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Shahed-136 - Tracking usage & expanding understanding.

Dude, if Ukraine has a radar pointing at the drone and a missile system in range, that drone is dead.
If it was this simple, why wouldnt Ukranians have done it already? stop oversimplifying complex things like radars and military equipment..during wartime.
Only Iranian shills somehow regard that drone as stealth, literally no one in the world says that
focusing on its stealth is your way of distracting from its effectiveness....do you have a comeback for this? i hear crickets...
There's a shit ton of videos of those drones being blown up
lmao..where they at? give us numbers and stats, not just your opinion from the video games you play.
If it was this simple, why wouldnt Ukranians have done it already? stop oversimplifying complex things like radars and military equipment..during wartime.
They did it lol, majority of those drones are shot down. Ukraine doesn't have enough radar and air defense coverage to intercept them all, but when those drones are in range, they're easily shot down.

lmao..where they at? give us numbers and stats, not just your opinion from the video games you play.
Look at Ukraine's official statements lol
They did it lol, majority of those drones are shot down.
no evidence.
Ukraine doesn't have enough radar and air defense coverage to intercept them all, but when those drones are in range, they're easily shot down.
yea yea...end of the day, Ukraine doesnt shoot most down, period.
Look at Ukraine's official statements lol
no wonder you believe the wrong facts...your source is 100% propaganda.
They did it lol, majority of those drones are shot down. Ukraine doesn't have enough radar and air defense coverage to intercept them all, but when those drones are in range, they're easily shot down.
claim not evidence , each day they claim 30-40 shot down for last 2 month and they fail to show any evidence only debris of 1-2 with blurred serial number.
what they want to protect with blurring that number ? their Lies

Look at Ukraine's official statements lol
lies is cheap and Ukraine official statements are lies as they are backed by no evidence.
How many does it shoot down then? You tell me.
the exact amount they proved video of shoot down or dared to show without blurred serial number
claim not evidence , each day they claim 30-40 shot down for last 2 month and they fail to show any evidence only debris of 1-2 with blurred serial number.
what they want to protect with blurring that number ? their Lies

lies is cheap and Ukraine official statements are lies as they are backed by no evidence.

the exact amount they proved video of shoot down or dared to show without blurred serial number
The only thing that can be said about interception rates is that it can be high depending on the target objective.

Since electrical grid is a clear target based on precedence, many of these important sites have layered defenses and overall are well defended. If it comes to attacking such sites I can see high rates of interception simply due to the sheer volume and diversity of AA systems protecting the site. In other cases, lightly defended sites are very vulnerable and practically guaranteed to be destroyed.

Since more than 80% of Ukraine electrical grid is destroyed due to a combination of Shahids and Missiles, it has clearly been an successful endeavor, the remaining grid is not attacked yet, likely for political reasons. Russia has more than enough Shahids and missiles to attack them, but they have refrain from destroying 100% of the grid.

In October Russia launched a small number of Shahid which still managed in broad daylight, to fly over Kiev city, and no where at the time did they claim an absurd number of 80 interceptions like they have recently.

Constant, daily attacks with Shahids have destroyed most of the grid in all but Kiev region. This is indisputable and these exaggerated interception rates have no basis in fact when it comes to the situation on the ground. Shahids will be continuously used to deliver follow/repeated attacks to destroy repaired work.

TG channel from today

On November 4, our source reported that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation partially changed the strategy for the use of Geran-2 kamikaze UAVs (Shahid), began to use them more often to destroy objects near the front line (at a distance no deeper than 100-200 km).
This information is confirmed more and more often, especially when there is information about UAVs in the border areas and there are sirens, but they do not fly into the depths of the country, and there is even no information about where and what they blew up.

I think we have made a lot of strides in creating capabilities that are effective against the Shaheds,” Mr. Crino said. “Our ability to get those systems to Ukraine and get them integrated into their defensive structure has been somewhat more limited.”

As the Russian invasion nears its first anniversary, private companies say they are factoring the Iranian drones into their planning.

Bill Haraka, vice president of defense and security with the Dutch Robin Radar Systems, said his firm was optimizing its sensors to best identify larger drones including the Shahed-136. “The requests we’re getting from different organizations in Europe is actually to battle that particular threat,” Haraka said.

Fortem Technologies, a Utah-based airspace security company, said it was modifying its DroneHunter system, which captures drones in nets, to work against Iranian drones. “We have certainly been made aware of the characteristics of the Shahed-136, and we have made improvements that can capture that type of drone,” CEO Jon Gruen said.

He added that the Shahed-136 “is currently the biggest threat of an unmanned air system type in the Ukrainian conflict.”


It's tough to be a Shahed hater today :-)

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