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Shahed-136 - Tracking usage & expanding understanding.

Shaheed drone can also be updated to be used as a long range survaillance drone along the frontlines instead of kamikaze option as well in my opinion. Since it flies low the infrared camera would not need to be so advanced and can be a short range camera. It can be recovered with a parachute after it returns. It can transmit target data back real time like enemy artillery positions-groupings etc. for further attacks with rockets&counter artillery. In absence of high number of spy satellites a number of these can be used to obtain especially frontline data.
I understand a little more about why Iran uses a SDR board to get GNSS (GPS/Glonass) signal, when there is hardware dedicated a lot more cheaper (600$ vs 6$).

It's about hardware limitations of civilian GNSS. e.g: selfblock when altitude is very high or when speed is very high. Those are limitations based in hardware sold, and it's not a limitation of GPS/Glonass signal, that can be override with SDR boards like the Shahed uses.

Restrictions on civilian use
The U.S. government controls the export of some civilian receivers. All GPS receivers capable of functioning above 60,000 ft (18 km) above sea level and 1,000 kn (500 m/s; 2,000 km/h; 1,000 mph), or designed or modified for use with unmanned missiles and aircraft, are classified as munitions (weapons)—which means they require State Department export licenses.[121] This rule applies even to otherwise purely civilian units that only receive the L1 frequency and the C/A (Coarse/Acquisition) code.

Disabling operation above these limits exempts the receiver from classification as a munition. Vendor interpretations differ. The rule refers to operation at both the target altitude and speed, but some receivers stop operating even when stationary. This has caused problems with some amateur radio balloon launches that regularly reach 30 km (100,000 feet).

These limits only apply to units or components exported from the United States. A growing trade in various components exists, including GPS units from other countries. These are expressly sold as ITAR-free.

You can see how the warhead has been improved

This was the original design,it has one large shaped charge/efp,with the rest of the warhead being covered with fragmentation elements.

And heres the new warhead

This looks to be a far more effective warhead,especially against larger structures,and considering its origins,it would likely also be very effective in the anti-ship role as well.
You can see how the warhead has been improved

This was the original design,it has one large shaped charge/efp,with the rest of the warhead being covered with fragmentation elements.

And heres the new warhead

This looks to be a far more effective warhead,especially against larger structures,and considering its origins,it would likely also be very effective in the anti-ship role as well.
Explains why they lost 2 Mig-29's to it.

Those EFPs travel at insane speeds + frag warhead. Fools did not realize downing this thing even within 50 meters is quite lethal to sensitive aircraft.

Huge attack yesterday night, followed by a missile attack this morning.

I see a guardian article circulating about the transfer of UCAVs. An article clearly worded with quite a bit of resentment. Sad!

Since it is a guardian article, it is likely only good for the paper bags used for picking up dog poop considering how inaccurate and incorrect they have been vis a vie Iran, but I guess I'll keep it in the back of my mind
Poor Ukrainians :enjoy: :enjoy:
Ukraine buys six Shahed Hunters to protect energy facilities
6 Systems, not 6 drones, you illiterate idiot

Shaheed drone can also be updated to be used as a long range survaillance drone along the frontlines instead of kamikaze option as well in my opinion. Since it flies low the infrared camera would not need to be so advanced and can be a short range camera. It can be recovered with a parachute after it returns. It can transmit target data back real time like enemy artillery positions-groupings etc. for further attacks with rockets&counter artillery. In absence of high number of spy satellites a number of these can be used to obtain especially frontline data.
They can't, it's a one way drone. Needs extensive change for that kind of capability, making it much more expensive.

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