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shall the burqa be banned??

shall the burqa be banned by the governments ?

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Now we're talking the talk.We all support changes in the muslim world but we all know it won't happen soon so talk is cheap.On the other hand Europe should give everything.No,it shouldn't and banning the burqa is nowhere near some repulsive things that happen to religious minorities in muslim countries,even debating this is stupid.

Muslim world will change when the power goes from the hands of a few individuals to the the people. That is irrelevant no country makes laws in reference to the goings on of other countries, besides your Europeans governments love the leadership of most of the backward Muslim countries hence you never see any complaints. Yes debating this is stupid because no body has the right to tell others how to dress.
you tried it in a mosque (i presume air conditioned)how can you understand how it feels elsewhere? Its their choice to wear it with the thoughts of hell is hotter than earth and survive the test they put themselves in...still it all sums up to their choice!

Talon, I respect your opinion but I am very sad that you support such backward symbols that not only malign islam (innmy opinion) but rather make muslims stick out from our brethrens. These symbols will not help the european muslims integrate and it will keep you guys down in the long run aka east london # poverty#fail integration .
One bad act doesn't justify the second. I believe in complete freedom all over the world. If Arabs impose burqa, it doesn't justify the right of wearing burqa in Europe. Both should be equally condemned
And the imposation of Burqa in Arab countries causes the problem in Western Europe,
so the correct order of things is that the Arabs remove the imposation and other repressive laws vs women FIRST.
Once women are not forced to wear certain clothes, much of the problem disappears.

Also remember that if someone dresses in a way that makes him look different,
he is likely to be treated as if he is different.
How did you deduce such a thing? Did the emotions of her face betray her? You know, the face that you cannot even see?
The way she is walking gives out a lot.
Taking wide steps to avoid stepping on the cloth shows her discomfort.
And the imposation of Burqa in Arab countries causes the problem in Western Europe,
so the correct order of things is that the Arabs remove the imposation and other repressive laws vs women FIRST.
Once women are not forced to wear certain clothes, much of the problem disappears.
Arabs never preached democracy...so why not a democratic region show the meanings of the word first instead of hiding behind democracy and competing with Arabs?

The way she is walking gives out a lot.
Taking wide steps to avoid stepping on the cloth shows her discomfort.
Not really...in China women's feet were bound to make them take small steps and it was considered pretty , polite and all feminine to walk with small strides...Now if one chooses large steps her choice...

Though it is strange why 1 would take a wide step...My abaya makes me take smaller steps
Arabs never preached democracy...so why not a democratic region show the meanings of the word first instead of hiding behind democracy and competing with Arabs?

Because we gave all the democratic freedoms in the world allready and in change for this some don't even want to give back anything,not even renouncing a simple cloth straight out of the middle ages.For tolerance to exist everybody must give something,some of you are under the impression that Europe should give everything.That's a bad attitude in my book.
When punk culture seeped into the west, no one objected to ban it:


THAT is scary but accepted....

When people started wearing 3 suit as a "uniform" for office work no one complained its too hot for a coat:


When women were told to wear this at work:


Mind you it is also tough to walk in pencil skirt and heels ...no one bans it!

Heels can also cause back pains and other stuff no one says anything about that!

Yeah right!!
Just because burqa is worn by arabs doesnt mean it should be forced on muslim women around the world.
It doesnt make any sense.

I don't think its always forced....I've met some women who wear it by choice but frankly because I don't consider a 'burqa' to be a part of Islam - I'd want to have it banned in Pakistan though I dunno how the people would react so perhaps a more subtle social change would be the better bet - Educate the people.....Arab Culture is not synonymous with Islam so instead of mimicking things mindlessly (Taqlid) go for rational opinion formulation (Ijtihad) - If the purpose of the Burqa is to allow a lady to cover herself in public because shes comfortable doing that than I don't see why a chaddar, a shalwar kameez or even a suit-piece can't achieve the same ?

Besides I wonder if any Muslim can show me a single place where the Koran talks about the Burqa or the face-veils or any such things because I surely couldn't find them ?

Furthermore I don't know why Muslim Men are so easy to fixate on morality...morality & morality in case of the women when we are asked in no lesser terms to 'lower our gazes' ourselves & not gawk like most of us do ?

Plus it never ceases to amaze me how we forget that Koranic precept 'there is no compulsion in religion' & talk about imposing dress codes in the name of religion with such vociferous rhetoric that has less to do with Islam & more to do with our male chauvinism garbed in the cloth of Islam to emotionally blackmail others to obey !

However on the other hand I also believe that the Western World too is hypocritical in their approach - Anything...anything at all to do with Islam draws a hissy fit from them; they didn't behave the same way when the Amish or Orthodox Jews or even Nuns themselves were wearing pretty similar attire !

I dont live to eat instead I eat to live.:coffee:
I am a very happy vegetarian.

Say what ? :o:

The only true purpose of life is to eat good food ! :smokin:

I'd be a content man if I die of a heart-attack after eating 10 pounds worth of strawberry cheese cake ! :sarcastic:
Because we gave all the democratic freedoms in the world allready and in change for this some don't even want to give back anything,not even renouncing a simple cloth straight out of the middle ages.For tolerance to exist everybody must give something,some of you are under the impression that Europe should give everything.That's a bad attitude in my book.
If you are expecting something back then that def is not democracy coz no such small print is found!
Burqa is not off the middle ages this is:



Yet women want to wear something similar to balls and weddings:



something flowing ....just for her special day rest of the days in her life are not worth under the special umbrella :P
Because we gave all the democratic freedoms in the world allready and in change for this some don't even want to give back anything,not even renouncing a simple cloth straight out of the middle ages.For tolerance to exist everybody must give something,some of you are under the impression that Europe should give everything.That's a bad attitude in my book.

Mon ami flamer, do not lose your cool over such petty issues. Western ideals are something that make the core of our society regardless of religion, ethnicty, sect and gender. I think some here are confused with the meaning of tolerance, it is a security concern and hence in quebec, we have the face mask banned and soon the burqa too. I am sure romania will go a similar path due to security concern eh? However lets keep religion out of this discussion as some here love playing the card.
Does it really matter? when you claim to be living in modern and free country, such technicalities shouldn't matter. You wear burqa or pajama, you have the right to do so.

When living in a modern and "free" country technicalities Do matter. Making a ban/law based off of terminology that does not have a clear and precise definition leave it open to interpretation, and possible failure. That is why I can not vote yes or no, some are saying it covers everything, while others say different. I also need to know if it is strictly religious or historically tribal tradition. If it is strictly religious then the ban goes against religious freedom, if not then no one should claim it as infringing on religious freedom.

t is definitely possible but how many incidents has taken place in Europe. Most of these incidents where men hiding under veil of burqa were taken place in South Asian countries. It should be the concern of Pakistan / Afghanistan not Europe.

If incidents have occurred in other countries it is then possible to happen in Europe. No?
Mon ami flamer, do not lose your cool over such petty issues. Western ideals are something that make the core of our society regardless of religion, ethnicty, sect and gender. I think some here are confused with the meaning of tolerance, it is a security concern and hence in quebec, we have the face mask banned and soon the burqa too. I am sure romania will go a similar path due to security concern eh? However lets keep religion out of this discussion as some here love playing the card.

As i've said to our fellow pdf-ians on this thread ,i've yet to see a burqa in Romania altough we have plenty of muslim africans,pakistanis,arabs coming to our universities.The women wear headscarves and it's ok,our women wear headscarves to,but i when i saw a burqa in Paris it literally shocked and unsettled me.
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