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Shall I come in front of ghq and burn my self with fire and commit suicide ?

Jul 30, 2014
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United States
Is it come to this that I shall come in front of GHQ and burn my self with fire?
I haven't slept in 2 fucking days it's not my ego but you tell me how should I feel if i see my family on the other side of Kashmir and I cant get word from them. They love Pakistan and lifted the banner of Pakistan
Or should I go burn myself in front of shuakat lines in front of special place?
These rapist will be rapping my family and killing my family and the boys in uniform just look at my family being rapped by drunk Indian soldiers?
I Ask you as a Muslim is it ok with you Pakistani to leave them at the mercy of these drunk soldiers?
If Pakistan won't act then it's my Curse to Pakistan to be humiliated and I pray to God of Pakistan army won't act then my prayers is such
O lord Almighty grant Kashmiris the victory and before you grant us this victory get these corrupt Pakistani out of here.
And to Pakistan Armey
If you won't help then my prayer is that please grant us victory without Pakistani Army and shame everyone who was not sincere with us
You are creator oh Almighty Grant us Kashmiri Muslim such strength that we can take vengeance on those who are in India and especially those who backstabbed us.
I Swear To Almighty who holds my breath if Pakistan won't act then oh lord make these selfish humiliate.
OH Almighty make these selfish Pakistani and Indian at our feet for you Almighty Allah holds more power over everyone.
If Pakistan Army Abandone us let them be humiliated
if Pakistan abandon us then treat them worse.
Oh almighty in the name of prophet and in the name of Muhammad(peace be upon him) ask you of these Pakistani cant do anything then almighty so be it. Curse them who couldn't act in time and let us none but civilians be wasted in cause of your matters and you question them why.
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Is it come to this that I shall come in front of GHQ and burn my self with fire?
I haven't slept in 2 fucking days it's not my ego but you tell me how should I feel if i see my family on the other side of Kashmir and I cant get word from them. They love Pakistan and lifted the banner of Pakistan
Or should I go burn myself in front of shuakat lines in front of special place?
These rapist will be rapping my family and killing my family and the boys in uniform just look at my family being rapped by drunk Indian soldiers?
I Ask you as a Muslim is it ok with you Pakistani to leave them at the mercy of these drunk soldiers?
If Pakistan won't act then it's my Curse to Pakistan to be humiliated and I pray to God of Pakistan army won't act then my prayers is such
O lord Almighty grant Kashmiris the victory and before you grant us this victory get these corrupt Pakistani out of here.
And to Pakistan Armey
If you won't help then my prayer is that please grant us victory without Pakistani Army and shame everyone who was not sincere with us
You are creator oh Almighty Grant us Kashmiri Muslim such strength that we can take vengeance on those who are in India and especially those who backstabbed us.
I Swear To Almighty who holds my breath if Pakistan won't act then oh lord make these selfish humiliate.
OH Almighty make these selfish Pakistani and Indian at our feet for you Almighty Allah holds more power over everyone.
If Pakistan Army Abandone us let them be humiliated
if Pakistan abandon us then treat them worse.
Oh almighty in the name of prophet in the name of Mihammad I ask you of these Pakistani cant do anything then almighty so be it. Curse them who couldn't act kn time and let us none but civilians be wasted in cause fo your matters.

Bring ur family to Pakistan. Many people will dye in coming days. Best way is to leave india. Even if not Pakistan, just leave india for some other place.

India is not a place for Muslims anymore
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Hello, I am a new poster very interested in the Kashmir oppression recently. One thing I can’t understand - why aren’t Kashmiri diaspora protesting right now in major capitals in front of the Indian embassy?

