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''Sharpshooters'' Convert To Thunder Bravos Move To Bholari

PHYSICAL movement of military units cant be hidden in any case. In this case, people living around Bholari, alongwith good Sats, would have already picked up this movement.
We on PDF, unfortunately, are the last ones to receive such news.....due to our near to no-access to such news.
Ab har teesray budh ke roz agar Air Staff ke pass aik file “IAF intelligence report” ki naam ki fuzool mein tu nahin ati. Wahan unke Bakshi ke talaab ke MKi mein radar LRU spare short hon aur hamien ussi hafte pata na chale?? Aise kaise hosakta hai sahab
Bholari maybe a decent base for more offensive PAF training; long duration flights over the ocean, low level flights over the Indus delta, flights through the mountains to the west. More Training with the Navy and Marines, while jot being at the main base in Karachi.
Over and above what you mentioned, it has alot to do with Indian military plans with regards to their conventional operations against us in Southern Punjab and Sind. It has also something to do with Bhuj, Mumbai, the naval and nuclear installation there...and alot many things.
Bholari maybe a decent base for more offensive PAF training; long duration flights over the ocean, low level flights over the Indus delta, flights through the mountains to the west. More Training with the Navy and Marines, while not being in the thick of it with the daily ops at the main base in Karachi.
Offensive or defensive training is coupled - its more a focus on mission types based upon the squadron and platform involved.
PHYSICAL movement of military units cant be hidden in any case. In this case, people living around Bholari, alongwith good Sats, would have already picked up this movement.
We on PDF, unfortunately, are the last ones to receive such news.....due to our near to no-access to such news.
It is part of opsec i believe where the word is not spread out with exact unit designations...
nevertheless I do not disagree with your argument...
Offensive or defensive training is coupled - its more a focus on mission types based upon the squadron and platform involved.

Sure, the platform types matter, but so does the terrain a dedicated training base is situated near. Gujrat in India falls under the Indian naval theater command and the rest of the western Indian provinces fall under the theater command directed against Pakistan. A base on the border of these two domains let’s pilots train against both specialized command structures.
They will most probably perform tactical bombing role against IA's armoured thrusts which are expected in Umerkot/Naya chor region launched from Jaisalmer/ Jodhpur. Btw what intrigues me is that almost whole of India's South Western command is in Punjab or Uttar Pradesh so far from the border while their Southern command apart form 12 RAPID and 11Inf Div are located so deep in the Indian heartland. While trying to save their formations from PAF they might be gambling on their offensive ability. They will take atleast more than a week to reach their launch pads giving ample time for PA's mech formations as well as PAF to force them on the defensive. And will only act as reinforcements for the lines that have been formed by the fighting that took place in their absence.
And perhaps this is where J10's longer range comes in; to act not only as sweep or escort but itself perform the A2G against IA/IAF installations as well as interdiction and SEAD/DEAD ops.
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They will most probably perform tactical bombing role against IA's armoured thrusts which are expected in Umerkot/Naya chor region launched from Jaisalmer/ Jodhpur. Btw what intrigues me is that almost whole of India's South Western command is in Punjab or Uttar Pradesh so far from the border while their Southern command apart form 12 RAPID and 11Inf Div are located so deep in the Indian heartland. While trying to save their formations from PAF they might be gambling on their offensive ability. They will take atleast more than a week to reach their launch pads giving ample time for PA's mech formations as well as PAF to force them on the defensive. And will only act as reinforcements for the lines that have been formed by the fighting that took place in their absence.
And perhaps this is where J10's longer range comes in; to act not only as sweep but itself perform the A2G against IA/IAF installations as well as interdiction and SEAD/DEAD ops.
They have already rectified their far deployments by developing new cantts, and moving those formations closer to the border.
Bholari has one advantage over other bases- it's weather! It offers mostly clear weather throughout the year and access to vast unpopulated flying areas like Thano Bula Khan. Places like Sargodha and Shorkot are fog-laden in most winter months, so flying activity is reduced.
They were stationed in Kamra till now, let's see when this news gets confirmed officially.

There's a SAAB sqn posted at Bholari ( as per a PDF post ) as well and last time I checked Bholari can house 2 squadrons only and if you check Google Maps ( yes not very latest ) the number of HAS can handle only 1 squadron. But let's wait for official news.

Not very long ago, two senior and credible PDF members ( one AWOL now ) claimed Masroor will be converted to a Slow Flying base and Fighters will move to Bholari. But so far that hasn't happened yet either.
They just had their 1st OCC pass out with a few strained flights done on single seat Thunders following the B model crash. I don't know about the current status of the B models but as of November 2021 they were grounded. A family member was supposed to evaluate it for a foreign customer but didn't happen.

As far as I've heard, No. 16 is still an OCU unit for JF-17s, and No. 18 has come to be an OCU course for pilots coming out of FCU
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Getting information that PAF's No 18 Squadron, previously equipped with F-7P aircraft call sign ''Sharpshooters'' has converted to JF-17 Thunder Bravo jets and has moved to Bholari airbase to be co-located with the No-19 F-16 Unit.
Suffice to say that the No-18 will act as the Thunder OCU.

Have we now replaced all the F7's? Did great service but the poor girl looks past her best, way past it.
Lol bro you're too harsh. She was a gallant in her defence, filled a crucial gap when sanctions hit etc.
Yes she looks like she belongs in the 1960's but hey.
how much i feel bad when they fly on 23 march world see us as a backward air power . :hitwall: why they even bring them there
Well first thing is that any new units of Jfs seem to always stay at Kamra for a while, especially if its a new mod vis first Blk 1 then Blk 2 then B, so obviosly Sharpshooter being the first full unit with Bs was destined to move out to make room for the first sqd of Blk 3s (remour has its the Tigers).

What Im surprised is No. 18 Sharpshooters moving to Bholari instead of Mianwali. Granted it was F-7s OCU that was at Mianwali but since those types are now nearly done and dusted (if you include PGs as well), then it would make sense to have the F-7's OCU homebase to house atleast some Jf OCUs. All this suggests PAF is taking LIFT very seriously and that will be Mianwali's role for the foreseable future.

@Windjammer what makes you think its not a Blackpanther piece? Even non-OCU sqds were supposed to receive one or two Bs (source: Interview of PAF person in some magazine, cant remember where).
With so many fighters coming up in 6 months
I will be surprised if PAF keeps any of f7s/p/pg/ft-7

Just doesnt make sense
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