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Shameful Indian propaganda in favor of Israelis

I generally find your posts thought provoking but here you doing just damage control. You know Indians--both govt and the bloggers (I can't say about common Indians) are generally pro-Israel. We had seen that during the attack on the Turkish Flotilla, we can see how they call Iranians as 'backstabbers' over some business deals gone bad, and I have seen the Indian Bharat Rakshak Forum hard on Iran. The web is FULL of Indians supporting Israel against anyone. Even in this forum this USED to be obvious until recently Indians have decided to lay-low on supporting Israel--as if by some consensus. A kick in the butt by Arab countries to the Indian workers, however unlikely, is still possible for supporting Israel too obviously.

And it's fair to be pro-Israel for Indians. Do so with conviction and do so openly. Don't be hypocritical about it. Even in front page article on NY Times right now is saying that Israel has found support in 'illiberal democracies' like India.

I understand what you are seeing, but I disagree. Considering that India is 20-percent Muslim, whose sympathy lies with the Palestinians, not necessarily with Israel. India still has a sizable left-wing constituency that also supports the Palestinians, not through a religious lens like Muslims but through a political one. The hardcore supporters of Israel seem to be the Modi fanboys, Hindutva supporters, and other right-wing, nationalists type.

Even the Indian government's response to Israel was nuanced. India even abstained from the UNGA vote about the US moving its embassy to Jerusalem. India cannot slavishly support Israel as it would alienate its relations with the Arab world.
I understand what you are seeing, but I disagree. Considering that India is 20-percent Muslim, whose sympathy lies with the Palestinians, not necessarily with Israel. India still has a sizable left-wing constituency that also supports the Palestinians, not through a religious lens like Muslims but through a political one. The hardcore supporters of Israel seem to be the Modi fanboys, Hindutva supporters, and other right-wing, nationalists type.

Even the Indian government's response to Israel was nuanced. India even abstained from the UNGA vote about the US moving its embassy to Jerusalem. India cannot slavishly support Israel as it would alienate its relations with the Arab world.

While I agree with most of what you are saying, I think you need to watch a You Tube video by 'The Hindu' newspaper about the recent Israel-Gaza conflict. It describes three phases of India-Palestine relations. Pretty pro-Palestinian between 1948-1992, then distancing away from 1992-2014, and after 2014, what you called 'nuanced' is not even an eye-wash. Heck, an Indian consular staff in America is caught on video suggesting that India should emulate Israeli policies in Indian Occupied Kashmir! THAT is the real Indian govt policy!! And THAT shows to the extent that even NY Times article (by Max Fisher) has called 'illiberal democracies' like India as pro Israel.

But again, I will not pass a judgment on ordinary working class / poor Indians. I just dont know. They are probably barely surviving and have no time for civilizational wars happening thousands of miles away from India.

And what you call the BJP types are very vocal online--and possibly in hundreds of thousands. No Pakistanis or Muslims can be out in such numbers with so many posts in so many forums supporting Israel with their heart-felt posts--it's just not possible. It is better to accept that India is a changed country--at least since 1992 and especially since 2014.
And what you call the BJP types are very vocal online--and possibly in hundreds of thousands.
They are majority electorate of India and more mainstream than their liberals who get daily spanking from Indian media for "appeasing Muslims". Indians dont care for Muslim lifes let alone their opinions about Israel that guy is chatting shit about Muslims being a certain percentage of population and hence having a say in Indias Israeli policy - it is laughable especially in this ongoing shudarization of Indian Muslims. Infact Indian gov. policy towards Israel is part of their larger anti Muslim approach that gets them vote. Saying BJP/RSS is some sort of fringe in the most absurd statement politically speaking.
How low can the Indians really sink?

Why are lies like this so easily spread? This fake news is spread by Indian twitter users. What do Indians get out of this ?

To Iranians who support India : Get your head out of your *** ASAP

So you are saying there was no explosion?
So you are saying there was no explosion?
IF there was,it seems pretty clear that it had nothing to do with israel,not to mention that the facility in question,which by the way manufactures combustible materiels,which can sometimes explode without the help of mossad,has nothing to do with irans drone program,indeed the aerospace manufacturing facility which the article references is quite some distance from the facility where the explosion was claimed to have taken place.
So either disgracefully poor journalism or blatant pro-zionist propaganda,take your pick..... 💩
I am doing fine. Just angry at Indian support for Israelis.
I am also mad at dogs barking outside my apartment after a rough days work, cuz u want sum rest at night . Sometimes I feel like mixing poison in their food and getting rid of them. But wats it worth ? Those morons are just dogs. Indians btw have been worse than dogs. They served DOGS. Served the Aryans, then the Portuguese, then the Turks and mughals, then the British. They are sub human.

Don't take offense at wat these morons do. Not worth any of our time. They have made two deadly enemies armed with nukes at their border. Instead of making peace recognizing the delicate nature of the situation, u wud expect them to try to offer their hand out in friendship at least to one of them. But no , they wanna **** themselves. And now they are in trouble and their whole existence will soon be threatened by two nuclear enemies wanting no more than to just **** them. They screwed themselves cuz they are nonsense, don't put much hope on a nation of people who worship idol and stones and rocks and cows and wat not.

Don't expect much from people like these. They hardly qualify as humans. Do u get it ?
What has that to do with your cockroach behavior now? Iran is like a father figure for you.. many Indians have Iranian names.. even most of your cities have Iranian names. You have no right and honestly you are in no place to spread propaganda against Iran.
are u realy iranian its some how .....smelly
So one tweet in a sea of billions of tweets makes 1.5 billion Indians look like pro-Israeli fanboys? Nuance seems to be lost in the era of social media.

not one tweet, millions of Hindutva fanatics support Jews against palestine on twitter, must be extremely blind and hatred not to see and admit this
A comical fifth gen warfare on display. They fell that we can;t figure out than even an nigerian can create account with Hindu name on any social media platform. twitter n TOI is full of hindu name account where names hardly make any sense.
Rich coming from u guys creating fake names like "Shehzaz-ud-din", "Janab Zada", and "Gulshan-e-bagh", etc.
Comical indeed.

As for excuses like "one tweet" and "fake accounts"...go take a look...it is full of real Indians peddling "Israel/India Bhai Bhai" type of stuff. I'm honestly surprised that u r not. Trying to double dip? Pleasing Israelis on their faces...and saying the complete opposite to Iranians and Arabs to show u r with them? It's not gonna fly anymore. They are catching on.
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