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Shameful Indian propaganda in favor of Israelis

again Flatland rice growing Iranians from Bangladesh should know better


Pur, Pūr: 10 definitions
  1. Introduction
  2. India history
  3. Languages
    1. Sanskrit
    2. Hindi
  4. See also
Pur means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, the history of ancient India, Hindi. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

India history and geography
[«previous (P) next»] — Pur in India history glossary
Source: archive.org: Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions
Pur (पुर्) is mentioned as a synonym for “town” or “city” according to the Amarakośa 2.2.

India history book cover
context information
The history of India traces the identification of countries, villages, towns and other regions of India, as well as royal dynasties, rulers, tribes, local festivities and traditions and regional languages. Ancient India enjoyed religious freedom and encourages the path of Dharma, a concept common to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.

Discover the meaning of pur in the context of India history from relevant books on Exotic India

Languages of India and abroad
Sanskrit dictionary
[«previous (P) next»] — Pur in Sanskrit glossary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary
Pur (पुर्).—6 P. (purati) To go before, precede.

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Pur (पुर्).—f. (Nom. sing. pūḥ; instr. du. pūrbhyām)

1) A town, fortified town; पूरण्यभिव्यक्तमुखप्रसादा (pūraṇyabhivyaktamukhaprasādā) R.16.23.

2) A fortress, castle, strong-hold.

3) A wall, rampart.

4) The body; पुरश्चक्रे द्विपदः पुरश्चक्रे चतुष्पदः (puraścakre dvipadaḥ puraścakre catuṣpadaḥ) Bṛ. Up.2.5.18.

5) Intellect.

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Pūr (पूर्).—I. 4 Ā (pūryate, pūrṇa)

1) To fill, fill out (allied in this sense with pass. of pṝ q. v.).

2) To please, satisfy. -II. 1 U. (pūrayati-te, pūrita; strictly the Caus. of pṝ q. v.)

1) To fill; को न याति वशं लोके मुखे पिण्डेन पूरितः (ko na yāti vaśaṃ loke mukhe piṇḍena pūritaḥ) Bh.2.118; Śi.9.64;16.34.

2) To blow into or fill with wind, blow (as a conchshell).

3) To cover, surround; पूरयन्तः समाजग्मुर्भयदाया दिशो दश (pūrayantaḥ samājagmurbhayadāyā diśo daśa) Bk.7.3.

4) To fulfil, satisfy; पूरयतु कुतूहलं वत्सः (pūrayatu kutūhalaṃ vatsaḥ) U.4; so आशाम्, मनो- रथम् (āśām, mano- ratham) &c.

5) To intensify, strengthen (as sound).

6) To make resonant.

7) To load or enrich with (gifts &c.).

8) To draw (as a bow).

9) To spend (time).

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Pur (पुर्).—f.

(-pūḥ) A city. E. pur to lead, kvip aff.

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Pur (पुर्).—[pura] r. 6th cl. (purati) To precede, to lead, to go before. tu0 para0 saka0 seṭ .

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Pūr (पूर्).—[pūra] r. 4th cl. (ī) pūrī (pūryate) 1. To satisfy. 2. To fill. 3. To be satisfied. 4. To be full. divā0 ātma0 saka0 seṭ . r. 10th cl. (pūrayati-te) 1. To satisfy. 2. To fill out. 3. To fill with wind, to blow. 4. To cover, to surround. 5. To fill with sound, to make resonant. 6. To intensify, to strengthen. cu0 ubha0 saka0 seṭ . With ā 1. To fill, to make full. 2. To blow. 3. To cover, to envelop, to entertwine. With pari To fill completely. With pra, 1. To fill. 2. To enrich, to load with riches. With sama, To fill.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Pur (पुर्).— (probably vb. pṛ10), f. 1. A town, [Bhāgavata-Purāṇa, (ed. Burnouf.)] 6, 6, 12. 2. The body, 2, 10, 28.

