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You'll notice that no other Chinese member here agrees with Speeder's racial theories, not one.

His ideas are more akin to White nationalism than anything else.

:lol: You think that I care that "not one"? BTW, I always wanted to ask you that how old are you? Let me guess, Obama must be your biggest hero, right?

"White Nationalism", do you even have a slight clue on what it means, to them, and to China and Chinese?? I am sorry, it's just me or... but you sounded like a typical Maoist-educated propaganda machine, instead of a typical Hong Kong kid ( I automatically assume that you are not a HongKonger of Indian ethnicity).

Why don't you try to read a book, say, March of the Titans, to understand how and why Rome fell with that race-mixing? If you can't, go to an American Hip Hop/ Rap concert, you'll understand the concept if you are smart.

I've already put it very diplomaticly, can't wait to see what's the reaction of majority of Taiwanese Han Chinese in that hood. I guess that they must love to see a small army of "little Gandhis" in no time, who will, needless to say, marry with their sons and daughters producing even more "little Gandhis" in the future... Taiwanese Han Chinese must desperately need some superior Indian genes in their gene pool to enhance their human development profile further ... VIVA Taiwan, you genius. NOT!!!
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You have some seriously strange views Speeder.

1) You advocate Stormfront, a White Nationalist website.
2) You think that Japanese people are "our kin" (wtf?).
3) You don't like Socialism/Communism, and you think the Jews run the world media.
4) You hate race-mixing.

I've never before met a Chinese person with all these beliefs, it's almost a carbon copy of White nationalism but applied to the Han instead. Maybe you've spent too long in the West.
:lol: You think that I care that "not one"? BTW, I always wanted to ask you that how old are you? Let me guess, Obama must be your biggest hero, right?

"White Nationalism", do you even have a slight clue on what it means, to them, and to China and Chinese?? I am sorry, it's just me or... but you sounded like a typical Maoist-educated propaganda machine, instead of a typical Hong Kong kid ( I automatically assume that you are not a HongKonger of Indian ethnicity).

Why don't you try to read a book, say, March of the Titans, to understand how and why Rome fell with that race-mixing? If you can't, go to an American Hip Hop/ Rap concert, you'll understand the concept if you are smart.

I've already put it very diplomaticly, can't wait to see what's the reaction of majority of Taiwanese Han Chinese in that hood. I guess that they must love to see a small army of "little Gandhis" in no time, who will, needless to say, marry with their sons and daughters producing even more "little Gandhis" in the future... Taiwanese Han Chinese must desperately need some superior Indian genes in their gene pool to enhance their human development profile further ... VIVA Taiwan, you genius. NOT!!!

Oh Boy! here comes your version of a KKK member. If this is not a blatantly racist post- I shudder to think what is.
I am sorry, it's just me or... but you sounded like a typical Maoist-educated propaganda machine, instead of a typical Hong Kong kid.

There is no state media here in Hong Kong.

Also I don't get your problem with Socialism/Maoism/Communism or any other such left-wing ideologies.

You do realize that China is a Socialist state right?
I've already put it very diplomaticly, can't wait to see what's the reaction of majority of Taiwanese Han Chinese in that hood. I guess that they must love to see a small army of "little Gandhis" in no time, who will, needless to say, marry with their sons and daughters producing even more "little Gandhis" in the future... Taiwanese Han Chinese must desperately need some superior Indian genes in their gene pool to enhance their human development profile further ... VIVA Taiwan, you genius. NOT!!!

lmao...one my fiance's students is a taiwanese-pakistani girl in TW. from what she told me, she was every bit taiwanese as any other han. thanks for airing your concerns, but my experience has been quite the opposite so far. :coffee:

btw she turned out very pretty so i'm hoping for similar results :D after all my grandparents are from Multan, Pakistan
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You have some seriously strange views Speeder.

1) You advocate Stormfront, a White Nationalist website.

Don't put words into my mouth.

2) You think that Japanese people are "our kin" (wtf?).

Oh, sorry, racially they are from Mars, right?

3) You don't like Socialism/Communism,

No I don't like Comminism, but am sure you are a big fan of it.

and you think the Jews run the world media.

Go educate yourself further on this topic before I ROFL.

4) You hate race-mixing.

Yes, I do. And that makes me a nazi? :rofl:

Since obviously you love that, I think you might want to look into some online profiles of Nigerian women as your future wife choice? Seriously, no troll. Actions speak louder than words, right?

