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Shame on Iran

Iran has now changed it's story and says the pastor is being prosecuted for rape and extortion.

Iranian pastor faces death for rape, not apostasy - report - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani will be put to death for several charges of rape and extortion, charges that differ greatly from his original sentence of apostasy, Iran's semi-official Fars News agency reported Friday.

Gholomali Rezvani, the deputy governor of Gilan province, where Nadarkhani was tried and convicted, accused Western media of twisting the real story, referring to him as a "rapist." A previous report from the news agency claimed he had committed several violent crimes, including repeated rape and extortion.

"His crime is not, as some claim, converting others to Christianity," Rezvani told Fars. "He is guilty of security-related crimes."

In a translated Iranian Supreme Court brief from 2010, however, the charge of apostasy is the only charge leveled against Nadarkhani.

"Mr. Youcef Nadarkhani, son of Byrom, 32-years old, married, born in Rasht in the state of Gilan is convicted of turning his back on Islam, the greatest religion the prophesy of Mohammad at the age of 19," reads the brief.
The brief was obtained by CNN from the American Center for Law and Justice and was translated from its original Farsi by the Confederation of Iranian Students in Washington.

It goes on to say that during the court proceeding, Nadarkhani denied the prophecy of Mohammad and the authority of Islam.

"He (Nadarkhani) has stated that he is a Christian and no longer Muslim," states the brief. "During many sessions in court with the presence of his attorney and a judge, he has been sentenced to execution by hanging according to article 8 of Tahrir -- olvasileh."

Rezvani, the official from Gilan province, confirmed that his execution is "not imminent" nor is it final.

Mohammadali Dadkhah, the pastor's lawyer, said through a translator that even in light of the Fars News report, he does not believe Nadarkhani will be put to death.

"The case is still in progress," Dadkhah said. "There's a 95% that he won't get the death penalty. Yes, I still believe that."

Dadkhah spoke briefly of the trial proceedings, stating that he presented documents to the court that should be convincing, including documents from Shi'ite leaders that state the crime does not warrant the possible punishment.

"This is a legal process that should take its course, and it should stand, on its own merits. It should succeed," Dadkhah said.

Nadarkhani, the leader of a network of house churches in Iran, was first convicted of apostasy in November 2010, a charge he subsequently appealed all the way to the Iranian Supreme Court. After four days of an appeals trial that started Sunday at a lower court in Gilan Province, Nadarkhani refused to recant his beliefs.

That said, Rezvani -- echoing an earlier report from Fars -- insisted that "Nadarkhani's crime and his death sentence have nothing to do with his beliefs.

"No one is executed in Iran for their choice of religion," he added. "He is a Zionist and has committed security-related crimes."

The possible execution of Nadarkhani, based on an assumption it is tied to his Christian belief, has elicited responses from the highest levels of the United States government, too.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released a statement Friday that said the United States stands with "all Iranians against the Iranian government's hypocritical statements and actions."

The White House released a statement on Thursday, stating that Nadarkhani "has done nothing more than maintain his devout faith, which is a universal right for people."

"That the Iranian authorities would try to force him to renounce that faith violates the religious values they claim to defend, crosses all bounds of decency and breaches Iran's own international obligations," reads the statement.

Leonard Leo, chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, says a trial for apostasy in Iran is rare. According to him, this is the first apostasy trial since 1990.

Nadarkhani's trial and his possible execution have engaged American Christians, as well. Todd Nettleton, spokesman for Voice of the Martyrs, a Christian organization that attempts to assist with persecuted and minority churches around the world, called the news of the new charges proof that international attention on the issue is working.

"They are feeling the attention, they are feeling the weight of the eyes of the world watching how they are treating this man," Nettleton said. "I am dumbfounded, though, that at this stage in the game, this is what they would trot out."

Voice of the Martyrs manages a Facebook page that has brought a lot of attention to Nadarkhani's trial. With comments updated by the minute, thousand of people have taken to Facebook to spread the word about the pastor.

In light of this news, Nettleton said the Facebook page would continue to be active.

"I think our first response will be prayer for pastor Youcef," Nettleton said. "Prayer that justice will be done and that he will remain faithful no matter that the days ahead may bring for him."
There are dozens of sources for this news... chances are it is not a fabrication, as naming specific names makes it very easy to research.

Fabricated propaganda is usually more along the lines of "Country X is engaged in an illegal research program to make chemical weapons" or "Country Y has jailed 10,000 dissidents", etc.
you know that newspapers are taking sources to each other
it needs one paper to say abot or let's say AP then many newspapers will say it

anyway about this particular story it is very strange... i am waiting to have more information
because strangely:

you have the governmental source like this:
they explain that the story of being sentenced for apostosy is a lie. they say that he was convinced of rapes and rackets
this story looks very strange and i wouldn't believe so if this was not as well written in the opposition newspaper
اتهام "یوسف نادرخانی" چه بود؟
it was in the hand of Karoubi
i am waiting for other sources and fair information sources from iran

right now there is NO source available
Iran has now changed it's story and says the pastor is being prosecuted for rape and extortion.