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Pur (पुर्).—i. 6, [Parasmaipada.] To go at the head.

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Pūr (पूर्).—see pṛ10.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Pur (पुर्).—1. [feminine] fullness, abundance (only pūrbhis).

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Pur (पुर्).—2. ([nominative] pūr) [feminine] stronghold, castle, (fortified) town; the body.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary
1) Pur (पुर्):—1. pur f. (√pṝ) only [instrumental case] [plural] pūrbhis, in abundance, abundantly, [Ṛg-veda v, 66, 4.]

2) 2. pur [class] 6. [Parasmaipada] purati, to precede, go before, lead, [Dhātupāṭha xxviii, 56] ([probably] invented to furnish an etymology for puras and purā below).

3) 3. pur f. (in [nominative case] sg. and before consonants pūr) a rampart, wall, stronghold, fortress, castle, city, town (also of demons), [Ṛg-veda] etc. etc.

4) the body (considered as the stronghold of the puruṣa q.v.), [Bhāgavata-purāṇa]

5) the intellect (= mahat), [Viṣṇu-purāṇa]

6) Name of a Daśa-rātra, [Kātyāyana-śrauta-sūtra] [Perhaps [from] √pṝ and [originally] identical with 1. pur; cf. [Greek], πόλις]

7) Pūr (पूर्):—[from pur] in [compound] for 3. pur before [consonant]

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary
1) Pur (पुर्):—(śa) purati 6. a. To precede.

2) (pūḥ) 5. f. A city.

3) Pūr (पूर्):—(ya, ī, ṅa) pūryyate 4. d. To satisfy or fill or be full. (ka) pūrayati 10. a. To satisfy.

[Sanskrit to German] (Deutsch Wörterbuch)
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch
Pur (पुर्):—1. (= 1. par) nur im instr. pl. mit Fülle ([Sāyaṇa] pūrakaiḥ stavaiḥ): adhā.hi kavyā yu.aṃ dakṣasya pū.bhiradbhutā . ni ke.unā.janānāṃ ci.ethe pūtadakṣasā [Ṛgveda 5, 66, 4.] — Vgl. partṛbhiḥ und ähnliche Instrumentale des Plurals.

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Pur (पुर्):—

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Pur (पुर्):—3. , purati vorangehen (wegen puras, purā) [DHĀTUP. 28, 56.]

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Pūr (पूर्):—, pūrayati s. das 2te caus. von 1. par .

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung
Pur (पुर्):—1. f. Fülle Nur Instr. Pl. pūrbhis in Fülle.

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Pur (पुर्):—2. f. (Nom. pūr) —

1) fester Platz , Burg , eine befestigte Stadt , Stadt überh. —

2) Leib , Körper (als Burg Puruṣa's gedacht). —

3) der Intellect. —

4) ein best Daśarātra.

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Pur (पुर्):—3. , purati (agragamane).

context information
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.

Discover the meaning of pur in the context of Sanskrit from relevant books on Exotic India

Hindi dictionary
[«previous (P) next»] — Pur in Hindi glossary
Source: DDSA: A practical Hindi-English dictionary
1) Pur in Hindi refers in English to:—(nm) a town, city; large leather pot for drawing huge quantity of water out of a well; chamber, room (as [ata:pura]); (a) filled with, full of; ~[jana] townfolk; inhabitants of a city/town; ~[devata] the protecting deity of a town; ~[dvara] main gate of a city/the main entrance to a city/town; ~[nari] a prostitute, harlot; ~[vadhu] see ~[nari; ~vasi]; see ~[jana]..—pur (पुर) is alternatively transliterated as Pura.