I've never before met a Chinese person with all these beliefs, it's almost a carbon copy of White nationalism but applied to the Han instead. Maybe you've spent too long in the West.

Get out more, kid.

Edit to my previous post:

" I automatically assume that you are not a HongKonger of Indian ethnicity"
Speeder, can you find even ONE single Chinese member on this forum who agrees with your views on this matter?

Best to forget all this White Nationalism stuff you learned in the West, and go back to Zhong guo min zu zhu yi.
Very good one!

Let’s now ask the question: why those talents would rather be a lab serf than a freeman in China?

My guess:
1) He’ll probably be worse than a serf in China, given more competitions and lack of network (guanxi).

2) He has hope for his kids to have a chance in US. Chinese education system is too hard on the kids, he may consider, (as perhaps being brain-washed by democratic propaganda). But frankly, if his kids are interested in learning, the environment is very good for them to grow, provided that they live in a good community.

One of my friends tempted distributing some resume in China, but no position matches him, both in terms of payment and profession that I like. More, there are too many talents in China, nobody cares you, regardless of you PhD degree from world famous University with extensive professional experiences in SP 500 for prolonged time.

good observations. many chinese-americans are more american than chinese after decades living in the US - they forgot social skills and how to make connections. technical skills are important, but so are social skills! why do some PhDs become leaders, and others become lab serfs? a degree isn't a ticket to a job anymore, it's all in how you market yourself! if a PhD can't even get a job, how will the high school graduates survive! but they do, so with superior training, a PhD should too, if they have everything the high school graduates have... but sometimes, they lose humility and social skills, and that's when they are stuck as lab serfs.
That's because the US has over 5 X of china's GDP . hence you will get paid more. plus standard of living is higher...

absolute income is irrelevant, it's all relative income. go to SK, your absolute income is supposedly high but a cabbage costs something ridiculous like 15 USD?
absolute income is irrelevant, it's all relative income. go to SK, your absolute income is supposedly high but a cabbage costs something ridiculous like 15 USD?

a cabbage for $2 at a grocery store or even less if you go to a ' farmers market'

McDonald hamburger for 99 cents :)

and Freedom for FREEEE (priceless!)

and oh minimum wage per hour averages $7.25 for all! or 48.29 Yuan/ hour mandated or in some states as high as 55 Yuan/ hour :usflag:
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A person is free to marry whoever they want. As far as I know, this is the law in every country. The only exception was former Boer South Africa and they went extinct.

I think the only country in the world that currently has apartheid marriage laws is Israel. Sorry "Speeder 2," regardless of the merits of genetics, everyone else in the world (except Israel) has agreed that a person is free to marry anyone that they like. This is universally accepted and an acknowledged human right.

Green Left - ISRAEL: Apartheid marriage act passed

"ISRAEL: Apartheid marriage act passed

13 August 2003


On July 31, Israel's Knesset (parliament) overwhelmingly passed an apartheid-like marriage law. The law forbids Palestinians who marry Israeli citizens from obtaining Israeli citizenship or permits to live with their spouses and children in Israel.

Israelis who marry Palestinians from the West Bank or the Gaza Strip will either have to move to the Occupied Territories, or live apart. From the age of 12, their children will be denied Israeli citizenship or residency and forced to move out of Israel.

The law only applies to Palestinians.
Persons from any other country who marry Israelis are entitled to become Israeli citizens. The overwhelming majority of Palestinian-Israeli marriages are between Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza, and Palestinians who hold Israeli citizenship.

B'Tselem, the Israel-based Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, stated that the law “makes a cynical use of flimsy security arguments to disguise blatant discrimination. The bill is racist”.

Jafar Savah, from Mossawa, an advocacy centre for Palestinians living in Israel, said: “We see this law as the implementation of the `transfer' policy by the State of Israel.”

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch sent a joint letter to the Knesset, urging members to reject the bill. “The draft law barring family reunification for Palestinian spouses of Israeli citizens is profoundly discriminatory”, Amnesty said in a statement. “A law permitting such blatant racial discrimination, on grounds of ethnicity or nationality, would clearly violate international human rights law and treaties which Israel has ratified and pledged to uphold.”

From Green Left Weekly, August 13, 2003.
Visit the Green Left Weekly home page.

From: International News, Green Left Weekly issue #549 13 August 2003."
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If you ever ever ever look at a girl of another race. Speeder will find you and kick you in the nuts to ensure the pure Han blood is not tainted.
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