Where are the NGO organisations representing the Kashmiri expats speaking on the media? Even the fake paid off Baloch ‘rights’ people have a better organised operation than this. The Kashmiri diaspora should have organised themselves in all these years.
Is it come to this that I shall come in front of GHQ and burn my self with fire?
I haven't slept in 2 fucking days it's not my ego but you tell me how should I feel if i see my family on the other side of Kashmir and I cant get word from them. They love Pakistan and lifted the banner of Pakistan
Or should I go burn myself in front of shuakat lines in front of special place?
These rapist will be rapping my family and killing my family and the boys in uniform just look at my family being rapped by drunk Indian soldiers?
I Ask you as a Muslim is it ok with you Pakistani to leave them at the mercy of these drunk soldiers?
If Pakistan won't act then it's my Curse to Pakistan to be humiliated and I pray to God of Pakistan army won't act then my prayers is such
O lord Almighty grant Kashmiris the victory and before you grant us this victory get these corrupt Pakistani out of here.
And to Pakistan Armey
If you won't help then my prayer is that please grant us victory without Pakistani Army and shame everyone who was not sincere with us
You are creator oh Almighty Grant us Kashmiri Muslim such strength that we can take vengeance on those who are in India and especially those who backstabbed us.
I Swear To Almighty who holds my breath if Pakistan won't act then oh lord make these selfish humiliate.
OH Almighty make these selfish Pakistani and Indian at our feet for you Almighty Allah holds more power over everyone.
If Pakistan Army Abandone us let them be humiliated
if Pakistan abandon us then treat them worse.
Oh almighty in the name of prophet and in the name of Muhammad(peace be upon you ph prohphet) ask you of these Pakistani cant do anything then almighty so be it. Curse them who couldn't act kn time and let us none but civilians be wasted in cause fo your matters.
Heart breaking brother. Every Pakistani stand with you. And we won't let go Kashmir and let it fall fall in the hands of extremist Hindus. We fight Kashmir cause on all fronts.
Hello, I am a new poster very interested in the Kashmir oppression recently. One thing I can’t understand - why aren’t Kashmiri diaspora protesting right now in major capitals in front of the Indian embassy?

Where are the NGO organisations representing the Kashmiri expats speaking on the media? Even the fake paid off Baloch ‘rights’ people have a better organised operation than this. The Kashmiri diaspora should have organised themselves in all these years.
Because Valley Kashmiris are more tame/timid than Azad/Gilgits.

There will b a genocide in kashmir. .

Our establishment is just happy that Americans allowed them inside US and shook hands for 15 minutes...
So they closed there eyes . And now kashmiris will pay for their slave mentality.. .
Because Valley Kashmiris are more tame/timid than Azad/Gilgits.

I see, but surely they could have organised themselves in the West all these years. They should have recognisable media personalities going on the major media stations, protesting outside Indian embassies within a moments notice, protesting Indian state visits etc

This should have been done by the Kashmiri diaspora for years.

There will b a genocide in kashmir. .

Our establishment is just happy that Americans allowed them inside US and shook hands for 15 minutes...
So they closed there eyes . And now kashmiris will pay for their slave mentality.. .
What nonsense, instead of giving him hope, you are making it worse and farting without thinking that it can destroy someone's life but what can we expected from ??
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I see, but surely they could have organised themselves in the West all these years. They should have recognisable media personalities going on the major media stations, protesting outside Indian embassies within a moments notice, protesting Indian state visits etc