2) Pur in Hindi refers in English to:—(nm) stuffing in a sweet delicacy; spate; irrigation by drawing water from a well by a leathern bag; sufficiency, adequacy; —[dalana] to satisfy the requirements/needs; —[padana] to suffice, to be sufficient, to cause to be gratified/satisfied..—pur (पूर) is alternatively transliterated as Pūra.

context information

Discover the meaning of pur in the context of Hindi from relevant books on Exotic India

See also (Relevant definitions)
Starts with (+1799): Puhpati, Pura, Pura-pradhana, Pura-shreshthin, Puraamana, Purab, Puraba, Purabela, Purabhayya, Purabheda Sutta, Purabhid, Purabhilekha, Purabiya, Puracundi, Purada, Puradaha, Puradeva, Puradevata, Puradhanem, Puradhas.

Ends with (+43): Amarpur, Appur, Banapur, Bhaktapur, Bijapur, Bilaspur, Chandrapur, Devapur, Dinajpur, Faridpur, Gopalpur, Govindapur, Hanamapur, Harinarayanpur, Harishpur, Iluppur, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Janakpur, Kapur.

Full-text (+435): Devapur, Purdvar, Pura, Puhpati, Purdevi, Purbhidya, Purayitri, Purbhid, Purjayana, Puryana, Purmarga, Purdvara, Abhipurana, Purati, Purayati, Stambapur, Purakrita, Purya, Brahmanastuti, Abhipurati.

Relevant text
Search found 32 books and stories containing Pur, Pūr; (plurals include: Purs, Pūrs). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:

Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī)
Verse 3.4.76 < [Part 4 - Parenthood (vātsalya-rasa)]
Verse 2.3.24 < [Part 3 - Involuntary Ecstatic Expressions (sattvika-bhāva)]
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Rasa Jala Nidhi, vol 3: Metals, Gems and other substances (by Bhudeb Mookerjee)
Part 2 - Purification of silver < [Chapter II - Metals (2): Raupya (silver)]
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The history of Andhra country (1000 AD - 1500 AD) (by Yashoda Devi)
Part 11 - Vijayaditya IV (A.D. 1246-1255) < [Chapter XI - The Chalukyas]
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Buddhist records of the Western world (Xuanzang) (by Samuel Beal)
Chapter 7 - Country of Tan-mo-li-ti (Tamralipti) < [Book X - Seventeen Countries]
Chapter 13 - Country of ’O-hi-chi-ta-lo (Ahikshetra) < [Book IV - Fifteen Countries]
Chapter 4 - Country of Pun-na-fa-t’an-na (Pundravardhana) < [Book X - Seventeen Countries]
+ 5 more chapters / show preview
The Bundahishn
Chapter XXXI - On The Race And Offspring Of The Kayans
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The Vishnu Purana (by Horace Hayman Wilson)
Chapter I - Maitreya inquires of his teacher (Parashara) < [Book I]
Chapter II - Prayer of Parashara to Vishnu < [Book I]
Topographical Lists from the Mahābhārata < [Book II]
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Click here for all 32 books

Item last updated: 04 March, 2021


Hastinapur is before the influence of the defeated Sassanids

Yes, this is a proper source. Seems Pur or Pura had same use in Sanskrit.
How low can the Indians really sink?

Why are lies like this so easily spread? This fake news is spread by Indian twitter users. What do Indians get out of this ?

To Iranians who support India : Get your head out of your *** ASAP

The pro-zionist hindutva thread is based on this,to be honest,rather dubious sounding claims by the guardian.
The facility in question had nothing to do with drones,it actually manufactures combustible materiels and explosives,so accidental explosions are not unknown at facilities like this.
Ultimately this was just more bulsh!t and propaganda from the western[zionist] media,and those brainless hindu 💩fascists💩...sorry...hindu 💩"nationalists"💩,literally swallowed it all like it was a glass of fresh cow p!ss 🤮
Once upon a time Parsi came running to India for shelter n once upon a time Jews came running to India for shelter. Both survived n thrived but instead of being thankful for our hospitality both want to run down India as much as possible.

yeah they did and quite nicely like jew david sassoons the drug opium dealers of east india company yet indians lick israel nuts abit too hard that they had tell indians off plz stop lifting my balls.