Wow, that was unexpected... can't deal with the international heat, time to fabricate a few charges to save face...
Wow, that was unexpected... can't deal with the international heat, time to fabricate a few charges to save face...

Its a real concern when things like this happen. It seems to me the propaganda arm cant make its mind up. Internationally they look like clowns and they have to learn quickly if they want to be taken seriously.
Iran has now changed it's story and says the pastor is being prosecuted for rape and extortion.

Iranian pastor faces death for rape, not apostasy - report - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani will be put to death for several charges of rape and extortion, charges that differ greatly from his original sentence of apostasy, Iran's semi-official Fars News agency reported Friday.
What this mean is that the Iranians know that it is basically wrong to kill someone just for what he is, not what he has done. What would happen if the US were to enact laws that says being a muslim is 'illegal'? The muslims would howl to the seven layers of heaven at the inhumanity of it all. So now the Iranian government has to change the charge from what he is to what he allegedly done, which conveniently turns out to be among the worst of crimes a person can DO to another.
I find it funny how you're coming on here and trying to make iran seem so bad for doing this, why dont you talk about that black guy america recently executed for simply being black? they said its because he killed a cop but there was no evidence..before you come here go research your own countries evil actions.
I find it funny how you're coming on here and trying to make iran seem so bad for doing this, why dont you talk about that black guy america recently executed for simply being black? they said its because he killed a cop but there was no evidence..before you come here go research your own countries evil actions.
what is strange as well... they speak about this story ... and i am chocked that the guy above is saying "Iranians" instead of justice of Iran. if he had some little knowledge about our country, justice is at the hand of Khamenei: from the minister to the chief of justice.

but what i wanted to point...
nowadays we know the director of the Melli bank (Iran) ... was accepted in Canada for visa
and he bought a 3 millions houses and many agencies . some people say he put few millions investments there which Canada don't say anything about it.
The fact is that this guy is very very close to Khamenei.

WTF these people are criticizing the Iranian regime but they accept their money.
what is strange as well... they speak about this story ... and i am chocked that the guy above is saying "Iranians" instead of justice of Iran. if he had some little knowledge about our country, justice is at the hand of Khamenei: from the minister to the chief of justice.

but what i wanted to point...
nowadays we know the director of the Melli bank (Iran) ... was accepted in Canada for visa
and he bought a 3 millions houses and many agencies . some people say he put few millions investments there which Canada don't say anything about it.
The fact is that this guy is very very close to Khamenei.

WTF these people are criticizing the Iranian regime but they accept their money.

The more you think about it the more retarded you become..just like them.
I find it funny how you're coming on here and trying to make iran seem so bad for doing this, why dont you talk about that black guy america recently executed for simply being black? they said its because he killed a cop but there was no evidence..before you come here go research your own countries evil actions.

Actually I was against that execution. But this thread is not about that is it. It is about a Christian pastor who protested against his children being forced to be taught about Islam in school. His argument was that Iran’s constitution guarantees the freedom to practice religion. As a result the secret police called him before a tribunal. Where he was arrested for protesting. Later the charge changed to Apostasy. On Sept 21, 2010 he was put on trial and convicted of Apostasy. His sentence was death by hanging. On June 28th of this year the Supreme Court in Qom upheld his conviction for Apostasy. Now because of international pressure and the spotlight the case has brought to Iran’s systematic persecution of Christians. Iran has changed its story once again.

It is very dangerous to be a Christian in Iran today. Despite what Iran’s constitution says. It is not safe to openly practice any religion outside of Islam. Christians have even resorted in some cases to digging secret underground rooms so that they can worship God without fear of their neighbors hearing and turning them in. Yet despite the persecution the Christian church in Iran is growing by leaps and bounds.
No it is not dangerous in Iran to be christian. You are totally ignorant.
I am from Esfahan neighbourhood . We have a large communauty of christians there and they never never have problems. they have their own business , good restaurants, and the strong communauty (armenians)
As well in Esfahan you have the Jew communauty and nobody attacked them

This is your fantasm that christians are persecuted in Iran. just your fantasm.

And no it is completely fake story that in june 28th the supreme court in Qom made such statement. There was never any source about it. if so give me the link please, i mean an official link since it is an official procedure.

About communauties there is one persecuted one: the baha'is
and it si very limited to practice zoroastrian religion ..

stop this bullshit about persecution
Actually I was against that execution. But this thread is not about that is it. It is about a Christian pastor who protested against his children being forced to be taught about Islam in school. His argument was that Iran’s constitution guarantees the freedom to practice religion. As a result the secret police called him before a tribunal. Where he was arrested for protesting. Later the charge changed to Apostasy. On Sept 21, 2010 he was put on trial and convicted of Apostasy. His sentence was death by hanging. On June 28th of this year the Supreme Court in Qom upheld his conviction for Apostasy. Now because of international pressure and the spotlight the case has brought to Iran’s systematic persecution of Christians. Iran has changed its story once again.