This should have been done by the Kashmiri diaspora for years.
Protesting, in my opinion, is useless and changes nothing on the ground.
The only thing that will change anything in IOK will be to kill as many Indian soldiers as possible using Guerilla warfare, forcing them to withdraw just like the Soviet Union.
Is it come to this that I shall come in front of GHQ and burn my self with fire?
I haven't slept in 2 fucking days it's not my ego but you tell me how should I feel if i see my family on the other side of Kashmir and I cant get word from them. They love Pakistan and lifted the banner of Pakistan
Or should I go burn myself in front of shuakat lines in front of special place?
These rapist will be rapping my family and killing my family and the boys in uniform just look at my family being rapped by drunk Indian soldiers?
I Ask you as a Muslim is it ok with you Pakistani to leave them at the mercy of these drunk soldiers?
If Pakistan won't act then it's my Curse to Pakistan to be humiliated and I pray to God of Pakistan army won't act then my prayers is such
O lord Almighty grant Kashmiris the victory and before you grant us this victory get these corrupt Pakistani out of here.
And to Pakistan Armey
If you won't help then my prayer is that please grant us victory without Pakistani Army and shame everyone who was not sincere with us
You are creator oh Almighty Grant us Kashmiri Muslim such strength that we can take vengeance on those who are in India and especially those who backstabbed us.
I Swear To Almighty who holds my breath if Pakistan won't act then oh lord make these selfish humiliate.
OH Almighty make these selfish Pakistani and Indian at our feet for you Almighty Allah holds more power over everyone.
If Pakistan Army Abandone us let them be humiliated
if Pakistan abandon us then treat them worse.
Oh almighty in the name of prophet and in the name of Muhammad(peace be upon him) ask you of these Pakistani cant do anything then almighty so be it. Curse them who couldn't act in time and let us none but civilians be wasted in cause of your matters and you question them why.

Dude, will they not get raped and killed even if there was a war initiated by Pakistan? What do you expect from the indian rapists. The best thing you can do is to pull your people out of anything that says india on it.
Time for wars is ahead, and there is no avoiding the wars no matter how peaceful anyone wants to remain.

At the same time the Kashmiris need to understand Pakistan cannot go and just fight their wars for them. They need to stand up like Taliban and expect Pakistan to stand with them. If Taliban can beat a world power after world power, what's stopping Kashmiris to resist india? Pakistan already launched direct and hybrid wars hoping Kashmiris will join, but Kashmirirs always ended up disappointing.

And calm down. People are hopeless when they have zero tawakal on Allah. Where is yours?
We are in no position to fight a war.we adopted defensive policies.first India kill all Muslims in Jammu than it will attack Pakistani Kashmir and kill all.we have to accept the reality! Our army is small in numbers and all politicians are corrupt,foreign policy is total failure.no money to fight a war,not even Saudis paying any attention because it was us who decided to become neutral on Yemen crisis.basically we are paying for what we have done.we don't care about saudia.why they care about us? For us,Iran is important lol.
May Allah help your family bro . Wish we could do something other than prayers . It's up to GoP and GHQ
Is it come to this that I shall come in front of GHQ and burn my self with fire?
I haven't slept in 2 fucking days it's not my ego but you tell me how should I feel if i see my family on the other side of Kashmir and I cant get word from them. They love Pakistan and lifted the banner of Pakistan
Or should I go burn myself in front of shuakat lines in front of special place?
These rapist will be rapping my family and killing my family and the boys in uniform just look at my family being rapped by drunk Indian soldiers?
I Ask you as a Muslim is it ok with you Pakistani to leave them at the mercy of these drunk soldiers?
If Pakistan won't act then it's my Curse to Pakistan to be humiliated and I pray to God of Pakistan army won't act then my prayers is such
O lord Almighty grant Kashmiris the victory and before you grant us this victory get these corrupt Pakistani out of here.
And to Pakistan Armey
If you won't help then my prayer is that please grant us victory without Pakistani Army and shame everyone who was not sincere with us
You are creator oh Almighty Grant us Kashmiri Muslim such strength that we can take vengeance on those who are in India and especially those who backstabbed us.
I Swear To Almighty who holds my breath if Pakistan won't act then oh lord make these selfish humiliate.
OH Almighty make these selfish Pakistani and Indian at our feet for you Almighty Allah holds more power over everyone.
If Pakistan Army Abandone us let them be humiliated
if Pakistan abandon us then treat them worse.
Oh almighty in the name of prophet and in the name of Muhammad(peace be upon him) ask you of these Pakistani cant do anything then almighty so be it. Curse them who couldn't act in time and let us none but civilians be wasted in cause of your matters and you question them why.
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