the guardian is a dirty zionist propaganda paper LoL

out of butthurt because "iranian proxies" as they call it, turned their nation into a civil war like state, with fires everywhere they spread fake news to appease their butthurt.

even other israelis are tired of this rubbish.
Shameful Indian propaganda:

Actually its shameful BRITISH propaganda,its just that the pro-zionist hindu fascists...,sorry..."nationalists" are so utterly stupid that they`d happily believe any old rubbish they`re spoon fed,especially if it feeds into their deluded zio-worship.
My advice to the brit propagandist,next time look at a map,maybe even a google one,that way you wont wind up looking like such a pathetic hasbara shill.
As for the indians in question,well,my view is that fascists of any variety,be they jewish or hindu,is that they are beyond help,a lost cause and a literal waste of space,air and life on our good green earth.
I hope no one got injured in that factory.
Yes leave us alone if Iran n isreal have problem with each other, go to war n decide for yourselves. We are not here to take sides, we are here to coordinate for mutual benefits. Poking nose in others affair is not our hobbies.

Bhakt twitter posts and opinions are like dog turds. Not interested in picking those up.
What has that to do with your cockroach behavior now? Iran is like a father figure for you.. many Indians have Iranian names.. even most of your cities have Iranian names. You have no right and honestly you are in no place to spread propaganda against Iran.
How low can the Indians really sink?

Why are lies like this so easily spread? This fake news is spread by Indian twitter users. What do Indians get out of this ?

To Iranians who support India : Get your head out of your *** ASAP

foolish ptopaganda with a twitter message by antiindian forces , we have very transparent policy towards israel and palestine . both should slove their problems amicably . no support to terrorists .
You should say shameful right wing BJP propaganda. Most of us don't care for either Israel or Palestine in any way - just wish they both stop killing each other. There is huge distinction between Indian (1.4 billion) vs BJP IT cell and followers (few million at best).

That is nonsense.

BJP won twice in a row and has massive support among India's Hindus.

Modi himself came to power because of his Gujarat Muslim genocide credentials. You can never brush this under the carpet.
Yes leave us alone if Iran n isreal have problem with each other, go to war n decide for yourselves. We are not here to take sides, we are here to coordinate for mutual benefits. Poking nose in others affair is not our hobbies.

you must live under a rock
yeah they did and quite nicely like jew david sassoons the drug opium dealers of east india company yet indians lick israel nuts abit too hard that they had tell indians off plz stop lifting my balls.
May I ask you what Obama mother was doing in your Islamic BCCI bank?? You will get to know how jew make a slave out of you lot. M sure this message will be deleted.
you must live under a rock
Our obsessed neighbours will start digging rocks as well.
May I ask you what Obama mother was doing in your Islamic BCCI bank?? You will get to know how jew make a slave out of you lot. M sure this message will be deleted.
#may i ask you that i dont know much about obama mother and islamic bcci bank. maybe she was withdrawing money to buy fruit and vegs at the market.
So one tweet in a sea of billions of tweets makes 1.5 billion Indians look like pro-Israeli fanboys? Nuance seems to be lost in the era of social media.

I generally find your posts thought provoking but here you doing just damage control. You know Indians--both govt and the bloggers (I can't say about common Indians) are generally pro-Israel. We had seen that during the attack on the Turkish Flotilla, we can see how they call Iranians as 'backstabbers' over some business deals gone bad, and I have seen the Indian Bharat Rakshak Forum hard on Iran. The web is FULL of Indians supporting Israel against anyone. Even in this forum this USED to be obvious until recently Indians have decided to lay-low on supporting Israel--as if by some consensus. A kick in the butt by Arab countries to the Indian workers, however unlikely, is still possible for supporting Israel too obviously.

And it's fair to be pro-Israel for Indians. Do so with conviction and do so openly. Don't be hypocritical about it. Even in front page article on NY Times right now is saying that Israel has found support in 'illiberal democracies' like India.

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