military operates; their formations (post reforms; combined arms battalions (tactical level) operating within a division as the key operational sized unit) and force structures (theatre commands), such as an air defense command as a separate theatre command similar to the Soviet PVO and a separate theatre naval combined arms supporting the navy.

I hope we are keeping a close eye on Russian military modernization and the standoff with Ukraine to see how other militaries are dealing with the Russians so we can apply it to our theatre. (This partially why I’m rooting for Ukraine to give Russia a good womping)
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All the more reason, now is the time to put some more resources into build the dual use infrastructure and fighting forces optimized to fight in the more diverse terrain of the center and south; we need to build up the Marines as a dedicated force to operate on the coasts and marshlands of the Indus Delta.
PN Marines are about to become a division sized force, heavily equipped with all sorts of weapons including AD weapons.
PN Marines are about to become a division sized force, heavily equipped with all sorts of weapons including AD weapons.

While its great they are getting heavier weapons and being scaled up, I hope they study the US marine corp modernization. Mobility, datalinks and distributed sensor-shooter units (instead of large heavy tanks) as with the future US marine Corp structure may be best for the Pakistani Marines as well. Long range artillery (gun and rocket) that is highly Mobile and light enough to move in marshland would be ideal. Also a stronghold on the border (as in my old thread “Commanding Heights”) could be key to blocking enemy freedom of movement within a few hundred kilometers of the entire Sindh border, with the right fortification, sensor grids and artillery .
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