It is very dangerous to be a Christian in Iran today. Despite what Iran’s constitution says. It is not safe to openly practice any religion outside of Islam. Christians have even resorted in some cases to digging secret underground rooms so that they can worship God without fear of their neighbors hearing and turning them in. Yet despite the persecution the Christian church in Iran is growing by leaps and bounds.

I know how difficult it is to be non muslim and live in iran, my family had to leave the country because they threaten to kill us..zoroastrians lived in iran along time before islam was even created..but you go and make them understand that.

However there are many christians in iran who live well..
Exactly -- but why, of all the tools available, why terror? ---- Why this fearful and fear filled religiosity, that does not have confidence and is not worthy of ever being called, islamic?

Will you be surprised if it is argued that an individual's FAITH, like his or her SOUL, is the most precious thing there is and if force is used, it is because of the deepest of compassion??

Do not be surprised, this argument, the fear of the loss of FAITH, has a long old pedigree - shall we accept it or reject it - regardless of our choice, it remains so long as Faith as love of God is offered as CERTITUDE in fear of His wrath and it is not understood that poverty is more than material.

Its not just faith..
its "as is" prescribed faith, the "my way or the highway" routine.
Iran is a great and historic nation state, it's society has been responsible for the creation of the greatest of cultures, the most sublime of literature - and look how low it has fallen in the name of a religiosity that seeks and makes Enemies - a petty spirit - Indeed it seems the Iranian like almost all so called Muslim majority societies, now see it's mission as FORCING people inot the halls of heaven, at the pain of death -- La Iqra Fid Deen

Friday, September 30, 2011 8:49 AM EDT
Iranian Pastor Sentenced to Death: Attorney Hopeful of Acquittal

The attorney for an Iranian Christian pastor who is facing the death penalty for the crime of apostasy said he is optimistic his client will be acquitted and freed.

Youcef Naderkhani has refused to renounce his Christian faith in a case that has sparked global fury against Iran and appeals for clemency.

Please understand that there is heavy load of propaganda going on against Iran and just coming here re-posting those propaganda will only help those propagandists and will seriously dent your own personal reputation on this forum. Christianity a religion which was spread to Americas and Australia by sword should indeed be watched. There is currently a strong movement paid by colonialists to spread Christianity among Iranians and Chinese. Do more research about this subject. Almost every Chinese and Iranian website hosted outside those countries on western servers have advertisements coming up for Christianity and conversion to it. These advertisements need money and resources, where do you think those are coming from? Why there is no such advertisements for Saudis for example? If there was such a campaign going on in Pakistan, what would be the response of Pakistanis? Would Pakistanis see such a move to promote Christianity among Muslims in Pakistan, would you regard it as beneficial or detrimental to foundations of Pakistan?

These are the questions. The real ones. Stop hypocrisy. Christianity was a powerful tool when colonialists were invading and stealing from others. It is pacifying tool for aggressors. I have nothing against Christians and Christianity but the history shows that these Pastors were always side by side with colonial armies and used to preach to the indigenous populations craps like: if some one hits you on one cheek offer him the other. And the same pastors used to go and preach to colonial armies, this: Kill them, rape their babies, rape their women from behind and kill the men and steal their belongings, ... they are not going to resist you, the army of true Christians. This is the real history. Study it before posting propaganda against Iran.

That was a said post - All organized religions associated with empire building have much to be ashamed of - and there is indeed propaganda from ALL sides -- what saddens me is that you seem to overlooked Mr. Naderkhani, a real person - it's not that Mr. Naderkhani stands convicted, but rather the "crime" he stands convicted of, that is at issue - lets be mindful that sins are for God to judge, Crimes for men to judge and when we mix these things up, we put much at risk - tomorrow, it may be someone else who will be threatened with death or recantation - this medieval sense cannot have any place in civilization such as Iran

That was a said post - All organized religions associated with empire building have much to be ashamed of - and there is indeed propaganda from ALL sides -- what saddens me is that you seem to overlooked Mr. Naderkhani, a real person - it's not that Mr. Naderkhani stands convicted, but rather the "crime" he stands convicted of, that is at issue - lets be mindful that sins are for God to judge, Crimes for men to judge and when we mix these things up, we put much at risk - tomorrow, it may be someone else who will be threatened with death or recantation - this medieval sense cannot have any place in civilization such as Iran

This is not a midiveal sense my friend. Read the history. And you did not answer the questions. What if such a campaign is launched against Pakistan? What would be your response? Mr. Naderkhani, a real person, should also know the reality that the Christian west is in a cold war with Iran. He should also know that trying to milk political gains for west through Christianity in Iran is unacceptable for Iranian government. So when he does that, in effect, he is engaging in soft war on behalf of west against Iran. The implications should be very real to Mr. Naderkhani in this regard.
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